Beware of Illusory Pleasure

Maya keeps us very tightly in her grip by enticing and entangling us with the illusory pleasures of this material existence. They are called illusory because like a mirage in the desert they offer no real pleasure. Instead of giving us real pleasure, they only give us the illusion of pleasure. In other words, even though we are hankering to be refreshed and revived by cooling waters, all we end up with is hot, dry sand.

This being the case it should be easy for us to give up illusory happiness and go for the real happiness. But the difficulty is that our senses have become so addicted to these illusory pleasures that it becomes practically unthinkable for us to give them up. Therefore we must take help from the higher authorities, such as the Vedic wisdom and the spiritual master, and with fixed intelligence cut through the hard knot of sensory attraction to engage our senses directly in the service of Krishna, who is known as Hrishikesha, the master of the senses. This will liberate us from the clutches of illusory pleasure and enable us to fully taste the sweetest happiness of our eternal relationship with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Don't Be Fooled by the Mirage in the Desert

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Significance of Peacock Feather?

What is the significance of the peacock feather that Krishna always wears?

Your Servant,


Answer: Krishna's Enjoyment

Krishna wears a peacock feather because He's very fond of the peacock feather. It is not that Krishna wears a peacock feather to signify something. No, He simply wears it for His enjoyment. After all since He is God He free to enjoy in any way that He sees fit. So who can check Him? In fact, it is because Krishna likes the peacock feather so much that He always wears a peacock feather.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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