Stop Killing Cows

Even though the solution for all the world's problems is very simple, the world leaders are completely bewildered and unaware of the solution. Therefore we hope that they will all read this.

All we have to do to solve the world's problems is to stop killing the cows. If we do so, all the problems on this planet will be practically eliminated. The modern day so-called leaders do not realize how sinful it is to kill the cow. The cow is our mother because after our first mother stops giving us her breast milk we take advantage of the breast milk of our second mother, the cow. We would not dream of killing our first mother after she stops giving us her breast milk. So how we can think of killing our second mother when she stops giving us her breast milk? It is unthinkably heinous. And because throughout the world we are regularly slaughtering millions and millions of innocent cows, we are suffering karmic reactions of ever-increasing proportions. These karmic reactions are manifesting in so many forms such as: terrorism, global warming, energy crisis, crime, disease, famine, water shortage, premature death, etc, etc. Therefore we calling on all human beings on this planet to immediately stop killing cows. Please heed our plead. You will be amazed by how quickly the earth will be transformed into a paradise.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

How Can We Be So Cruel as to Kill Mother Cow?How Can We Be So Cruel as to Kill Mother Cow?

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: How to Conquer Lust?

I know that this question has been asked many times before and also in your Question and Answer section of your Thought for the Day on Sunday 8th June 2008. Your reply was "Lust is automatically subdued by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness. When you become fully satisfied by loving Krishna, deriving unlimited happiness in that sweet relationship, you will no longer be attracted by the flickering inferior so called love of this material world."

The problem I experience with this is that I have not yet attained love for Krishna as I am still very much contaminated with material matters. Attaining love for Krishna is very rare and certainly does not happen overnight for us neophyte devotees unless Krishna bestows His special mercy upon such a devotee. During our day to day activities we come across many opportunities where lust arises, how do we subdue that as we are not yet fully absorbed in Krishna Consciousness? This lust is so strong that its hard to remember Krishna at times. I am fortunate that I have yet not fallen to such lust but it is so strong that I fear that it will cause a lot of obstacles in my spiritual life.

Thank you very much. Hare Krishna



Answer: When Lust Attacks...

When lust attacks you have to pray to Krishna to save you. And if you are still feeling lusty, you have to pray harder. And if you are still feeling lusty, you have to pray harder. And if you are even still feeling lusty, you must pray even harder for Krishna's protection. In this way you will be saved from the arrows of Cupid. Krishna is known as Madan Mohan, the attractor of Cupid. If you intensely take shelter of Krishna, He will divert Cupid away from you.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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