You've Discovered the Absolute Truth

The key to happiness is to seriously adopt the path of Krishna of bhakti without allowing yourself to waver under any circumstances. There are many tests for one who is seriously trying to escape the cycle of birth and death. One must patiently and conscientiously face them in a mood of complete dependency upon the Supreme Lord Krishna. The more we feel ourselves helpless and dependent upon that unlimitedly sweet all-attractive person, the more we become strong. Be enthusiastic. You've got every reason to be. You've discovered the Absolute Truth. Now you just have to fully realize it.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Karma and Destiny

What is the difference between destiny and karma? Can Lord Krishna change the destiny of human beings? Humans can change their karma, but what about destiny?

Your humble servant in the service of Lord Krishna.

Answer: Surrender to Krishna

Our destiny is determined by our karma. But we can alter our destiny by surrendering unto Lord Krishna. How is this so? He says in the Bhagavad-gita that if we surrender to Him that He will free us from our karma. This means that as soon as we surrender to Krishna, immediately our destiny is changed.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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