Pure Love is the Real Happiness

The real and natural position of complete happiness is pure love. That pure love means pure absorption in the loving service of the Supreme Person. When we exclusively channel all of our love to that Supreme Person, it is automatically and perfectly distributed to all living entities throughout the vast span of the total existence.

The difficulty we have, which keeps us bound up in the cycle of repeated birth and death, is that we pursue loving relationships which are tainted with selfishness. We enter into what we call loving relationships for the sake of getting something for ourselves. Such greedy consciousness leaves us tinged with a miserable feeling of dirtiness. Even though widely touted in this world as love, such a mentality is nothing more than covered lust.

Through the bona fide bhakti yoga system one can gradually purify one's consciousness transforming it from a self-centered consciousness to a God-centered consciousness. The perfection of such consciousness is to reach a point where every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances is 100% dedicated to pleasing the Lord, even if the devotee must suffer so many personal difficulties to serve his Lord.

This enlightened consciousness of pure love enriches us with a happiness that is thrilling beyond all description. It lies within the reach of everyone. But if we want it, we have to dedicatedly work for it. We must sincerely make the endeavor under the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master. By his blessings we will then achieve the supreme perfection of existence, pure Krishna prema.

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: Why Doesn't Krishna Appear?...

There is a lot of discussion about when Krishna's incarnation of Kalki Avatar will make His appearance on earth. We see now that after Lord Krishna made his appearance and then departed 5,000 years ago that mankind has gone from bad to worse with no apparent limit to how much injustice and immorality can become manifested around us. Why doesn't Krishna make an appearance now to put an end to all this? I know that it has already been stated in the Vedas that the age of Kali yuga is going to last for another 427,000 years and this is bound to happen. But isn't all this going beyond tolerance? Isn't there a need for God to intervene to make man realize his purpose for being here and how misguided he is?

Please do let me know.

Mumbai, India

Answer: He Has Appeared...

You are absolutely correct in understanding the dire need for the Lord to appear. He has mercifully done so at the present time by manifesting Himself in the form of the Hare Krishna Movement. Kindly take advantage of this by fully dedicating your life to this movement.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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