Tune In and Turn On Your Soul

Do you know who really are?
Do you know where you're coming from?
Do you know where it is that you're going
Or what you will become?

You're eternal, full of knowledge, and bliss.
So remember and celebrate this.
You're not of this world, dear friend.
Better tune in and turn on your soul.

Do you know what happens when you die?
Do you know what's beyond the sky?
Do you think that body is you?
It's just something that you're passing through.

We're told that everything happens by chance
That the universe has no person in control.
But I see that every machine has an operator,
So the universe also has one. This is I know.

Do you know who really are?
Do you know where you're coming from?
Do you know where it is that you're going
Or what you will become?

You're eternal, full of knowledge, and bliss.
So remember and celebrate this.
You're not of this world, dear friend.
Better tune in and turn on your soul.

If you'd like to hear this poem turned into a song click here now.

Chanting Hare Krishna with love is the switch that will turn on your soul and will immediately brighten everything, everywhere. One who does not know this method is missing the point of life.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Do You Know Who You Really Are?

Know Who You Really Are

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom

Question: How Pleased Are You?

nama oṁ viṣṇu-pādāya kṛṣṇa-preṣṭhāya bhū-tale
śrīmate saṅkarṣaṇa-dāsādhikārinn iti nāmine
namo prabhupādānuga prema-mūrti kṛpātmane

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Hare Krishna!!!
Please accept my humble obeisances. My humble obeisances to Gurumata .

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Gurudev, I have just attended your session on Srila Prabhupada Smaranotsav (3rd July). It was a wonderful session; I really enjoyed your association with Srila Prabhupada and one word answers.

I would like to know how pleased you are with my devotional service? I attend your classes, Gurumata's classes, I do service here in Auckland temple, read Bhagavatam daily (attending Pune classes), learning Sanskrit, following your instructions (I eat breakfast only after 16 rounds of Japa). I thought I would email my progress and inform you.

Your servant
Revati Devi Dasi

Answer: Please, If You ...

From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA

My Dear Revati,

Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

If in addition to the wonderful things you are already doing if you are strictly avoiding illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication, gambling then I am very pleased with your devotional service.

I hope this meets you in the best of health.

Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

The Most Urgent World Deliverance Mission

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
ISKCON Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ordered his disciples to become gurus and deliver the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari has taken this order very seriously and is thus accepting disciples all over the world and has dedicated himself fully to the mission of making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. He requests your help in this most urgent world deliverance mission to save the suffering humanity from gliding down to the animal kingdom in their next births.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari email: sd@worldleader.com


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