How to Enter the Realm of Unlimited Bliss

On 20 January 1972 from Jaipur, India Srila Prabhupada wrote to one of his disciples how to be delivered to the realm of unlimited bliss. Here's what Srila Prabhupada said:

"With great pleasure I have noted your unbounded enthusiasm to carry out this great mission of spreading the light of love of Godhead in this hellish material world. That is the only requirement for successfully completing the perfection of the living condition, that you should always be enthusiastic to perform services unto the Lotus Feet of the Lord despite all obstacles, and then you can be assured that all of the other qualities or necessities for pure devotional service will be met, such as patience, determination, etc. and then without doubt you shall be delivered to the realm of unlimited bliss, freed from all anxieties."

If we take these most profound instructions of Srila Prabhupada most seriously, our lives will be unlimitedly sublime!

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Srila Prabhupada Writing

Srila Prabhupada writing

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom

Question: Spiritual Consciousness?

What is spiritual consciousness, and how can one achieve it?

Answer: Awaken Your True Identity

Spiritual consciousness means to awaken to the realization that you are not your material body, that you are instead a servant of God, an eternal spiritual being who is full of knowledge and full of bliss. The way to awaken your spiritual consciousness is to regularly chant the holy names of God such as:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

The Most Urgent World Deliverance Mission

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
ISKCON Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ordered his disciples to become gurus and deliver the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari has taken this order very seriously and is thus accepting disciples all over the world and has dedicated himself fully to the mission of making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. He requests your help in this most urgent world deliverance mission to save the suffering humanity from gliding down to the animal kingdom in their next births.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari email:


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