
Showing posts from July, 2019

We Desperately Need Qualified Leaders

At the present time our global civilization is suffering like anything due to the absence of proper leadership. The present so-called leaders are nothing but glorified cheaters utilizing their positions of leadership for their own self aggrandizement. What the world needs now more than ever before is qualified leaders who can guide the people how to live in perfect harmony with the laws of God and the laws of nature. Until that time when such leaders emerge and are accepted by the general population the situation of this planet is going to continue becoming more and more horrible. Therefore we sincerely pray that a class of proper, highly qualified leaders will now become available in every town, village, city, hamlet, and home all over the world and that their enlightened guidance will now be accepted as the proper standard for human consciousness and human behavior for everyone all over the world. This is the mission of our Krishna consciousness movement. Rotten Leaders Have Turn...

The Perfection of Spirituality

Nowadays many people are into spirituality but they don't want to be a part of any particular religion. They want to perfect themselves spirituality without being caught up in some religious sect. The Krishna consciousness movement offers them exactly what they seek. We accept that one can become perfect by chanting any of God's names. If lives a pure life free of sinful activities and regularly chants the holy names of God, he will become in due course of time spiritually perfect. It does not matter whether he chants Krishna, Allah, Rama, Jehovah, or Christ. We teach that through chanting any name of God one can become spiritually perfect. Therefore, we can understand that rather than being a particular religion, Krishna consciousness is the perfection of spirituality. May the Whole World Now Chant the Holy Names of God Video for the Day An Insider's Secret Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Some Say ISKCON is Not Hindu? Bhagavad Gita and Lord...

Tune In, Turn On, and Bliss Out!

In this Krishna consciousness process, which is the highest perfection of the self-realization science, we teach you how to tune your mind into Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all existence; how to turn on your factual identity as His eternal servant; and how to thus totally transform your life into an ever-increasingly ecstatic celebration of transcendental bliss. This is more valuable than all of the wealth of this world multiplied by millions and billions of times. If you are ready for it now, we will give it to you. Srila Prabhupada Blesses His Disciples with Krishna Consciousness Video for the Day Do Not Cheat Yourself Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Which Book? Which book do you recommend to achieve enlightenment? Fernando Gomez Answer: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is My Dear Fernando, Please accept my blessings. This is the book that will empower you to become a spiritually enlightened being: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is by His Divin...

Bring Your Mind Under Control

Lord Sri Krishna very kindly enlightens us in Bhagavad-gita, Chapter Six, Text 26 as follows: yato yato niścalati manaś cañcalam asthiram tatas tato niyamyaitad ātmany eva vaśaṁ nayet "From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the self." This controlling of the mind means to fix the mind on Krishna. By doing so one becomes completely peaceful and happy. Srila Prabhupada elaborates as follows on this verse: "The nature of the mind is flickering and unsteady. But a self-realized yogi has to control the mind; the mind should not control him. One who controls the mind (and therefore the senses as well) is called goswami, or svami, and one who is controlled by the mind is called go-dasa, or the servant of the senses. A goswami knows the standard of sense happiness. In transcendental sense happiness, the senses are engaged in the service of Hrisikesha, or the supreme own...

Come and Be With Us in Vrindavan

You are invited to come and be us with in Sri Vrindavan Dhama, the holy land of Lord Sri Krishna, during the most sacred month of Kartik. We are arriving in Vrindavan on 15 October, 2019 and departing on 5 November 2019. There is a wonderful morning program every day at ISKCON's Krishna Balarama Temple which begins with a mangala arati at Srila Prabhupada's samadhi ( the tomb in which Srila Prabhupada was buried.) Plus during the day we will be visiting many holy places of Lord Sri Krishna's pastimes such as Govardhana Hill and the sacred River Yamuna. There will be a big celebration on Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance Day on 31 October. Plus a big festival will be organized to celebrate my appearance day, which according to the Vedic calendar will be this year on 23 October. An extra option is that I will at ISKCON Pune from 10-14 October giving series of lectures. It is a very inspiring atmosphere there with 300 brahmacaris and thousands of householders. Kri...

Don't Be a Foolish Idiot

Don't be an idiot who foolishly spoils his human form of life by running madly after material sense gratification. Your human life is meant, by God's arrangement, for self realization, not for the maddened pursuit of material pleasures. If your only desire is material pleasure, it is better than you go down to the animal kingdom where you can unrestrictedly engage in material sense gratification without having to suffer any karmic reactions for doing so. One songwriter hankering after sense gratification has sung, "Dogs run free, why not me?" If this is what he wants, he will get this facility in his next birth. However, those who are intelligent understand that all living beings in this material world must suffer the miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. Therefore these intelligent persons focus their minds on Krishna or God, doing everything for His pleasure, so that they will attain God instead of dog. Instead of getting a dog's body in their nex...

Embrace the World Deliverance Mission

Srila Prabhupada has instructed us, his followers, to make the entire world Krishna conscious, a herculean task indeed. How are we to be successful in making Vedic culture the predominant culture on this planet? There is only one to do so: one person at time. Therefore it is up to all the followers of the Krishna consciousness movement to focus now fully on doing everything they can to enlighten everyone they meet in the sublime science of Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Devotee Distributes Back to Godhead Magazine Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: I Need Help. Is There Any Hope For Me? I am completely out of control. I feel like there is no hope. I have struggled with depression, drug and alcohol addiction since I was 9. I manage to get a year or two of sobriety, and then something comes up to knock me off my feet. Every time I try to change, my life just becomes worse. I get in a routine of chanting and something comes up to knock me off the track. I...

How to Have Global Peace and Prosperity

In his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, First Canto, Chapter One, Text 4 Srila Prabhupada explains as follows: "In this age, the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord is the prescribed method for waking up. The ways and means are most scientifically presented by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and intelligent persons may take advantage of His teachings in order to bring about real peace and prosperity." So may all the world leaders who desire peace and prosperity for their followers now take advantage of the congregational chanting of the holy names of God to bring the desired change in the world. Srila Prabhupada's Spiritual Revolution Video for the Day For Global Peace and Prosperity Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Good Ways to Serve Krishna? Dear Gurudeva, What are good ways to serve Krishna ? Your humble servant, Deepali Mavani Answer: Chant Hare Krishna and Take Prasadam From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Deepali...

34,000 Subscribers

Now we have a crossed another threshold. Lord Sri Krishna has blessed us that we now have more than 34,000 subscribers. This is our happiness when we see that more and more people are becoming connected with the science of Krishna consciousness. Why do we feel this way? The reason is that all of the world's problems are simply due to a lack of Krishna consciousness, and thus the more the world becomes Krishna conscious, the more that everyone will become happy. We do not like to see the world's population going through so much suffering when instead they could be tasting the highest pleasure at every minute. May the Whole World Now Become Happy Video for the Day This is the Most Important Thing for You to Remember Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Qualification to Be Krishna Conscious? My obeisances to you, Srila Gurudeva. What is the basic qualification to become Krishna conscious? Vaisnavi Answer: Unflinching Faith in Guru and Scriptures From:...

Who is this Krishna?

Krishna is not a myth, nor is He an ordinary historical personality. He is the Supreme All-Attractive Personality of Godhead. He is the oldest of all while simultaneously maintaining the form of a 16 year old youth. He is all-attractive because he exceeds everyone in all of existence by possessing unlimitedly all the qualities that are attractive namely power, beautify, renunciation, knowledge, wealth, and fame. There is no one who equals or excels Him in the possession of these attractive qualities. This is why is accepted by all enlightened spiritualists as being God, the original source of all existence. The perfection of our existence is to re-establish our long forgotten loving relationships with Him. There Is No One More Amazing Than Krishna Video for the Day Don't Be a Hypocrite Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Was Krishna a Real Person? Was Krishna a real person who lived on Earth? Ray Galindo Answer: He Was and He Still Is My Dear Ray, Pleas...

The Flatterer and the Chastiser

It is sometimes said the flatterer is our worst enemy and our chastiser is our best friend. Why is it said like that? The reason is that we actually need a lot of correction in order to come to the proper standard of human consciousness, i.e. to awaken pure love of God within our hearts. So the next time you are corrected by the Lord's devotee instead of being disturbed be grateful that someone has given you some special mercy. "You Are Doing a Great Job!" Video for the Day From the Body-Mind-Spirit Expo Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Vipassana Meditation With Hare Krishna? Does anyone practice Vipassanā-meditation taught by Sri SN Goenka and parallelly y chant "Hare Krishna Mahamantra" of ISKCON at a different time? Randhir Prasad Answer: All Perfection Simply by Hare Krishna Hare Krishna chanting bestows the highest spiritual perfection. Therefore there is no need for the chanter to practice any other consciousness elevatio...

Is Krishna or Shiva the Supreme?

In India there is traditional controversy of who is the Supreme Lord: Lord Krishna or Lord Shiva. But for one who has scrutinizingly analyzed the Vedic scriptures in this connection there is no controversy.Regarding the relationship between Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva, Srila Prabhupada explains as follows in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, 4th Canto, Chapter 24, Text 30: "It is said, vaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥ: Lord Śiva is the best of all devotees. Therefore all devotees of Lord Kṛṣṇa are also devotees of Lord Śiva. In Vṛndāvana there is Lord Śiva's temple called Gopīśvara. The gopīs used to worship not only Lord Śiva but Kātyāyanī, or Durgā, as well, but their aim was to attain the favor of Lord Kṛṣṇa. A devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa does not disrespect Lord Śiva, but worships Lord Śiva as the most exalted devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Consequently whenever a devotee worships Lord Śiva, he prays to Lord Śiva to achieve the favor of Kṛṣṇa, and he does not request material profit. In Bha...

The Cure for Depression

Many people who become depressed commit suicide. In 2017 in the USA 19,510 people were murdered, but more than twice as many people committed suicide. In that year 47,173 people died by suicide. And this for only one country! The karmic results of suicide are disastrous. When one kills his gross body (commits suicide) his next birth is without a gross body. In other words, he becomes a ghost. Ghosts have gross desires but no gross body to satisfy them with. Therefore they haunt weak minded people trying to enjoy gross pleasures vicariously by using their bodies. This a very hellish situation indeed both for the ghost and for the person being haunted. Therefore this Krishna consciousness movement is offering a very valuable service to the world because we can educate those persons who are contemplating suicide how to get free from their depression by reviving their lost loving relationship with Krishna. College Student in Deep Depression Video for the Day Don't Be Misl...

Wake Up, Sleeping Souls!

Lord Caitanya is calling, "Wake up, sleeping souls! Wake up, sleeping souls! How long will you sleep in the lap of the witch called Maya?" He does not like to see us unnecessarily suffering in the cycle of birth, death, old age, and disease when instead we could be relishing eternal lives, full of knowledge, and full of bliss in the unlimitedly sublime spiritual world. We should heed His and call and fully capitalize on His mercy by as much as possible chanting, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare" every day. This will be the most sublime perfection of our existence. Lord Caitanya Is Calling for Everyone to Wake Up Video for the Day The Most Amazing Krishna Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Request: Explain Sex For Procreation, Not Recreation Please explain to me about your silly quote, "Sex is for procreation; it is not for recreation." Sacca Lisa Answer: We Are Abusin...

Sex for Procreation or Recreation?

In our modern day society sex is considered to be the topmost of all recreational sports. Almost everyone is running after sex pleasure. Songs, novels, and movies are based on sex. Fashions are based on sex. But we see practically that sex is also the cause of so many miseries such as frustration, unwanted pregnancies, abortions and murders. The reality, according the Vedic scriptures, is that sex is meant only for procreation. It is not meant for recreation. If this principle were to be followed, so many problems would automatically be solved. A higher caliber of children would be born. There would be no more murders of unborn children, no more love triangles, and no more jealously murders. The greatest benefit is that instead of people being absorbed in sex desire, they could absorb themselves in thoughts of God and thus become qualified to enter the spiritual world upon leaving their present material bodies. Those who keep sex in their brains will continue to take birth after bir...

It is Not this Religion or that Religion - Because Religion is One

Lord Jesus says that he is the only way and Lord Krishna says that we should abandon everything else and simply fully surrender unto Him. So which should we do? For those on material platform there will appear to be a conflict between the teachings of Krishna and the teachings of Jesus. However those who are solidly situated on the spiritual platform will see that there is no contradiction between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Krishna. They will understand that Jesus and Krishna are teaching exactly the same thing. Jesus says in John 14.6, "I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me." This means that the way taught by Jesus is indeed the only way. That way is total surrender to the will of God. Jesus prays, "Father, not my will, by Thy will be done." He is showing the perfect example of someone who is completely surrendered to God. Jesus is a person who is perfect in following this instruction of the Supre...

How the Soviet Hare Krishnas Were Freed

Today I am remembering the valiant effort of many devotees to rescue, in the mid 1980's, the Soviet Hare Krishna devotees from harassment and internment in Soviet prisons, labour camps and psychiatric institutions. The Committee to Free the Soviet Hare Krishnas , led by Kirtiraja Prabhu, coordinated an international campaign in the mid 1980s to bring attention to the KGB’s harassment and internment of Hare Krishna devotees in Soviet prisons, labour camps and psychiatric institutions. In Australian the campaign included protests in front of Soviet embassies in Sydney and Canberra in 1986, as well as a national bus drive throughout 1987 to collect a million signatures. Hearing of the Soviet devotee’s persecution a young 12 year devotee boy named Sri Prahlada Das wrote a letter to the President of the USSR Michael Gorbachev to express his dismay and request the devotees release. The letter attracted a lot of attention in Australia’s print and broadcast media. In addition to sendin...

May the Whole World Now Become Krishna Conscious

All over the world people are hankering for peace and prosperity. The difficulty is that due to bodily misidentification they are going about trying to achieve these boons in completely the wrong way. This is why we want to now educate the entire human population in the science of the soul. When everyone can understand that they are a spiritual being qualitatively one with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the source of all existence, and learn the art of how to live in perfect harmony with Him with their every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances universal, worldwide peace and prosperity with be the immediate worldwide result. Therefore we are now intensely praying that we can awaken the entire global human society to Krishna consciousness. Lord Sri Krishna, please bless us that we can successful in this mission of making the whole world Krishna conscious. Srila Prabhupada Teaches the Perfect Formula For Universal Peace and Happiness Video fo...

How to Defeat Maya

Maya, the material energy, is always trying to keep us tightly in her clutches. But if we will intensely call out to Lord Krishna like a child crying for its mother, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare," we will be able to defeat Maya just like a soldier defeats an enemy. She will no longer we able to keep us in her grip. Therefore every day we should chant Hare Krishna as much as possible. This sincere chanting will save us from Maya's deluding influence. A Soldier Defeats an Enemy Soldier Video for the Day Only by the Mercy of the Spiritual Master Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Control Anger? Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. My understanding from lectures is that we feel down from the spiritual world because we wanted to enjoy separately from dearest Krishna. My question is that if we go back to the spiritual...

Full Protection from Fall Down

Srila Prabhupada makes it very clear that we are in a very dangerous situation here in this material world. We can fall down from the path of spiritual enlightenment at any time. But he reminds us that if we are always praying for the Lord's protection and the blessings to successfully execute our duties, we will never be in danger of falling down. Here's how explains this in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Third Canto, Chapter Nine, Text 24: "Unless one is sufficiently protected by the Lord, he may fall down from his spiritual position; therefore one has to pray constantly to the Lord for protection and the blessing to carry out one's duty. Lord Caitanya also entrusted His missionary work to His devotees and assured them of His protection against the onslaught of material affection. The path of spiritual life is stated in the Vedas to be like the edge of a sharpened razor. A little inattentiveness may at once create havoc and bloodshed, but one who is a complete...