We Can Lead the World Out of Chaos
We have been blessed with the formula by which the entire world can live in a state of perfect peace and harmony. The only challenge now is how attract everyone to become educated in this science. If we can be blessed with the means of doing this, our global civilization will become completely peaceful and happy in every single town, city, village, and hamlet throughout the entire world. Our entire planet will enjoy the most amazing era of peace and happiness that the world has ever known. So we are intensely begging Lord Sri Krishna to please bless us that we can now make this entire planet and indeed
Public Dancing and Singing of God's Holy Names Will Bring a New Era of World Peace

Video for the Day
There's No Reason for All of this Madness
Answers According to Vedic Wisdom
Question: World Peace?
Do you think we will ever achieve world peace?
Do you think we will ever achieve world peace?
Answer: Here's How
Lord Sri Krishna gives the perfect peace formula in the Bhagavad-gita. If it is followed, we will surely have the most amazing unparalleled era of world peace that our planet has ever known. To help to popularize it I have a made a music video, which you can see below.
Hoping this meets you in good health and a cheerful mood,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Lord Sri Krishna gives the perfect peace formula in the Bhagavad-gita. If it is followed, we will surely have the most amazing unparalleled era of world peace that our planet has ever known. To help to popularize it I have a made a music video, which you can see below.
Hoping this meets you in good health and a cheerful mood,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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