Divine Ecstasy on Govardhana Parikrama

On Sunday 28 September 2014 we went with a group of devotees from various nations on Govardhana Parikrama, a truly delightful experience. Our first stop was the lake known as Kusum Sarovara, one of the many places where Krishna had pastimes with the gopis 5,000 years ago. Lord Caitanya also took His bath here five centuries ago. Our next stop was a spot along the parikrama path where Govardhan is just starting to manifest from within the earth. There I related, as given in the Garga Samhita, the amazing story of Govardhana's appearance in Sri Vrindavana Dhama. Further along the trail we came Manasi Ganga a wonderful lake where Krishna had many sublime pastimes including a hilariously funny boat pastime with the gopis. That pastime is as follows: Srimati Radharani and the gopis came to the bank of the large lake named Manasi Ganga and wanted to take a boat across. They were carrying their yogurt pots and other milk preparations. Krishna who was disguised as a boatman told them He w...