On a Marathon to Save the World

We are on a marathon the save the world because our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, ordered us to deliver the entire the world. Whether this is possible or impossible is not an issue for us because by the grace of God even that which is impossible can easily become possible. Our duty is simply to always remember, worship, and try to successfully execute this and the other orders which we have received from our spiritual master. This is our perfection. Whether the world is saved or not, at least we will be saved. And those who follow us will also be saved. They will be delivered back to the transcendental kingdom of God where they will live an eternal existence, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. Explaining the Perfection of Relationships KOOP Radio-Austin, Texas USA-27 February 2012 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why Count While Chanting? Maharaja, I've always been a traveling chanter and many questions are asked to me by my co-passengers. The one ask...