Finding Peace in Suffering Situations

Sometimes in Krishna's service we have to suffer from sickness, disease, or other types of maladies. This is not a surprise to the devotees because Krishna warns us of this in the Bhagavad-gita that these dualities of happiness and distress arise from sense perception and that we must tolerate them without being disturbed. Of course, this is not always an easy thing to do. But if we will take shelter of Krishna and beg for His mercy to remain absorbed in Krishna consciousness in spite of the disturbing situations, we will not lose our equilibrium, and we will discover a great sense of peace and happiness deep within ourselves in spite of the external turmoil.

Initiation Ceremony
Mendoza, Argentina-5 January 2012

Sankarshan Das Initiation Ceremony, Mendoza, Argentina

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version

Question: Fear for Well Being of Family

Dear Spiritual Master,

For the last few month, I am being suffered from a fear that if anything wrong happens with me or I die suddenly then what would happen to my wife, children. Is there any solution to overfcome this fear?

Pankaj M.

Answer: Write a Good Will and Surrender to Krishna

Write a good will and fully surrender to Krishna leaving everything ultimately up to Him. It is the Lord who is the ultimate maintainer of all living beings. Whether you are present or not present, it is the Lord who the maintainer of your wife and children. So while you are here do your duty to take care of them in the Lord's service. And when you are gone leave them in the care of the Lord.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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