Why Worship the Guru?
Since Krishna is the God of the demigods, who are the departmental heads within this universe, we worship only Krishna and do not worship the demigods. This is just like our paying of taxes to the central government without our having to separately pay tax to each governmental department. This is Krishna's instruction to us in the Bhagavad-gita that we should exclusively worship Him only and not worship the demigods or anyone else. Therefore on His order all of our devotion goes only the Krishna. In this connection sometimes people become confused when they see that we are worshipping the spiritual master. They find this to be a contradiction. But actually it is not a contradiction. Surrender to only Krishna means to follow the instructions of Krishna and not the instructions of anyone who instructs us differently than what Krishna instructs us. So when Krishna instructs us to become the devotees of the spiritual master by doing so we are doing nothing more than surrendering ours...