Hitting the Bhakti Trail Again

Wednesday 19 December 2007--After a few wonderful days of sharing the unlimited nectar of Krishna consciousness here in New Zealand, we are hitting the bhakti trail again this time back to Australia for a exciting lineup of lectures in Sydney, Govinda Valley, Melbourne, and Canberra. Simply by reconnecting with the original pure nature of the self we can access a reservoir of unlimited happiness. There is so much happiness contained in that reservoir that there is enough to overflow the hearts of every man, woman and child on the face of this planet and drown the entire human population in an ocean of ecstasy.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Solution for Global Warming

The world is complaining increasingly about global warming. This morning I was stunned to read an article on the subject - about the dangerous future our posterity will have. Do you see anything improving? Do you have any suggestions from the scriptures? It disturbs me. I think 'go seva" (serving the cow) and agriculture is a partial solution out of this difficult situation.

B H Sharma

Answer: Global Cooling

Because of the ever-increasing volume of sinful activities the natural balance of the earth's atmosphere is being more and more disrupted. No matter how much they may reduce or offset the carbon dioxide emissions, as long as the sin emissions continue to spiral out of control the world will be unavoidingly plunged into an ever-increasingly nightmarish situation. This is all going on under the stringent control of the law of karma.

If they want to restore balance to the earth's atmosphere, the first thing they must do is close the slaughterhouses and the abortion clinics. And then by the wide scale introduction of nama-sankirtan, congregational chanting of the holy names of
God, the fire of lust and greed burning in the hearts of the human society with become gradually cooled down and the entire planet will gradually be transformed into a paradise. At that time a new sustainable economic system based on the cow, the bull, and family farms will naturally emerge.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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