Flip the Switch to Turn On Unlimited Bliss
There is no doubt about it. Material existence is a hellish nightmare in which we are forced to suffer birth, death, old age, and disease. But these miseries can be escaped simply by remembering Krishna and remembering that I am His eternal servant and that my only duty from now on for all eternity is to render Him loving service with my every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances. Simply by adopting this consciousness, which is known as Krishna consciousness, we become immediately liberated from all miseries.
So now we have a choice. We can relish the unlimited bliss of Krishna consciousness at every minute. Or we can continue suffering in this hellish nightmare. What is your choice?
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Bhawna Bhatia
My Dear Bhawna,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Krishna' words are the proof:
sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo
mattaḥ smṛtir jñānam apohanaṁ ca
vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedānta-kṛd veda-vid eva cāham
"I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedānta, and I am the knower of the Vedas."--Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 15, Verse 15
So now you should have no doubts!
So now we have a choice. We can relish the unlimited bliss of Krishna consciousness at every minute. Or we can continue suffering in this hellish nightmare. What is your choice?
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Blessed with Bliss

Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom
Question: Proof of Krishna Always With Us?
What is the proof that Krishna has been with us forever?Bhawna Bhatia
Answer: His Words
From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USAMy Dear Bhawna,
Please accept my blessings.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Krishna' words are the proof:
sarvasya cāhaṁ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo
mattaḥ smṛtir jñānam apohanaṁ ca
vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedānta-kṛd veda-vid eva cāham
"I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedānta, and I am the knower of the Vedas."--Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 15, Verse 15
So now you should have no doubts!
I hope this meets you in the best of health.
Your ever well-wisher,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

ISKCON Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ordered his disciples to become gurus and deliver the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari has taken this order very seriously and is thus accepting disciples all over the world and has dedicated himself fully to the mission of making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. He requests your help in this most urgent world deliverance mission to save the suffering humanity from gliding down to the animal kingdom in their next births.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari email: sd@worldleader.com
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
The Most Urgent World Deliverance Mission

ISKCON Founder-Acharya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, ordered his disciples to become gurus and deliver the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari has taken this order very seriously and is thus accepting disciples all over the world and has dedicated himself fully to the mission of making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. He requests your help in this most urgent world deliverance mission to save the suffering humanity from gliding down to the animal kingdom in their next births.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari email: sd@worldleader.com
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