Don't Torture Yourself

Don't torture yourself by foolishly misidentifying yourself with your temporary material body, which is subject to birth, death, old age, and disease. It is not really you. Rather it is simply a vehicle that you are temporarily situated in. The real you is the eternal spirit-soul who is full of bliss and knowledge. Thank God that you are not that temporary body, which is full of ignorance and misery. If you misidentify yourself with your temporary material body, you are condemning yourself to a life of endless misery. So be intelligent by realizing who you are and always thinking, feeling, speaking, and acting in all circumstances as the spiritual being that you actually are, who is qualitatively one with God and is the eternal servant of God. Who Am I? Am I this Body? Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Evolve from Non-Soul Monkeys? How did we evolve from non-soul monkeys/apes to humans with a soul? Navaneet Pandurangan Answer: Monkeys Have Souls My Dear N...