Conquering Over Depression

Sometimes when cultivating Krishna consciousness the neophyte devotee becomes depressed or discouraged in his practice and loses all enthusiasm to continue. For a devotee in such a situation Srila Prabhupada very nicely writes in his purport to Narada Bhakti Sutra, Text 5 as follows: "When one becomes disappointed in his service to the Supreme Lord, that disappointment must be rejected and replaced with confidence in attaining the ultimate goal, love of Godhead. The devotee should patiently follow the rules and regulations of devotional service so that the day will come when he will achieve, all of a sudden, all the perfection of devotional service. He should not lament for any loss or any reverse in his advancement in spiritual life." Heeding these wonderful words of Srila Prabhupada the depressed neophyte devotee should kick out his depression and enthusiastically and confidently continue cultivating pure devotional service within his heart. Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture...