
Showing posts from March, 2017

Success in Delivering the World

We are out now again out traversing the globe trying our little bit for bringing about a global spiritual revolution. It is most difficult to do this because almost everyone is totally caught up in material sense gratification with hardly anyone being interested in how to attain a higher state of consciousness beyond the material body and the material mind. Therefore all we can do is to keep endeavoring with enthusiasm, determination, and patience while also praying to Krishna that He kindly gives us the proper intelligence how to execute this mission properly and successfully. World in Chaos Video For the Day World Deliverance Mission Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Key Instructions? Srila Gurudeva, I had this question in mind from quite sometime and please forgive me if I should not have asked this. What are your few instructions which your disciple should always be thoughtful of and always keep trying to work towards fulfilling them to the best of his/her...

We Now Have Over 23,000 Subscribers

Today we have crossed another threshold in our humble attempt to spread the message of Lord Caitanya all over the world. We now have more than 23,000 subscribers with more joining every day. The knowledge we are presenting here can make the entire world peaceful and happy. Therefore we praying for that day when millions and millions of people will join the Ultimate Self Realization Course. Radha and Krishna Want Everyone to Be Happy Video For the Day Be Compassionate Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What is Ego? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! What is ego? Sincerely, Joe Answer: Identity Ego means identity. Your real ego or identity is that you are an eternal spirit-soul, servant of Krishna. Your false ego is that you are your material body and that you are the lord of all your survey. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Finding Fault with Others

Most people are so much into finding fault with others that they can never discern the faults within themselves. And unless they can recognize and uproot the faults within themselves they will remain entangled in the cycle of birth and death. They will never be able to go back home, back to Godhead. Therefore those who are intelligent take shelter of the lotus of the bona fide spiritual master and the association of Vaisnavas and seriously endeavor to become free of all one's faults, such as lust, anger, greed, madness, illusion and envy. There's Nothing More Sublime than Devotee Association Video For the Day Save Yourself and Save the World Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Happy In Spite of So Many Problems? How to prevent loss of faith in Krishna consciousness due to material unhappiness? How can one practically be happy spiritually when there's so many material problems? How to associate with non-devotees when your interests are so diffe...

Ecstatically Connected With the Divine

When one is connected with the divine his every moment is the greatest adventure. The threefold miseries of material existence no longer exist for such a Krishna conscious person who is fully absorbed in his original loving relationship with Krishna in his every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances. There is truly nothing sweeter or more wonderful than this. Always Remember this Most Amazing of All Persons Video For the Day The Perfection of Existence Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Can't this World Be Like a Mother? I have been working very hard in day and night. I start my work at 3pm and work till 6 am. However I feel that my seniors and managers don't notice it and think it's normal. They say that you need to ask for what you want like a promotion. I feel it should have been the other way that they should be promoting me because of my hard work without even me having to say anything. Can't this world be lik...

How Krishna Fulfills Desires

In Srimad Bhagavatam 5.19.27 we read how Krishna fulfills and does not fulfill the material desires of His devotees: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead fulfills the material desires of a devotee who approaches Him with such motives, but He does not bestow benedictions upon the devotee that will cause him to demand more benedictions again. However, the Lord willingly gives the devotee shelter at His own lotus feet, even though such a person does not aspire for it, and that shelter satisfies all his desires. That is the Supreme Personality's special mercy." Thus the intelligent devotees only aspire for the shelter of the Lord's feet. Because of their one-pointed consciousness they easily get their desire fulfilled. Thus they enter into of uninterrupted, ever-increasing transcendental bliss. Merciful Krishna Video For the Day Read, Chant, and Preach Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Law of Attraction is Bona Fide? Srila Gurudeva thank you very...

Stay Focused on World Deliverance Mission

Srila Prabhupada gave us the instruction to deliver the whole world. Therefore it is our duty to try our level best to successfully carry out this instruction. In this connection Srila Prabhupada explains in a lecture given in Los Angeles on 9 December 1968 as follows: "We should take up the words from the spiritual master as our life and soul. We should try to carry out the instruction, the specific instruction of the spiritual master, very rigidly, without caring for our personal benefit or loss." So as long as the global civilization remains in state of non-Krishna consciousness we must always remain focused on and fully absorbed in executing our duty of making the entire world Krishna conscious as soon as possible. Srila Prabhuapda Lecturing in Los Angeles Video For the Day Don't Waste Your Human Life Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Convert Fear into Love? Srila Gurudeva, I started chanting because I was afraid of what will happen to me in...

The Cure for Anxiety

Those who are truly wise, i.e. those who are actually advanced in Krishna consciousness, realize that there is no external cause for one's anxiety. They realize that anxiety has one cause and one cause only, one's lack of Krishna consciousness. Therefore by always engaging their thoughts, words, and deeds 100% in the service of Guru and Krishna in all times, places, and circumstances they are completely, totally free from all types of anxiety. Krishna's Pure Devotee is Always Happy Video For the Day Unlimited Good Fortune Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Instructing a Non-Believer Please accept my humble obeisances All Glories to Srila Prabhupada How to explain to a non-believer the Vedas are not man made? Your servant, Charlene Answer: Only If They Are Receptive That depends on their mentality. If someone is submissive and receptive, you can tell them that the Vedic wisdom is compiled by the same very person who is the source of exist...

Don't Waste Time

Time is the most valuable asset that we have. You can lose a million dollars and get it back. But one moment of time wasted can never be recovered. Therefore one moment of time is worth more than millions and billions of dollars. This is why we should never waste time. This is why we should see that we are always engaged in serving Krishna at every moment. Srila Prabhupada Perfectly Manages His Time Video For the Day Why I Joined Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Delusion Caused by Pride Hare Krishna, dear Srila Gurudeva, What is the delusion caused by pride? Your eternal servant, Gandharvika devi dasi Answer: One Thinks Himself to Be God The delusion caused by pride is that one directly or indirectly thinks that He is God. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

The Ultimate Paradigm Shift

Lord Caitanya's movement is the ultimate paradigm shift. By His grace what is impossible can easily be accomplished. Even in the midst of the most degraded age of Kali there can a complete, total respiritualization of the entire universe. Indeed, in due course it will become manifested as predicted in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila, Chapter 7, Text 26: saj-jana, durjana, paṅgu, jaḍa, andha-gaṇa prema-vanyāya ḍubāila jagatera jana "The Krishna consciousness movement will inundate the entire world and drown everyone, whether one be a gentleman, a rogue or even lame, invalid or blind." Those who want to live the most glorious life possible fully dedicate themselves to bringing about this ultimate paradigm shift with their every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances. Lord Caitanya's Most Glorious Sankirtana Movement Video For the Day Spiritualize the Universe Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What is Spirituality...

Recording an Album

This week in three different sessions (20,22 and 22 March 2017) I am recording ten songs which will make up an album called "Our Sweet Lord." This a humble attempt to present Krishna consciousness in an easily accessible way to the millions of music lovers all over the world through the method know as "in like a needle, out like a plow." It is very encouraging that already even before the album's release music lovers from all the over the world are signing up as fans on our music mailing list. If you would to be one of the first in the world to hear the songs from this album as soon as it is released, you should sing up on our music mailing list at: Recording Session for the "Our Sweet Lord" Album San Marcos, Texas 20 March 2017 Video For the Day Whole World is Waiting Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Humility Required to Chant Hare Krishna? Do you have to become humble to chant Hare Krishna or does ...

On a Mission to Save the World

In Krishna consciousness our life is not an ordinary miserable mundane life of simply eating, sleeping, mating, defending, and dying. Our life is the most exciting adventure of trying to spark off one of the biggest paradigm shifts in the history of the universe. Our life is to try to bring about the complete, total respiritualization of the entire human society. Whether they take up Krishna consciousness or not, does not affect our duty. Whether they take to it or not, our duty is to make the entire world Krishna as soon as possible. Whether we succeed or fail in our mission, in either case our lives are successful because of our full absorption in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's world deliverance mission. Hare Krishna Kirtan on Carnaby Street, London Video For the Day Turning the World Right Side Up Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How is God Helping Us? How do we recognized that God is trying to help us, and how do we recognize His indications? Your student...

How to Be Highly Successful

In this world everyone wants to be successful, but they do not know what is actual success. We are on sinking ship called the material body, which is doomed to failure. Real success means to cross over the ocean of material ocean and enter into the spiritual sky, the land of eternity, bliss, and knowledge. Material success without spiritual success is a facade. It is nothing but failure masquerading as success. But if one focuses his life on spiritual success, material success will naturally tag along behind him, just as wherever a man walks his shadow goes with him. Chanting Hare Krishna is the Perfection of Success Video For the Day Don't Cheat Yourself Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What is the Best Service? Srila Prabhupada says there is no distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform when it comes to service. Yet, Srila Prabhupada says book distribution is the best service, so how do we understand this? Tom Answer: If You Love ...

Are You Alive or Dead?

Are you alive or dead? Do you identity with matter or with spirit? If you identify with matter, you are living in a state of virtual death. You are not truly alive. You are cheating yourself out of the bliss of your eternal unlimitedly ecstatic existence. So it's your choice now to be either a fool or a wise man. I hope you make the right choice, the smart choice. Srila Prabhupada Gives Us Life Video For the Day Dive Deeply into Krishna's Names Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Make "I Am Not This Body" Practical? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you. I am just not able to make practical this philosophy of "I am not this body; I am soul." I can't get it down my throat. It is true philosophically, but there is something wrong in the way I am applying it practically. Many devotees taught me that I am not this body, I am soul. So my father is not my father; my brothers are not my br...

Powerful Mercy of the Spiritual Master

The powerful mercy of the spiritual master works wonders. It is stated in the scriptures: mūkaṁ karoti vācālaṁ paṅguṁ laṅghayate girim yat-kṛpā tam ahaṁ vande śrī-guruṁ dīna-tāraṇam "By the mercy of the guru, even a dumb man can become the greatest orator, and even a lame man can cross mountains." We should take advantage of the spiritual master's mercy to cross over the ocean of birth and death and become powerful propagators of Krishna consciousness all over the world. Srila Prabhupada Speaks Powerfully Video For the Day Devotee of the Devotee Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Can Failure Be Accepted As Success? Srila Gurudeva, what happens when a spiritual master gives service to the student or disciple but he or she is unable to fulfill that desire of the spiritual master? The student tries his best but still the service may not be fulfilled due to the incompetency and psychophysical nature of the student. He loves to fulfill the desire of h...

The Spiritual Master's Desire

The spiritual master's heart is full of compassion for all of those poor souls who are suffering like anything in the cycle of birth, and therefore he fully dedicates his life for spreading the Krishna consciousness movement all over the world. There is no greater gift to be bestowed on the suffering humanity than this Krishna consciousness movement. It has the power to deliver all of the conditioned souls back to home, back to Godhead. Srila Prabhupada Desires the Deliverance of Everyone Video For the Day Attaining Genuine Happiness Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Bath Required Before Chanting? Namaskar Guruji, Guruji, I am chanting a Shiva mantra after eating non-veg food. After eating non-veg can we chant before bathing? I asked many people. They told if you eat non-veg, you must take bath before you do your chanting. Regards, M. Answer: Chanting Hare Krishna is the Ultimate Bath Those who eat non-veg, i.e. those eat meat, are obliged by the string...

Nothing to Lose Except For Your Anxiety

Why not give Krishna consciousness a try? You've got nothing to lose except for your anxiety and absolutely everything to gain. This is our offer to the entire global society. We pray that they will accept our offer as soon as possible because this will immediately bring a new era of peace, prosperity, and happiness to the entire global society. It's No Fun to Not Be Krishna Conscious Video For the Day Tune In, Turn On, and Bliss Out! Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Recognize a True Vaisnava? How do we recognize a true Vaisnava in today's world? Rani Answer: He is a Perfect Gentleman A true Vaisnava is a perfect gentleman because he strictly avoids illicit sex, meat eating, intoxicating, and gambling, and regularly chants the holy names of God on a daily basis. Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Praying for the Deliverance of All

Today we are again appreciating the great compassion of Prahlada Maharaja. He is the ideal Vaisnava because he prayers for the deliverance of all the conditioned souls from this material existence. Here is his most beautiful and compassionate prayer: svasty astu viśvasya khalaḥ prasīdatāṁ dhyāyantu bhūtāni śivaṁ mitho dhiyā manaś ca bhadraṁ bhajatād adhokṣaje āveśyatāṁ no matir apy ahaitukī "May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each other's welfare. Therefore let us all engage in the service of the supreme transcendence, Lord Sri Krishna, and always remain absorbed in thought of Him." --Srimad Bhagavatam 5.18.9 The more that we can develop this sort of compassionate mood within our own hearts, the more we will make advancement on the ultimate spiritual awakening path of Krishna consciousness. The M...

Relish Pure Bliss at Every Moment

If you want to relish pure bliss at every moment, all you have to do is be always in a mood of serving guru, Krishna, and Vaisnavas. It's amazingly simple. The difficulty is that we are so sophisticated and proud that have a hard time doing this. This is why is important to associate with devotees regularly, chant the holy names of the Lord, regularly, and study the authorized scripture regularly. These practices will help us to unlock our natural tendency to lovingly serve guru, Krishna, and Vaisnavas. Devotees Lovingly Shower Srila Prabhupada with Flowers Video For the Day Beautiful Day, Every Day Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: If We Manufacture Our Own Philosophy? What happens if we start manufacturing/following our own concocted philosophy? Regards, Parag R. Rane Answer: We Remain in the Cycle of Birth and Death If instead of following the instructions of Krishna we manufacture and follow our own philosophy, we remain in the cycle of birth and de...

Human Birth: the Rarest Opportunity

After transmigrating through the 8 million lower species: aquatics, plants, birds, beasts, etc., you have finally, after millions of years, achieved this rarest opportunity, a human birth. Every species has its specific dharma or prescribed duty. The dharma of the fish is to swim in the water. The bird's dharma to fly in the sky. Your dharma as a human being is to realize the highest truth, that is to awaken the dormant love of God within your heart, so that you can get out of the cycle of repeated birth and death and regain your original but now lost position as an eternal servant of Lord Sri Krishna in the spiritual sky. If you do not dedicate your life in this way, you are not acting in accordance with your dharma or your duty as human being. The result will be that nature will give you in your next life a more suitable body which matches your mentality. You will take birth in a lower life form such as the animal or plant kingdom. This is why, the Vaisnavas, out of their compas...

Gaura Purnima--Appearance Day of Lord Caitanya

Today 12 March 2017 is the transcendental appearance day of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the most munificent incarnation of God. What follows tells of While Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was sitting in a solitary place in the home of that Deccan brahmana, Rupa Gosvami and Sri Vallabha [Anupama Mallika] came to meet Him. Seeing the Lord from a distance, the two brothers put two clumps of straw between their teeth and immediately fell down on the ground like rods, offering Him obeisances. Both brothers were overwhelmed with ecstatic emotion, and reciting various Sanskrit verses, they stood up and fell down again and again. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very pleased to see Srila Rupa Gosvami, and He told him, "Stand up! Stand up! My dear Rupa, come here." Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "It is not possible to describe Krishna's mercy, for He has delivered you both from the well of material enjoyment." Lord Caitanya then quoted the following verse spoken by Lord Krishna, w...

Kill Misery Forever

Why embrace misery? It's so miserable. It does not make any sense to be miserable because your actual self is eternal, full of bliss, and full of knowledge. All you to do to get rid of all misery forever is to stop trying to be what you are not and start being who you actually are, the eternal servant of Krishna. This art of being who you actually are is taught by the bona fide spiritual master. This is why having a bona fide spiritual is absolutely essential for anyone who wants to be misery free. Vishnujana Swami: Blissful Devotee Who Made Me a Devotee Video For the Day Vaisnava is Ocean of Mercy Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Essence of the Srimad Bhagavatam? I want to know the essence of the Srimad Bhagavatam so that I can apply in my daily life. Laxman Answer: Surrender to Krishna The essence of the Srimad Bhagavatam is that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that we are His eternal servants. This is realized on when one fully sur...

Nothing to Lose Except for Anxiety

By taking to Krishna consciousness one achieves the greatest gain with nothing at all to lose except for his anxiety. He achieves an eternal life, full of bliss, and full of knowledge. Therefore the only reason that the whole world does not take to Krishna consciousness is ignorance. This is why out of compassion upon these poor suffering souls, our mission is to educate all of them all over the world in this most sublime science of Krishna consciousness. This will indeed deliver them completely from all of their anxieties. Devotees Relish the Bliss of Krishna Consciousness Video For the Day Blessed by Devotee Association Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Meditate on My Body While Chanting? Dear Srila Gurudeva, What is the correct pronunciation of "hare"? Is it "haray," "harday," or "hadray"? Is it ok to feel my body while chanting or should I just focus on the sound? Thank You for your time. David Answer: Meditate on t...

How to Make Every Day the Best Day of Your Life

All you have to do to make every day the best day of your life is to every day try to please Krishna more than you have ever pleased Him before. It is such a simple thing really. But it actually works. Just try it, and you will amazed by the phenomenal results. By this simple endeavor you will be living in a sublime state of mind at every moment. You will no longer by pinched by the threefold miseries of this material existence. Get Back to Your Original Home in the Spiritual World Video For the Day See Krishna Everywhere Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What is Krishna Thinking? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank-you for answers! Like the minds of materialistic persons dwell on sense objects, Krishna must also put His thinking capacity somewhere. What is He thinking? Ruta Answer: How to Kill the Aghasura Demon Since Aghasura has swallowed the cowherd boys and cal...

How to Become More and More Dear to Krishna

The devotee of the Lord is an ocean of unlimited compassion. That's why he is always praying for the deliverance of all living beings from the cycle of birth and death. Prahlada Maharaja reveals this inner heart of the Lord's devotee in his following prayer: svasty astu viśvasya khalaḥ prasīdatāṁ dhyāyantu bhūtāni śivaṁ mitho dhiyā manaś ca bhadraṁ bhajatād adhokṣaje āveśyatāṁ no matir apy ahaitukī "May there be good fortune throughout the universe, and may all envious persons be pacified. May all living entities become calm by practicing bhakti-yoga, for by accepting devotional service they will think of each other's welfare. Therefore let us all engage in the service of the supreme transcendence, Lord Sri Krishna, and always remain absorbed in thought of Him." This sublime, most wonderful prayer is found in the Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto Five, Chapter 18, Verse 9. The more that we can develop this mood of compassion for all living beings, the more we will become...

The Perfection of Time Management

The perfection of time management is to engage every moment in the service of Krishna, to not waste even a single moment in the service of maya or illusion. One who does this relishes the sweetest bliss within his heart in all times, places, and circumstances. Every moment of time is more valuable than all of the wealth of the universe. Therefore not even one nanosecond should be squandered on pursuits that are not beneficial for the self. Of course, we have full freedom to do whatever we choose to with our time. But in this connection we should always remember the very wise Biblical saying: As you sow, so shall you reap. Srila Prabhupada Manages His Time Perfectly Morning Walk--1974 Video For the Day Window to the Spiritual World Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Devotees Are Taken for Judgment by Yamaraja? Hare Krishna, dear Guru Maharaja. Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! Is it true that the soul is not taken directly by...

Wake Up!

We have been sleeping in a deluded suffering condition in the lap of the witch called Maya for millions of lifetimes. Now it's time to wake up and come back to our original, all-blissful, brilliantly cognizant, natural consciousness. Why should we cheat ourselves for even a moment longer? Tune into Krishna, turn on the world to Krishna, and bliss out, right now! Srila Prabhupada Expands the Ocean of Bliss Video For the Day Revolution Within and Without Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Species Are Now Extinct? As there is no such evolution as Darwin explained and since all species(8.4 million) were already existing. How do we explain for the species which are now extinct. For example Tasmanian Tigers, Dinosaurs. Does it mean total number of species has decreased from 8.4 million ? Regards, Rishikant Sharma Answer: No Species Is Extinct Just because we don’t see them does not mean that they are extinct. All of the 8,400,000 species are still existing s...

Always Be Enthusiastic

The key to making rapid advancement on the path of Krishna consciousness is to always be enthusiastic. In this connection Srila Prabhupada blessed with me the following instruction within the first month after initiating me as his disciple: "I can see also that you are a very sincere and enthusiastic boy and are anxious for spreading this movement. Those are first class qualifications for making advancement in Krishna Consciousness. So continue enthusiastically as you are doing and Krishna will surely bless you." --Letter to: Sankarshan Das--London 7 September, 1971 Srila Prabhupada in London Video For the Day Ending All Miseries Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Constant Service Mood? How to constantly be in a service mood, Srila Gurudeva? Your servant Shridhar das Answer: Self Training Always be in the service mood by always training yourself to be in the service mood. Gradually as your taste for devotional service increases, you will naturall...

Removing Our Mental Block

On the path of self-realization our mind is the biggest obstacle to achieving spiritual perfection because we think we know everything. But if we can become a little humble admitting our limitations and frailties and hear submissively from the bona fide spiritual master, then we will coquer over this mental block, known as the false ego, and become in due course of time bully awakened in pure love of God. Hearing Submissively from Srila Prabhupada Video For the Day How to Become Perfect Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Moon Landings? I have a question regarding moon landings. It is written in our spiritual books that no human can go to any other celestial body. But here we have had manned missions to moon successfully. So does this fact means that the information in our books is incorrect and/or does it not invalidate the books entirely as those books are claimed to be written with godly wisdom and knowledge ? Please guide me. I apologize if I have caused an...

Tune In, Turn On, and Bliss Out

Tune in to the greatness of your eternal spiritual nature. Turn on your love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna. And then bliss out by diving into the unlimitedly nectarean ocean of serving Him with pure love. Don't cheat yourself. Achieve the greatness of being who you really are: the eternal servant of Krishna. Devotees Bowing Down to Lord Krishna Video For the Day Harmonize with Reality Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Stupid Question? Is there any such thing as stupid question? Your student Answer: We All "Stupids" Regarding stupid questions Srila Prabhupada explains as follows in the following conversation: Guest or devotee: This might be a stupid question, but... Prabhupada: Well we are all "stupids." (laughter) So questions must be stupid. This is wonderful now in such a charming way Srila Prabhupada reminds us that we are fools. Lord Caitanya's guru taught Lord Caitanya the same thing. If even Lord...

Krishna is Absolutely Sublime

There is no one or nothing more wonderful, more sublime in all of existence than Krishna or God. Krishna must be sublime because He is the absolute source of all sublimity. Whatever is sublime or wonderful in all of existence is so only because Krishna is investing some portion of His unlimited sublimity in that person or thing. A nice example in this connection is the heavenly, soothing rays of the moon. Krishna states in the Bhagavad-gita that He is the light of the moon. The Most Sublime Lord Sri Krishna Video For the Day Bedecked with a Peacock Feather Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why God is So Cruel? Please accept my humble obeisances. One of my friends has been going through a really tough time. She has lost many family members in last year. Recently, her boyfriend passed away in car accident. She is heart broken and very sad. She asked me, "Why did God take him so early. If I had been married to him, he would have lived a long time. Why God i...

Krishna's Devotee is Eternally Famous

Regarding fame Srila Prabhupada writes as follows in The Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Chapter 32: "One who is famous as a Krishna conscious man enjoys eternal fame. In the material world, everyone is striving for three things: he wants his name to be perpetuated, he wants his fame to be broadcast all over the world, and he wants some profit from his material activities. But no one knows that all this material name, fame and profit belong to the temporary material body and that as soon as the body is finished, all name, fame and profit are finished also. It is only due to ignorance that everyone is striving after the name, fame and profit that are connected with the body. It is deplorable to become famous on the basis of the body or to become known as a man of spiritually developed consciousness without knowing the supreme spirit, Vishnu. Real fame can only be had if one attains Krishna consciousness. "According to Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are twelve authorities, and they are ...