
Showing posts from July, 2014

A River of Ever-Increasing Endless Nectar

Krishna katha means the topics of Krishna. The devotee's joy is to absorb himself in Krishna katha as much as possible at every moment. He wants to hear about Krishna as much as possible, think about Krishna as much as possible, chant Hare Krishna as much as possible, glorify Krishna's qualities and pastimes as much as possible, and serve Krishna as much as possible. In this way he experiences life as an endless river of ever-increasing nectar. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Krishna's Amazing Transcendental Form Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Does Krishna Have Form or Is He Formless? Kindly enlighten the matter that Nirgun Nirakar (Formless God ) is true or Sagun Sakar (God with Form)? Or are both true? Does Lord Krishna have a shape and body, or is He formless? Your humble and obedient servant, Snehal T. (Anand, India ) Answer: Materially Formless and Spiritually With Form When the Supreme is described as nirgun nirakar, without qualities an...

Krishna's Amazing Transcendental Form

For a devotee of Krishna every day is an amazingly exciting opportunity for him to go even deeper into his loving relationship with Krishna as His eternal servant. Since Krishna is the supreme orchestrator of everything that happens both within the spiritual and the material energies, the devotee can feel His loving hand at every step. In this way the devotee is never in any anxiety because he is fully confident of the Lord's complete protection in all times, places, and circumstances, and every day is the most exciting adventure. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Lord Krishna Invites You Back to His Abode Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Do I Feel More and More Ignorant? Kindly accept my heartfelt gratitude for enlightening us about our inbuilt ignorance. As I attend more spiritual gatherings, read religious books, and listen to lectures I feel more and more ignorant, feeling that I know nothing about Krishna consciousness and wanting to know more and more. Wh...

Ecstatic Stopover in Helsinki

After an unbelievably awesome Krishna consciousness festival in Harmony Park, Lithuania we had a brief overnight stopover in Helsinki, Finland on 27 July, 2014. There I was invited to give the Sunday feast lecture at the ISKCON Helsinki temple. It is always wonderful indeed to have the opportunity to speak about Krishna consciousness to eager hearers. It is enlivening both for the speaker and the hearers, and it also purifies the place where the speaking takes place. This is all due to the unlimited mercy of Lord Sri Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari ISKCON's Temple In Helsinki Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Become Liberated from Birth and Death? Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. If the pure eternal soul, who is originally with Krishna in the spiritual world, repeatedly keeps entering the dreamlike state and undergoes repeated cycle of birth and death and then consecutive liberations by associat...

Frustrated as Hell in this Material World

This material world is a miserable place. It is as frustrating as hell to be stuck in this situation where birth, death, old age, and disease are crammed down your throat even though you want to live an eternal, healthy, youthful life. So what to do to get out this misery? You have to revive your original divine consciousness, your innate primordial identity as a servant of the Supreme. By reconnecting with that Original Person who has unlimited names you will transcend all the boundaries of material existence and happily find yourself situated in the realm of Krishna consciousness, unlimited transcendental bliss, forever. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Lord Sri Krishna Relieves You from All Frustration Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Can We Be Considered Supreme? Let me offer my obeisances unto you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I'm confused about a verse I came across in Srimad Bhagavatam that seem to equate the living entity with the supreme brahman. T...

Our Mission: Turn the World Right Side Up

The world society needs to be flipped right side up because at the present moment it is upside down. Those who are not qualified to lead have been given the position of leaders. And those who are qualified to lead are ignored and not followed. Those who are not qualified to teach have been given the position of teachers. And those who are qualified to teach and are ignored and not learned from. In short it is a completely topsy-turvy, troubled world that needs to be flipped back to its original right side up position where qualified Krishna conscious persons teach and lead the human society. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Seminar: Overcoming Obstacles in Household Life Harmony Park, Lithuania--26 July 2014 Group Photo from Disciples Meeting Harmony Park, Lithuania--26 July 2014 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Become Free From Sex Attraction? Gurudeva, I was reading the Srimad Bhagavatam this morning and in the purport it says, "Sex life in the mun...

Do You Want Stool or Homemade Mango Ice Cream?

Enjoying material sense gratification is like eating stool, while enjoying Krishna consciousness is like relishing homemade organic mango ice cream. So why would anybody want to go on eating the stool of material sense gratification when they could be constantly relishing the unlimited mango ice cream nectar of devotion to Lord Krishna? Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answering the Question of a Disciple Harmony Park, Lithuania--25 July 2014 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Can I Reach God Without a Spiritual Master? Can I reach to God without a guru, a spiritual master? Can I instead choose the Bhagavad-gita as my guru? Rabindra K. Answer: God Orders You to Accept a Guru The first point is: If the Bhagavad-gita is the only guru you need, why are you inquiring from me? Yes, one can certainly directly approach Krishna or God through the instructions He gives in the Bhagavad-gita. But when doing so what does Krishna tell you? He tells you that you need a s...

The Ultimate Lifestyle on History's Cutting Edge

Would you rather be a cog in a machine, or would you rather do something with your life of lasting importance to have a permanent beneficial impact on world history? The choice is yours: mediocrity or undying significance. If you would prefer the later, I would like to humbly remind you that this Krishna consciousness movement for awakening the spiritual consciousness of the human society will go down in history for having saved the world in its darkest hour of despair. So now you can either be part of the world solution or part of its problem. The choice is completely up to you. May Krishna bless you that you make the right choice! Sankarshan Das Adhikari Giving Srimad Bhagavatam Class Harmony Park, Lithuania--24 July 2014 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Could We Fall From The Spiritual World? Were we originally with Krishna in Goloka, the spiritual world, or in the brahmajyoti, His divine effulgence? If we were with Krishna in Goloka, how is it possib...

Sankarshan Das Giving Srimad Bhagavatam Class

Srila Prabhupada always instructed us to do the needful. In other words whatever is required to be done for the service of Krishna must be unhesitatingly done. We had a practical experience of this on our travel from London to Vilnius, Lithuania on 22 July 2014. I knew that we had a very tight connection between flights in Helsinki. The flight from London was scheduled to arrive at 3:15pm and our ongoing flight to Vilnius was departing at 4:20pm. Under normal circumstance there would be no problem making the connection. However in Helsinki we would have to clear immigration, which is normally a five minute experience but can drag on for longer. And as we approached Helsinki on our Finnair flight from London I noticed that we were about ten minutes late. I was thinking it was still okay because we would have a half hour before boarding the next flight. But then when we landed we did not get a jet bridge, the tube that connects the airplane directly with the terminal. Instead we got a b...

Strengthened by Adversity

In this material world things don't always go right. In fact, sometimes they go terribly wrong. For a materialist such times are psychologically devastating. But for the transcendentalist such times are experienced as the greatest boon. Such a man of transcendental knowledge is strengthened by adversity. He is resilient. Nothing fazes him. Because he always sees the loving, all-merciful hand of the Supreme Being in all circumstances he is never bewildered or confused. Such a self-realized soul is the true leader of the human society. When that golden day arrives when he is recognized as such by the leaders of the world society there will be a dawn of peace and prosperity all over the world unlike what has been known in the history of humankind going back for thousands of years. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada is the True World Leader Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Maintain an Eternal Connection with Guru? Dear Master, How can I make my connect...

We Are Out to Conquer the World for Krishna

The entire human civilization is suffering greatly because the people are becoming more and more disconnected from Krishna or God with every passing today. The only solution for the world's problems is to bring Krishna back to the center in all spheres of human activity: government, education, entertainment, etc. For this purpose the Krishna consciousness movement was introduced 500 years ago by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then His especially empowered devotee, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, distributed this movement all of the world. And now it is up to us to push forward this movement for the ultimate deliverance of the entire human society from this ever-increasingly chaotic quagmire, which is going on under the misnomer of "human civilization." Sankarshan Das Adhikari Lord Caitanya's Movement Will Save the World Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Many Mantras Required to Satisfy the Lord? Does only chanting Hare Krishna not sa...

Blessed With Stress--The Secret of Unlimited Bliss

The more you accept stress and distress in the service of Lord Caitanya to assist Him in delivering the fallen souls of this world back to home, back to Godhead, the more you become blessed. And the more you become blessed, the more you become blissed. Therefore those who are Krishna conscious joyfully accept the stressful burden of attempting to deliver all of the fallen, conditioned souls of this material world back to home, back to Godhead. Even if they are not successful in doing so their perfection is guaranteed. And those who follow them will also become perfect. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Compassionaately Circled the Globe 14 Times for the Deliverance of the Suffering Souls of this World Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How the Illiterate Can Become Dear to Krishna? Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. My question is: Lord Krishna says in the last section of the Gita that whoever p...

How Wonderful to Be a Sadhu

If we want actual happiness we have to learn how to become sadhus, saintly persons. Their qualities are described as follows in the Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.21-23: "The symptoms of a sadhu are that he is tolerant, merciful and friendly to all living entities. He has no enemies, he is peaceful, he abides by the scriptures, and all his characteristics are sublime. Such a sadhu engages in staunch devotional service to the Lord without deviation. For the sake of the Lord he renounces all other connections, such as family relationships and friendly acquaintances within the world. Engaged constantly in chanting and hearing about Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sadhus do not suffer from material miseries because they are always filled with thoughts of My pastimes and activities." Just see how wonderful it is to be a sadhu. You become free from all material miseries. Who in their right mind would not want to become a sadhu? Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada is the...

Embrace the World Deliverance Mission

Srila Prabhupada has instructed us, his followers, to make the entire world Krishna conscious, a herculean task indeed. How are we to be successful in making Vedic culture the predominant culture on this planet? There is only one to do so: one person at time. Therefore it is up to all the followers of the Krishna consciousness movement to focus now fully on doing everything they can to enlighten everyone they meet in the sublime science of Krishna consciousness. Devotee Distributes Back to Godhead Magazine Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: I Need Help. Is There Any Hope For Me? I am completely out of control. I feel like there is no hope. I have struggled with depression, drug and alcohol addiction since I was 9. I manage to get a year or two of sobriety, and then something comes up to knock me off my feet. Every time I try to change, my life just becomes worse. I get in a routine of chanting and something comes up to knock me off the track. I have always had su...

Nothing More Wonderful than the Devotee's Kindness

The unlimited mercy of Krishna is most powerfully manifested through the sweet loving kindness of Krishna's devotees. Krishna in the form of the Supersoul, the lord in everyone's heart, plays a neutral role of fulfilling the desires of the living beings, no matter whether those desires are material or spiritual. But Krishna's devotee is considered to be more merciful than Krishna because he has only one purpose and that is to pull the conditioned souls out of the sufferings of material existence by convincing them to fully surrender themselves at the lotus feed of Lord Sri Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Harinam Party in Austin Challenges McDonald's Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Did God Create a World of Misery? Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. My question is: Why did God create this world as a place of misery (dukhhalayam asasvatam)? Since God is omnipotent He could have cr...

Help Us Make the Austin Center a Grand Success

It was truly an amazing time when Vishnujana Swami arrived here in Austin in the spring of 1971 all alone with no money, no vehicle, and no helpers and in a very short time was able to open a temple full of devotees near the University of Texas campus at 2906 Dancy Street. I was very attracted by the lifestyle, ecstasy, philosophy and compassion of this amazing sannyasi who convinced me to give my life to Srila Prabhupada. Then in August on 1971 the greatest event in my entire life happened. I received a letter from Srila Prabhupada in which he accepted me as his disciple and gave me the order: "Make our Austin center a grand success." I sincerely and enthusiastically preached on behalf of Srila Prabhupada and he personally recognized me for this. Then after some time in Austin under the direction of my ISKCON authorities I served Srila Prabhupada's mission in many capacities in Dallas, Miami, Gainesville, Atlanta, Houston, and San Diego. But I was always remembering the...

Are We All the Supreme Being?

After I returned to Austin on Monday 14 July 2014 from the Vail, Colorado Bhakti Yoga Retreat I received a phone call from a man who argued very vehemently that Brahman is the Supreme, that it is not an individual person, that it is the sum total of all of us, and that we are all Brahman. According to his philosophy we are all the Supreme. But when I asked him how many supreme courts there are in the USA, he had to admit that there is only one. But in spite of this he fanatically clung to the dogmatic and illogical idea that we are all the Supreme. Just see the absurdity of this philosophy. He is the under the stringent grip of the material nature at every minute while he idiotically embraces the dream that he is the Supreme Being. It is this delusion that got him into this material world in the first place. And it is this madness that will keep him here birth after birth after birth. Our mission is to save such people from their delusion that they are God. Sankarshan Das Adhikari He...

Sweet Memories in Denver

Our trip this last weekend to Denver into order to attend the Vail, Colorado bhakti yoga retreat way up in the Rocky Mountains was a grand opportunity for me to remember that most special time in my life, the fall of 1968, when my dear friend, Patrick Dolan, introduced me to the Hare Krishna mahamantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Once I was introduced to this mantra my life took an amazing series of turns which eventually brought to the lotus feet of my eternal spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. While in Denver I took advantage of visiting that place at 1271 Lafayette Street where I was blessed by Krishna with His association in order to remember how fortunate I was indeed to receive the Hare Krishna mantra. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Group Photo from Vail Bhakti Yoga Retreat Vail, Colorado--13 July 2014 1271 Lafayette Street--Denver, Colorado Answers by Citing the Vedic Ver...

Unforgettable Nectarean Bhakti Yoga Retreat

The bhakti yoga retreat we just experienced from 11-13 July, 2014 up in Vail, Colorado was a truly unforgettable nectarean experience. Vail is situated at a very high elevation, over a mile-and-a-half above sea level. But we went even higher by diving deeply into ecstatic Hare Krishna chanting (kirtan), by relishing delicious and sumptuous prasadam (spiritual food offered to Krishna) and by discussing Krishna conscious topics. Thousands of lifetimes of anxieties and delusions were washed away from our hearts as we dove deeper and deeper into the nectarean ocean of Krishna bhakti (devotion to Krishna.) Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Rocky Mountain Picnic--12 July 2014 Appreciating the Splendorous Beauty of Krishna's Creation Explaining Krishna Bhakti to a Devotee's Mother Ecstatic Hare Krishna Kirtan by the Campfire Singing "The Existential Blues" by the River Relishing a Twilight Prasadam Feast by the Campfire Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: ...

Super Ecstatic Bhakti Yoga Retreat

Sri Goloka Das and many wonderful devotees have very intelligently and lovingly arranged a wonderful bhakti yoga retreat here in beautiful Vail Colorado. Practitioners of bhakti yoga have come here to attend this retreat from many states. Our program begins at 4:30am with an ecstatic spiritual ceremony called mangala arati. And then we have ecstatic seminars, classes, kirtans, and prasadam throughout the day. It is two days of unlimited nectar. This is what Krishna consciousness is all about. Sankarshan Das Adhikari View from Our Room--July 2014--Vail, Colorado USA Beautiful Setting for Our Vail Bhakti Yoga Retreat Tasting Nectar at Vail Bhakti Yoga Retreat--12 July 2014 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Does Suffering Exist? Most of your answers are accurate, exciting and thought provoking. But I have some serious doubts. Because Krishna is almighty, merciful and can do any thing He likes, why can't He liberate all the ignorant and suffering living bein...

Taste Sweetest Bliss or Life Worse Than Hell?

Do you want to taste the sweetest bliss or do you want to live in a nightmare that is worse than hell? It's your choice. Here's how you can control your state of being. When you remember Krishna it is the sweetest bliss, and when you forget Krishna it is worse than hell. Therefore you should arrange your life in such a way that you can always remember Krishna at every minute and never forget Him. The way to do this is to hear about Krishna, read about Krishna, and glorify Krishna as much possible. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Original ISKCON Devotees Relish Krishna Bliss 26 2nd Ave--New York City--1966 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: I Can't Follow Krishna. Please Help Me. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please help. I am a total failure. Please forgive me, it is impossible for me to strictly follow the process of Krishna consciousness. It is too difficult. What to do now? You are my only hope. K.G. Answer: Do Whatev...

Can You Taste the Nectar?

The nectar of devotion to Lord Sri Krishna is an ocean of bliss. Can you taste the nectar? Put your faith in Krishna's name and chant Hare Krishna with feeling. By personally experiencing the transformation of your consciousness you will scientifically verify the authenticity of the process of Krishna consciousness. Why be a part of the nightmarish global quagmire when you can instead, by a simple adjustment of your consciousness, help to spark off a global revolution of all-blissful, divine consciousness? The choice is yours. You can live a drab, humdrum mundane existence: simply eating, sleeping, mating, and defending practically no better than an animal--or you can live on the vanguard, the cutting edge, of the most dynamic, all-encompassing paradigm shift that has ever transpired in universal history. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Bliss Revolution Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Does the Law of Karma Work? Please accept my humble obeisances. ...

The Different Modes of Consciousness

To be depressed and/or bewildered is to be in the mode of ignorance. To be elated in a state of temporary material happiness is to be in the mode of passion. To be peaceful, philosophically steady in all situations of happiness and distress is to be in the mode of goodness. And to dovetail or harmonize one's consciousness with the Supreme Consciousness through loving devotion is to be in the mode of pure goodness, the platform of unending, ever-increasing, eternal transcendental bliss. Instead of bouncing back and forth between ignorance and passion we should come to the mode of goodness and from that launching pad enter into the mode of pure goodness, our original constitutional position. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Kirtan Catapults Chanters into Transcendental Bliss Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Am I Really Grateful to the Devotees? Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada, Often it happens that many devotees help me in spiritual li...

When the Going Gets Tough

It is sometimes said that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is especially true in spiritual life, because anyone who tries to become spiritual in a material atmosphere will sometimes face tough obstacles in their path. The key to conquering over them is to always maintain one's determination, enthusiasm, and patience for in all circumstances for awakening one's dormant Krishna consciousness. In this way one will easily or eventually conquer over all the opposing elements and fully relish the sweet nectar of loving devotion to Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Walks With His Disciples Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Handle Religious Fanaticism? Hare Krishna. Please accept my most humble of obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have been following Krishna consciousness for 4 years now, and I'm struggling to get my head around some things. I come from a Christian background where fanaticism was a big dri...

Three Essentials for Spiritual Advancement

The three most important things that one must do to properly elevate himself to the platform of Krishna consciousness are to take shelter of the bona fide spiritual master, take initiation from him, and serve him with respect and reverence. If one neglects these principles, it is not possible for him to advance on the pathway of Krishna consciousness and to qualify himself for going back to home, back to Godhead. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Instructs His Disciples Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why Am I Not Tasting Happiness from Serving Krishna? Dear Gurudeva, What I do not understand is why I am not tasting any happiness from serving Krishna. When will the darkness of ignorance will leave from my heart? Your servant, MSDD Answer: It Takes Time for the Impurities to Go Away It takes time for the impurities to go away from our hearts. Whatever unhappiness a devotee experiences in his neophyte stage is due to his impurities, not the external sit...

Conquering Over Stress

This material world is an abode of stress. You cannot avoid it. We want to live forever in youth and good health, but yet we are dragged by the stringent laws of the material nature through sickness, old age, and death again and again birth after birth with no end to this suffering. This is naturally a very stressful situation. The only way out of this stress is to cling very tightly to the instructions of Guru and Krishna because this liberates us from this material existence. These instructions will pull us out of this stress. If we neglect to take shelter of the instructions of Guru and Krishna, our stress will continue perpetually until we finally wise up and humble ourselves before Guru and Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Teaches Stresslessness Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Can Karma Be Changed? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Could you please tell me which types of karma that one goes through in one's present lifetime are predetermined and ...

Material Suffering is the Pastime of Fools

Those who are actually knowledgeable understand that there is no reason at all to suffer in this material world. They know that such suffering is simply the pastime of fools. Anyone who identifies themselves with their material body is destined to suffer perpetually in the cycle of repeated birth, death, old age, and disease. But anyone who realizes that they are an eternal spiritual being qualitatively one with God and who thus engage themselves in the service of the Supreme Transcendental Personality becomes exempted from all forms of material suffering and regains their eternal position in the spiritual sky. Sankarshan Das Adhikari The Devotee is Always Blissful in Krishna Consciousness Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Maintain Enthusiasm? Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thank you so much for your daily inspirational Thought for the Day. I have a question for you. How do you personally maintain enthusiasm in your dai...

The Bona Fide Guru Tries to Save the World

Srila Prabhupada has wonderfully defined "bona fide guru" in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 8.24.48 as follows: "The bona fide guru is he who advises his disciples exactly in accordance with the principles spoken by Krishna. The bona fide guru is he who has accepted Krishna as guru. This is the guru-parampara system. The original guru is Vyasadeva because he is the speaker of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, wherein everything spoken relates to Krishna. Therefore guru-puja is known as Vyasa-puja. In the final analysis, the original guru is Krishna, His disciple is Narada, whose disciple is Vyasa, and in this way we gradually come in touch with the guru-parampara. One cannot become a guru if he does not know what the Personality of Godhead Krishna or His incarnation wants. The mission of the guru is the mission of the Supreme Personality of Godhead: to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world." If we take shelter and initiation and faithfully serve suc...

Celebrating Independence Day at Every Minute

In the USA the 4th of July or Independence Day is one of the biggest public holidays of the year. It celebrates that day in 1776 when the thirteen American colonies, which were then under British rule, formally adopted their Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. But ultimately how significant is this holiday? The American people must still get sick, get old, and die. Although they attained their desired independence from Great Britain, they have not gotten independence from these cruel pinches of the material nature. They got their independence from Great Britain, but they have not gained independence from the sufferings of material existence. Conversely, the devotee of the Lord, who has taken complete shelter of the Lord, does not have to wait for a full year to celebrate independence day because he celebrates his complete independence from the all the sufferings of material existence at every minute. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Devotees Celebrate Independence from this Materi...

Relishing Devotee Association Bliss in New Dwarka

Just as one can delightfully relish a gulabjamun, which is the ultimate delectable sweet, at the end of one's meal, we are now finishing off an around the world lecture tour by a brief stopover in New Dwarka, the Hare Krishna movement's temple and community in Los Angeles. It is always such a special treat to be here where there are so many senior devotees. Practically at every step one gets to meet great spiritual luminaries, disciples of Srila Prabhupada who have contributed greatly to the expansion of the Krishna consciousness movement all over the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari lSKCON New Dwarka---Los Angeles, USA (This photo from the 70's nicely expresses the mood of this community.) Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Feel the Bliss of Chanting? When I chant I feel peace of mind, but I am not feeling the bliss yet. Based on your personal experience what do I need to do to get over this hurdle? De P. Answer: Carefully Chant These Sweet Names ...

Theology Discussion With a Qantas Flight Attendant

On our flight from Melbourne, Australia to Los Angeles, USA on 30 June 2014 I had a very interesting conversation with a Qantas Airlines flight attendant named Sven Lauresen. He is originally from Germany and came to Australia to study theology, which he did for eight years. However instead of opting for a career as a minister or priest he ended up as flight attendant, and a very friendly, helpful one at that. Being on duty he could not get into a lengthy theological discussion with me. But in the few minutes I discussed theology with him I gave him the entire philosophy of Krishna consciousness in a nut shell and then gave him my card so that he can email me if he has any questions, desires dialogue, or would like to sign Up for our Ultimate Self Realization Course. I explained to him how God is one and that religion is also one, to become a lover of God, no matter by what name you may call Him. I concluded by informing him that I could make him a better Christian. Throughout the flig...

All Problems Solved

If you will simply solidly connect with Lord Sri Krishna in the form of His name, all of your problems of life will be automatically solved. So who is that person who would not fully absorb themselves in the name of Krishna? Only that person who is not enlightened with transcendental knowledge. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Secrets of Devotional Service Revealed Seminar Melbourne, Australia--29 June 2014 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Whether to Fight or to Tolerate? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Could you please tell me what is the right thing to do, when faced with an unrighteous material situation whether to fight for the right no matter whatever outcome would be, or to just keep silent and safe from further unknown problems. Your devotee, Jaanvi Answer: Pick Your Battles Wisely Pick your battles wisely. Wherever you can effectively rectify an unrighteous situation you must act boldly and decisively to do so. And wherever you are not able to be effective at rectifyi...