We Must Try to Save the World
It's a thankless task. But we must try to save the world. Without love of Krishna the entire world civilization is gradually disintegrating until one day it will reach the state of total anarchy. The difficulty is that when we try to save the people by giving them Krishna consciousness they are not interested. Sometimes they become angry and go so far as to torture or even kill the devotee who is trying to help them. We could just abandon them and allow them to be dragged down to the animal kingdom in their next birth. But how can we knowingly let our brothers and sisters drown when we have the knowledge and the formula to save them? Therefore we must make our best effort to save the world.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Glad to hear that you have come back from your wonderful world tour. It was nice to read about your trip and all other words of wisdom in your newsletters.
I have a question. I'm trying to practice Krishna consciousness sincerely everyday by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and also doing my duties sincerely as a wife, mother and a student. I have read Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Swami Prabhupada and am currently reading the Nectar of Devotion. I feel happy and blissful ever since I started praying to Lord Krishna everyday. However, I feel sorry for those around me who are ignorant about God and are driven by greed and sense gratification. They sometimes hurt and cause trouble. As a Krishna devotee, how do I deal with such people? I want to be peaceful, clean and disciplined.
Is it necessary to preach about God etc to such people or just stay away from them? Thank you for your help.
Warm wishes,
Ajanta Rao
All glories to Lord Krishna!
All glories to Swami Prabhupada!
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Srila Prabhupada Brings Krishna Bhakti to England

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:
Question: Preach To or Avoid Materialists?
Namaste Gurudeva,Glad to hear that you have come back from your wonderful world tour. It was nice to read about your trip and all other words of wisdom in your newsletters.
I have a question. I'm trying to practice Krishna consciousness sincerely everyday by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and also doing my duties sincerely as a wife, mother and a student. I have read Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Swami Prabhupada and am currently reading the Nectar of Devotion. I feel happy and blissful ever since I started praying to Lord Krishna everyday. However, I feel sorry for those around me who are ignorant about God and are driven by greed and sense gratification. They sometimes hurt and cause trouble. As a Krishna devotee, how do I deal with such people? I want to be peaceful, clean and disciplined.
Is it necessary to preach about God etc to such people or just stay away from them? Thank you for your help.
Warm wishes,
Ajanta Rao
All glories to Lord Krishna!
All glories to Swami Prabhupada!
Answer: Tolerance and Compassion are Needed
We should be tolerant of the nonsensical ignorant misbehavior of those who are lacking in knowledge of who they are. At the same time we must be compassionate to try to save them from gliding down to the animal species in their next life by enlightening them in the science of Krishna consciousness according to their capacity to understand.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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