Favorable for Your Krishna Consciousness

As we go through life we are constantly having to make decisions whether to do this or that. The golden rule of thumb is always do what is favorable for your Krishna consciousness and to avoid that which is unfavorable for your Krishna consciousness. If you will always stick to this principle in all times, places, and circumstances, you are sure to achieve the ultimate success of going back home, back to Godhead when you leave your present body. Always Remember the Most Amazing Supreme Person Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why Do Initiated Devotees Fall Down? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. Sometimes we see that even initiated devotee fall down in their practice of Krishna consciousness. Why does this happen? Your servant, Yamunadevi Answer: Inattentiveness Spiritual life is like a razor's edge. If there is a little inattention while shaving with a straight edge razor, immediately there will be blood. Similarly, if we are not always...