Ecstatically Harmonized with Ultimate Reality
If one is not harmonized with reality, he is like a violinist playing an out-of-tune violin in a symphony orchestra. Such an out-of-tune musician is not able to feel the satisfaction of making beautiful music which resonates wonderfully with the rest of the orchestra. Rather he is in a very awkward position of trying to blend in nicely with the other instruments, but not being to able to. He requires someone to inform him that he is out of tune and guide him how to get in tune. After following the instructions of this guide he becomes nicely, happily situated as an integral, harmonious part of the orchestra.
In the same way, we are now out of tune, not harmonized with the ultimate reality. No matter what we may do to try to find satisfaction in our out-of-tune condition we cannot be satisfied. It is only when we get back in tune under the guidance of the spiritual master, the pure devotees, and the revealed scriptures that we can experience true lasting peace and satisfaction.
Ecstatically Harmonizing with the Supreme Reality

Is there really a hell? Does the soul not get reincarnated in a body and situation based on past karma right here on earth?
Please guide me,
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
In the same way, we are now out of tune, not harmonized with the ultimate reality. No matter what we may do to try to find satisfaction in our out-of-tune condition we cannot be satisfied. It is only when we get back in tune under the guidance of the spiritual master, the pure devotees, and the revealed scriptures that we can experience true lasting peace and satisfaction.
Ecstatically Harmonizing with the Supreme Reality
Home Program--Riga, Latvia--8 October 2011

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version
Question: Is There Really a Hell?
Dear Srila Gurudeva,Is there really a hell? Does the soul not get reincarnated in a body and situation based on past karma right here on earth?
Please guide me,
Answer: Karma Dictates That There Must Be A Hell
Hell is not a fairy tale made up to scare little children into being well-behaved. The hellish regions of the universe are factual as described in detail in the 5th Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam. And it is also a fact that there are many hellish places and situations on this planet. According to ones' previous pious or impious activities one is subjected to living in either a heavenly or hellish condition on this planet or on other planets.Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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