The Cure for Terrorism

We are here for the weekend in Mumbai, India, the site of the recent terrorist attacks. Security is extra tight here in an attempt to prevent another attack. We feel safe knowing that we have the ultimate security of Krishna. It is shameful that people have become so degraded in this age that in the name of religion they engage in all sorts of demoniac activities. They are so covered over by the material energy that they consider their sinful activities to be acts of righteousness. Whether it is the mass murder of turkeys in the name of giving thanks to God, as is done for Thanksgiving Day in the USA, or the mass murder of human beings in the name of religion, the disease is the same. They are acting against the laws of God. Whatever goes around, comes around. If we do not like being the victims of terrorism, we should be careful not to inflict terrorism upon others. That day when we stop terrorizing the unborn babies and the innocent animals, especially the cows, will be that day when we see that the terrorism menace subsides. Terrorism cannot and will not be stopped until we stop inflicting terrorism upon the innocents who are under our control.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Site of Recent Mumbai Terrorist Attack

Hare Krishna Land Oasis in the Mumbai Desert

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Why Did God Create a World of Miseries?

My question is: Why did God create this material world that He knows is temporary and full of miseries when the ultimate purpose of everything He does is His own sweet pleasure and enjoyment?


Answer: To Facilitate the Return of His Beloved Children to a Life of Unlimited Bliss

The sole purpose of Krishna's creating this material world is to facilitate those living beings who have foolishly misused their independence by abandoning an eternal life full of bliss of knowledge in Krishna's service in the spiritual sky. Krishna wants to enjoy a loving relationship with them, but as love cannot be forced, He gives them the free choice to love Him or leave Him. When they choose to leave Him, He mercifully provides a means for them to simultaneously satisfy their desire for independent enjoyment while at the same getting the impetus to return to their constitutional all-blissful servitorship position in His eternal kingdom.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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