When Times Are Bad, Dive Deeper Into Bhakti

Sometimes, more often that we would prefer, in this material world we are overwhelmed by great difficulties, devastating, turbulent, severely trying times. There is no reason to succumb to frustration and depression when such negative situations smack us in the face. All we really have to do to remain calm and joyful in such times is to dive deeper into the sublime ocean of Krishna consciousness where life is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss, and then everything will be okay. In a hurricane the surface of the ocean is very disturbed. But if one dives deep below the surface of the ocean, he will discover that it is completely calm, beautiful, and peaceful down there. So if the devotee who is tortured by bad times will simply become more absorbed, diving deeply into the sublime ocean of Krishna consciousness by hearing, chanting, remembering, serving, etc. with increased intensity and devotion, he will find that all of his anxieties go millions and billions of miles away.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Krishna Kripa Das Blissfully Chants the Hare Krishna MantraKrishna Kripa Das Blissfully Chants the Hare Krishna Mantra

Answers by Citing the Vedic Version:

Question: How to Verify Attainment of Higher Bhakti Stages?

In the matter of the nine stages of bhakti from sraddha to prema, the first four stages:

1. Sraddha--preliminary faith
2. Sadhu sanga--association with devotees
3. Bhajana kriya--accepting initiation
4. Anartha nivritti--becoming free dirt in the heart

are visible and verifiable by common observation for ourselves as well as for others.

However the last five stages:

5. Nistha--firm faith
6. Ruci--taste
7. Asakti--attachment
8. Bhava--awakening of spiritual emotions
9. Prema--pure love of God

are not amenable to verification. Is there any objective method to verify these five stages in any devotee?

I will appreciate your guidance, Sir.

Thank you,

With Regards,

Mukesh D.

Answer: Attain Them Yourself

Anartha nivritti, the cleansing of all dirt out of one's heart, is also not externally verifiable. One may superficially appear to be very pure while yet retaining much contamination with his heart. The only way that one can truly confirm the attainment of these higher stages in a devotee is if one has personally attained them himself.

Unless and until one has been initiated by a bona fide spiritual master he cannot go beyond stage two, sadhu sanga. Therefore since I happen to know that you are not yet initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, my best advise to you is that you should take step 3 and accept initiation from a bona fide guru. Then under the guidance of your spiritual master you will gradually progress through all the stages of bhakti or devotion to the level of prema, at which point you will be able to properly gauge the level of spiritual advancement of others.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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