The Devotee Tries to Save the World

The devotee of the Lord knows fully well that Krishna is the origin and thus the proprietor of everything and the well-wishing friend of all living beings. He sees Krishna everywhere because while seeing the varieties of manifestation of the material energy he sees that it is all the energy of Krishna. He knows that since no one can exist without Krishna everyone is fully dependent on Krishna for their very being. Being merged in constant remembrance of Krishna he is always swimming in an ocean of bliss. Because even while engaged in ordinary worldly activities he always offers the results of his work to Krishna, he is never tortured by a false, untenable sense of proprietorship. He feels great compassion in his heart for the world population, which is currently drowning in the misery of forgetfulness of Krishna, and thus he fully dedicates his life for the saving the poor suffering souls by trying to help them to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada Relishes...