
Showing posts from February, 2014

The Devotee Tries to Save the World

The devotee of the Lord knows fully well that Krishna is the origin and thus the proprietor of everything and the well-wishing friend of all living beings. He sees Krishna everywhere because while seeing the varieties of manifestation of the material energy he sees that it is all the energy of Krishna. He knows that since no one can exist without Krishna everyone is fully dependent on Krishna for their very being. Being merged in constant remembrance of Krishna he is always swimming in an ocean of bliss. Because even while engaged in ordinary worldly activities he always offers the results of his work to Krishna, he is never tortured by a false, untenable sense of proprietorship. He feels great compassion in his heart for the world population, which is currently drowning in the misery of forgetfulness of Krishna, and thus he fully dedicates his life for the saving the poor suffering souls by trying to help them to awaken their dormant Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada Relishes...

Don't Try to Be the Controller

Since we are under the stringent grip of the laws of material nature, as long as we try to be the controllers of this material world it is sure and certain that we must be frustrated in our attempts to be happy. There is no reason that we have to try to be the controller when there is already an unlimitedly powerful and benevolent Supreme Controller who is orchestrating everything so perfectly and so wonderfully. The only reason we experience imperfection and anxiety is that we are artificially trying to imitate the Supreme Controller. So instead of making a futile attempt to compete with Him, we should be intelligent enough to co-operate with Him and enjoy an eternal existence, which is full of knowledge and full of bliss. Even As a Baby Krishna Remains the Supreme Controller Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Is One Drop of Guru's Mercy Sufficient for Perfection? We sing the prayer "Gurudeva Kripa bindu diya koro ei dase", begging for a drop of merc...

Look for the Good in Others

Everyone of us here in this material world has some bad qualities. Therefore it very easy for us to find fault with others. But although each of us is honeycombed with so many faults, due to false pride it is very difficult for us to see the faults in ourselves. These bad qualities are not the actual nature of the self. They are simply covering the pure good qualities within, like clouds which are hiding the sun. The transcendentalist, the self-realized person, is not very eager to see the faults in others. He prefers to instead see the faults in himself and the intrinsic good within the hearts of all. This is why we are inspired to be on our best behavior when we are in the presence of great saintly persons. Because they like to see the good side of us we try to please them by only manifesting our good qualities in their presence. Gradually by the association of these great saintly persons the fog of our bad qualifies will be burned away by the purifying sun of their divine associ...

The Spiritual Master Is As Good As God

Back in 1971 when I was a youngster on the path of self-realization His Holiness Vishnujana Swami told me that I have to accept the spiritual master to be as good as God. My first reaction upon hearing this was one of complete shock and utter disbelief. How could a human being possibly be as good as God? But then when I thoughtfully considered the spiritual master in question, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, how he purely follows and repeats the teachings of Krishna without any deviation 24 hours a day, I could understand that because Srila Prabhupada purely represents God he is indeed as good as God.  This same principle holds true for any bona fide spiritual master. But this does not mean that the spiritual master is God. He is merely God's representative. If the spiritual master thinks himself to be God or allows his disciples to advertise that he is God, he is nothing but a dog. And there is nothing much more to be said in this connection. Srila Prab...

Always Stay Connected with Lord Caitanya's Mercy

Mayapur is situated in the heart Navadvipa Dhama, the site of Lord Caitanya's transcendental pastimes. Navadvipa Dhama is described as follows by Bhaktivinode Thakur in his Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya: "The dhama is eternally perfect, fully spiritual, and unlimited. Those whose intelligence is tinged with dull matter cannot approach there. But, under the influence of the hladini-sakti the energy governing bliss, the living entities give up material paths and by the strength of perfect knowledge attain their eternal spiritual activity of devotional service. The whole of Navadvipa is a spiritual manifestation, for at this holy place Sri Gauranga performed His transcendental activities. Today after two wonderful weeks of being unlimitedly blessed by residence in this most sacred place of munificence from where a tidal wave of love of God is emanating forth inundating the entire universe, we are heading out today back to Austin, Texas USA where we will be soon celebrating Ga...

Nothing More Important Than Knowing Who You Are

There is nothing more important than knowing who you are. If you don't know who you are, your life will be nothing more than a grandiose pretension. Human beings by their nature are eager for knowledge of who they are and what is their relationship with everything else. Therefore as long as they remain ignorant of who they are they can never be truly satisfied and happy. They will always carry a sense of frustration within their hearts even while deluding themselves into thinking that they are happy by indulging in the temporary happiness of sense gratification. Therefore the intelligent person seriously ponders the actual nature of his existence. He questions whether he is the temporary body or whether he is something which survives the temporary body.  By simple intellectual analysis we can easily get the answer to this question. Just as the thirst for water indicates the presence of water, in the same way the thirst for eternity indicates the presence of the eternal self...

Your Choice: Misery or Bliss

Do you want to be miserable or blissful? The choice is yours. It's simply a matter of adjusting your perspective. There is an underlying beauty to everything manifesting from the Supreme Beautiful Person who is the source of all existence. If you can adjust your vision to see everything from His perspective, you will experience joy and beauty in all times, places, and circumstances. It is not difficult to make such an adjustment of consciousness because that Supreme Person has so kindly revealed His perspective in the Bhagavad-gita. You simply have to study and apply the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita under the expert guidance of a person who is realized in the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita. In this way misery will never touch you. You will be impervious to all the miseries of material existence. Devotees Relish the Bliss of Krishna's Name in Miami Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Become Detached from this Material World? Srila Gurudeva, one of my...

Connecting with Lord Caitanya in His Holy Dhama

To be here in Sridham Mayapur is truly the most auspicious opportunity that one could get in millions and billions of lifetimes. Lord Caitanya and His intimate associates are still present in this most holy of all holy places blessing with pure love of God all the devotees who come here as well the devotes all over the world who are trying to awaken the world to Krishna consciousness. This is the place from where the inundation of love of God is billowing out like a volcanic eruption to drown everyone throughout the universe in an ocean of love of God. Srila Prabhupada has written regarding Mayapur in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 5.19.24: "The Krishna consciousness movement has established its center in Mayapur, the birthsite of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to give men the great opportunity to go there and perform a constant festival of sankirtana-yajna, as recommended herein (yajnesa-makha mahotsavah) and to distribute prasada to millions of hungry people hankering for s...

Krishna Consciousness is Non-Sectarian

The Krishna consciousness movement is not another religious sect. It is teaching the original pure loving essence of the relationship between the individual living being and the Supreme Person, the source of all existence. We don't say that you can only approach God through the name "Krishna." We say that God has thousands and millions of names and thus one can chant any name of God given in any of the various scriptures of the world according to his own taste and become spiritually perfect. Those who are not spiritually perfect cling to the baggage of sectarianism due to a false sense of "holier than thou" greatness, whereas those who are spiritually perfect genuinely appreciate the loving propensity within the hearts of all whether they are on the perfectional stage of pure love of God or not yet fully or even partially awakened such as an insect or a tree. The Temple of Understanding is Gradually Emerging in Mayapur, 17 February 2014--as seen from across th...

Dedicate Your Life to This World Deliverance Mission

The entire world civilization is spiraling downward in an ever-increasingly disintegrative whirlpool which will culminate in total anarchy, the complete break down of the modern civilization. The Krishna consciousness movement has been started by His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for the purpose of delivering the world from this quagmire. We are requesting that all compassionate and intelligent people throughout the world should join with us in this movement to bring a new era of global peace and prosperity to this planet before it is too late. We are asking everyone to mold their lives in such a way that they can best serve this divine mission of Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada Circled the Globe Fourteen Times  to Push Forward His World Deliverance Mission Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Can You Please Give Me an Order? As you are a spiritual master, can you please give me an order that I must follow? S.K. Answer: Always Remember K...

The Love Between Krishna and His Devotee

In this world everyone is hankering for love, but there is no love that compares to the love between Krishna and His devotee. This loving relationship is described by Krishna as follows in the Srimad Bhagavatam: sādhavo hṛdayaṁ mahyaṁ sādhūnāṁ hṛdayaṁ tv aham mad-anyat te na jānanti nāhaṁ tebhyo manāg api "The pure devotee is always within the core of My heart, and I am always in the heart of the pure devotee. My devotees do not know anything else but Me, and I do not know anyone else but them." --SB 9.4.68 In this loving relationship there is 100% dedication going both ways. The devotee is undeviatingly dedicated to the Lord. And the Lord is undeviatingly dedicated to His devotee. Such a pure loving relationship has no equal in this material world where everyone is more or less selfishly motivated. By associating with the Lord's pure devotees even the most fallen gross materialist can enter into the sublime sphere of a perfect loving relationship with Kr...

Transcendental Bliss at Srivas Angan

On Saturday 15 February I went with a number of my disciples to the temple at Srivas Angan, here in Mayapur, West Bengal, India. This is the place where the nama sankirtana movement, the movement of the congregational chanting of the holy names of God, began 500 years ago. It was here in the home of Srivas Pandita, which formerly stood at this spot, where Lord Caitanya and His associates would gather every night to engage in nama sankirtana. This place is also known at Khol Banga Danga (Broken Mridanga Ridge) because this is where the Muslim district governor, Chand Kazi, angrily stopped the kirtan and broke the devotees' mridanga drum with the threat that if the devotees did not stop performing sankirtana, he would force them all to become Mohammedans. Lord Caitanya defied his order and organized 100,000 chanting devotees to march to the house of the Kazi and then induced the Kazi to join the sankirtana movement. We had a blissful kirtan which started while we were sitting. ...

The Bliss of Glorifying Krishna

There is truly nothing more blissful than glorifying Krishna because when you glorify Krishna He becomes satisfied, and when you satisfy Krishna the entire universe becomes satisfied. It is just like watering the root of a tree. When you water the tree's root all of the leaves and branches of that tree become watered. Therefore those who are intelligent fully absorb themselves eternally in always glorifying Krishna with their every thought, word, and deed in all times, places, and circumstances. Glorifying Krishna in Sridham Mayapur--14 February 2014 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Is Chanting or Reading Gita More Glorious? Dear Guru Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. My question is: What is more glorious: chanting 16 rounds of the Holy Name, or reading the Bhagavad-gita As It Is for 1 to 2 hours? Please enlighten me. Your humble servant, Sushant Kulkarni, India Answer: Obeying Your Guru is Most Glor...

Human Civilization is On the Verge of Collapse

When a fan is plugged into a source of electrical power it spins nicely producing a breeze to cool the room on a hot day. But when you unplug it, it gradually winds down to a complete stop. Similarly when a civilization disconnects itself from God it gradually winds down to a complete stop. This is the status of our present day material civilization. It is on the verge of complete collapse. The only thing that is holding it together now is the residual momentum left over from its previous God consciousness. The conclusion is that if we want to save the human civilization from a break down into total anarchy, we must establish the teachings of the Bhagavad-gita as the guiding principle for the human civilization. London Devotees Saving the World By Chanting Hare Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Is ISKCON a Cult? I have been a regular reader of your Thought For The Day. I have got some questions and need clarification for them. Please accept my apologies if...

Defeat Atheism

Atheism must be defeated because it is creating a hell on this planet. The more the world becomes atheistic, the more the people become miserable. Atheism means denying the very source of our existence and sustenance. It means biting the hand that feeds you. Nobody can be happy maintaining an attitude of ingratitude towards that person who is supplying all of his necessities. Such an ingrate must be remain in an unhappy state. Therefore out of kindness upon the people of this world we must solidly defeat atheism. Srila Prabhupada, the Destroyer of Atheism Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How Can a Pure Devotee Desire to Separate from God? Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my humble pranams. I have read that we came to the material world because we had a strong desire to enjoy separately from God. I have also read that we were pure devotees of God before coming to the material world. How can a pure devotee have a desire to separate from God? Being in the plat...

If You Want to Experience Love

If you want to experience love as much as possible, give love as much as possible. And if you want to experience love unlimitedly, give your love to the Supreme, Lord Sri Krishna. Then you will taste the sweetest, most inconceivable nectar at every minute ever-increasingly for all eternity. Srila Prabhupada Introduces Love of Krishna, New York City--Tompkins Square Park--1966 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Present Modern Age Predicted in Scripture? Is the present modern age predicted in the sastras? Regards Sasi Answer: In the Srimad Bhagavatam Yes our present materialistic age is predicted in the Srimad Bhagavatam as follows: prāyeṇālpāyuṣaḥ sabhya kalāv asmin yuge janāḥ mandāḥ sumanda-matayo manda-bhāgyā hy upadrutāḥ "O learned one, in this iron age of Kali men have but short lives. They are quarrelsome, lazy, misguided, unlucky and, above all, always disturbed."--SB 1.1.10 Therefore we have to protect ourselves from the demoni...

Chaos Is All Around Me, But I've Got a Mantra That Keeps Me Sane

If we analyze our present situation here in this material world intelligently with a cool brain, we will see that this place is a chaotic nightmare. We want to live forever in perfect health and youthfulness, but yet we are forced by the laws of material nature to get sick, get old and die. This is a completely incompatible situation. It is does jive with our nature. However there is a higher level of consciousness, which is in perfect harmony with our nature. That is the spiritual nature. And we have a powerful mantra that will take us there: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Chant it with love, and you will feel the bliss. Sri Panca Tattva at Mangala Arati, Sridham Mayapur--11 Februay 2014   Sri Sri Radha Madhava and the Eight Gopis at Mangala Arati, Sridham Mayapur--11 Februay 2014   Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Everything Happens Only by the God's Will? Is it true that...

The Journey Is As Good As the Destination

One of the most amazingly wonderful things about the journey of going back to home, back to Godhead is that this journey is in many ways as good as being back to Godhead. In the spiritual world the devotee is wonderfully connected with Krishna, and on the pathway back to that transcendental abode the devotee is also wonderfully connected with Krishna. The difference is that when one begins the path his Krishna consciousness is immature, while on the perfectional stage his Krishna consciousness is mature. In either stage he relishes the sweet flavor of Krishna consciousness. Whether a mango is green and unripened or is fully ripened, in either case one has a mango. A green mango can be used to make tasty mango pickles, and a ripened mango is enjoyed for it unparalelled sweetness. So whether one is a beginner on the path or whether he has become fully self-realized, in either case he possesses the sweetest, most relishable treasure of Krishna. Srila Prabhupada Reveals Highest Truth to...

Solving the World's Problems

If we want to solve the world's problems, the good news is that it can be done. To understand the solution we must first understand the cause of the problems. The cause is that no one is serving the Lord. Everyone is very busy simply serving themselves. Even those who approach God are doing so to have their own desires fulfilled. They do not approach the Lord as they should for the purpose of fulfilling His desires. Therefore instead of a God-centered society, we have a self-centered society. No one is rendering devotional service. No one is reciprocating with the Lord for everything that He is giving us at every moment. Thus we have a situation like someone who is not paying their electric bill. Their electricity will be cut off. In a similar way the modern day godless society is gradually losing all of its material facilities moving towards a completely breakdown of the global infrastructure. Those who chant Hare Krishna and put God in the center of their lives are doing the rea...

You Must Have a Guru

If you don't have a guru, you are like a boat without a rudder. The Mundaka Upanisad confirms that having a guru is absolutely mandatory. You will not be able to cross the ocean of birth and death to attain the kingdom of immortality without a guru. Therefore don't cheat yourself out of the most valuable opportunity offered to you in this human form of life. Seek out a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation. In this way you can fully awaken your God consciousness or Krishna consciousness and thus regain your original, eternal identity in the pastimes of the Lord in His sublime, divine planet known as Krishnaloka. Srila Prabhupada Initiates a New Disciple Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What is Real Renunciation and False Renunciation? Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you What is real renunciation (yukta vairagya) and false renunciation (phalgu vairagya)? Most fallen soul Saswat...

On the Road to Sri Mayapur Dhama

Today in great joy we are heading out to Sri Mayapur Dhama, apparently situated according to mundane vision in West Bengal, India. We will spend two weeks there at ISKCON's world headquarters situated on the bank of the sacred Ganges river attending leader's meetings. Because the USA is in such a remote corner of the world so far from Mayapur, the center of the universe, it will take us two-and-a-half days to get there. The austerity of getting there is certainly well worth it. Entering into Sri Mayapur Dhama is non-differnet from entering into the spiritual world because it is a manifestation of the spiritual world here within this material existence. World's Largest Vedic Temple Under Construction in Mayapur Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Do the Pictures of Krishna Accurately Depict Him? My Dear Guruji, Are the pictures that we see of Krishna showing us the actual form of Krishna? Does Krishna really look like how we see Him in these pictures?...

Krishna is Right There With You Right Now

Krishna is right there with you right now. You simply have to connect with Him by fully opening your heart to Him. Since time immemorial during your innumerable lifetimes in this material existence He has been accompanying you as the Supersoul within your heart, waiting for that moment when you will turn your attention back to Him. So don't cheat yourself by remaining in illusion for one moment longer. Become fully absorbed in Krishna consciousness right now and reap the unlimited benefit of the constant association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There Is No One More Beautiful Than Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Should I Give Water to Krishna or to a Dying Animal? My dear Gurudeva, A devotee has taken fresh water in a glass to offer it to Lord Krishna, but on the way he sees that an animal is dying of thirst, and the animal is not able to find water anywhere to quench his thirst. What do you advise in this situation? Should the water be ...

Wonderfully, Ecstatically In Touch With Krishna

One of the high points of my day is writing "Thought for the Day." It is always interesting to see what Krishna inspires me to write each day. Today as I sit here I am wondering what I should write. Since Krishna's glories are unlimited, the process of connecting with Him is unlimitedly variegated. With unlimited things to say in glorification of Him I am baffled to discern what particular thing should be best said today. I simply have to go with whatever inspiration Lord Sri Krishna gives me. The whole point of our existence is to be fully connected with Lord Sri Krishna at every minute. Therefore we can meditate deeply on any aspect of His greatness and thus become wonderfully and ecstatically in touch with Him. The Vrindavan Animals Are All Attracted to Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Is Destiny Predetermined? I have a question on destiny. Some people say we make our destiny, while other say that our destiny is defined. I would like to ...

Have a Wonderful Eternity

In some parts of the world, "Have a good day" has become a common way of ending a conversation or interaction with someone else. Wishing that someone may have a good day is certainly laudable. But why only one day? Why not wish them a great eternity? In other words, what good is happiness for one day if tomorrow I must become miserable again? Wishing them a happy eternity is better because it acknowledges and reinforces the eternal existence of the soul. And if you teach them how to chant Hare Krishna, they will indeed have a fantastic, sublimely wonderful eternity. Devotee Presents Bhagavad-gita, the Key to a Wonderful Eternity Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Live in the Present? Which Vedic literature is the below taken from ?  gater shoko na kartavyah / bhavishyam na cintayet varthamaaneshu kaaryeshu / pravartanthe vichakshanaa "Those who are wise don't lament about the past - nor be anxious about the future. They live in th...

This Will Become World's Most Popular Movement

Because the Krishna consciousness movement is based on the Bhagavad-gita as it is, it will become in due course of time the world's most popular movement. By doing so it will bring great relief to the suffering human population, a relief which no other movement is able to provide. What is it that makes the Bhagavad-gita so special? It is the direct words of the Supreme Godhead Himself for the deliverance of all living beings from the quagmire of repeated birth and death. Introducing Bhagavad-gita As It Is--Austin, Texas--1 February 2014 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How Could We Fall from the Spiritual World? I am truly amazed by seeing your redemptory service for encouraging Krishna consciousness among all of us. But I don't know why I get doubtful in certain philosophies which I try to figure out logically. One of such is the unknown reason why we got trapped in this material (inferior) world when once we were a part of that all blissful, full of kn...

How to Always Be Enthusiastic

If we always remember Krishna's promise--"My devotee will never be vanquished."--we will always be enthusiastic to become His devotee. In other words, there is no greater opportunity existing anywhere within the three worlds than to become a devotee of Krishna. Therefore for one who is advanced in spiritual knowledge there is nothing to aspire for except for pure devotional service. This purity of aspiration brings one to the level of unlimited enthusiasm, an enthusiasm for devotional service that can never be broken under any circumstances. Super Enthusiastic Kirtan in Mayapur, India--1976 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Master the Art of Dying? If one were to die, how should one die in all time, place, and circumstances according to Krishna's will and philosophy? What is progress in Krishna consciousness? What does it depend on? Why should one stop questioning Krishna's words (which are infallible) when one is serious about...

Enter into the Realm of Perfect Love

No matter where we give our love in this world, it is sure and certain that ultimately we will be disappointed because we live in a world where everyone is tinged with varying degrees of selfishness. No one here is pure. Therefore there is no one here who can perfectly reciprocate with our love, and thus no one in this world is fully satisfied. Everyone here is more or less frustrated. The solution is that we have to give our love to Krishna because He is the only person who can perfectly reciprocate with our love. When you fully give your love to Krishna everything becomes magical and wonderful. You enter into the realm of perfect love. The Gopis Love Krishna With Absolute Perfection Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Avoid Moroseness While Serving Krishna? My dear Gurudeva,  Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. How to avoid our becoming too morose or discouraged in our devotional service to Krishna? Your ins...

The True Secret of Happiness

In this material world people are struggling and competing to gain wealth, fame, and power. But even if they achieve these things, they still remain unsatisfied. They do not know the true secret of happiness, which is found in Krishna consciousness. No matter how much or how little wealth, fame, and power you have--if you are Krishna conscious, you will be fully satisfied. All you need is Krishna because since everything exists within Krishna when you have Krishna you have everything. In other words when you have Krishna you cannot be lacking in any way. All You Need is Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Be Simultaneously Affectionate and Detached? Hare Krishna Gurudeva, Please accept my most respectful obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I was reading Srimad Bhagavatam and I was hoping you could offer some clarity on the purport to SB 5.1.6 purport: "In the same way, although a devotee may enter family life and act very affectio...