
Showing posts from May, 2013

Extinguishing the Blazing Forest Fire of Material Existence

To be caught up, as we are at the present moment, in the cycle of birth and death, is to be trapped in the blazing forest fire of material existence. When a forest fire becomes massive what can a tiny fire brigade do to extinguish it? Nothing. But when the Lord sends a merciful downpour of rain extracted from the ocean that inextinguishable forest fire immediately becomes extinguished. Similarly, it is only by the mercy of Lord Sri Krishna that we can be saved from this hellish material existence. The spiritual master is compared to the cloud which carries that merciful water from the ocean of Krishna to relieve us from our suffering in this material world. Therefore if we want to be delivered from the forest fire of birth and death, we must get the mercy of the bona fide spiritual master. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Only By Guru's Mercy Can We Be Delivered from the Blazing Forest Fire of Material Existence Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Which Krishna is More Bea...

Today's Scientists are Mostly Dogmatists

If one presupposes without any open-minded questioning of the nature of existence that there is no God and that nothing that exists beyond gross matter, he is guilty of dogmatism. Unfortunately nowadays such thinkers proudly advertise themselves as scientists. Although they are nicely decorated with PHD degrees and Nobel prizes, they are dogmatists of the worst order. We welcome true scientists who open-mindedly investigate what is the nature of reality. But unfortunately such scientists are rare indeed in today's world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Dogmatists Platitudinize that the Universe Came From Absolutely Nothing Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is It Sinful to Have Two Abortions? Is it sinful to have repeated abortions? I have had two abortions in three years of married life. How to overcome this sin? Please guide me, Gurudeva. A. Answer: One is Sinful; Two is Even More Sinful. It is indeed very sinful to have even one abortion, what to speak of two, bec...

Keep the Krishna Consciousness Movement Pure

The Krishna consciousness movement has been predicted to go down in history for having saved the world from its darkest hour of despair. But this prediction can only come true if the members of the Krishna consciousness movement keep the movement pure by strict adherence to the divine instructions of our beloved Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This is not difficult because his instructions are carefully and precisely given in his books. Therefore if Srila Prabhupada's books are scrutinizingly studied and followed, this movement will be the vanguard of the most astoundingly wonderful paradigm shift that has ever happened in the history of the universe. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Devotees Chanting Hare Krishna in Ecstasy New York City--1973 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Different Levels of Chanting What is the difference between namabhasa chanting and suddha nama chanting? Sincerely, Mihir Answer: Almost Pure Chanting an...

Getting Back Out on the Road

After a brief hiatus at our base camp here in Austin, Texas USA it's time for us to get out now back on the road for Srila Prabhupada as humble servants of his mission to make the entire world Krishna consciousness. The entire human population is suffering like anything without Krishna consciousness, and it is our duty to try save them from their misery by inducing them to chant Hare Krishna or any name of God according to their own religion. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Prophecy Fulfilled -- American, German, French, English and Indian disciples of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada join in chanting Hare Krishna in the holy city of Navadvipa during a pilgrimage in March of 1974. Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Should We Follow Our Dreams? Should we follow our dreams? And how should we do it? Bhavya Answer: Follow Guru and Krishna Instead It is not advisable to follow one's dreams because they are simply a collage of random images swirling...

Dive Deep into the Ocean of Nectar

Why needlessly languish in the desert of material existence when we can instead relish unlimited nectar by diving deep into the nectarean ocean of Krishna consciousness? There is nothing to hold us back except for our own stubborn foolishness. So why continue being foolish when we can easily cast off foolishness just as we would throw away an old, worn out, torn garment? By hearing the message of Krishna from the bona fide spiritual master we immediately become enlightened with transcendental knowledge. Sankarshan Das Adhikari With Guru Prasad Swami--Sadhusanga Retreat Wimberley, Texas--26 May 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: My Professor Was Blasphemous Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I would like to narrate an incident that took place with me: I was reading the Gita in my college library in the evening hours when one of my professors noticed me and said to me, "People who are frustrated with life o...

Relishing the Association of Sadhus

ISKCON devotee, Rama Vijaya Das, along with the help of many other sincere, dedicated devotees, has organized the 2nd annual Sadhusanga Retreat in Wimberley, Texas. Last year's inaugural Sadhusanga Retreat was also organized by him. Sadhu means devotee and sanga means association. So sadhusanga means the association of the Lord's devotees. Devotees have come from all over the world to attend this wonderful three day gathering. Just as if one gets close to fire, he becomes hot, in a similar way, the more we associate with sadhus, the devotees of the Lord, the more we awaken the dormant Krishna consciousness within our hearts and consequently become progressively more and more ecstatic. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Devotees Relish Kirtan at the Sadhusanga Retreat Wimberley, Texas--25 May 2013 BB Govinda Maharaja Leads a Sweet, Meditative Hare Krishna Kirtan at the Sadhusanga Retreat Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Cause of Untimely, Accidental Death? Dear Guru...

Balance the Inner Self and the Outer Self

If we walk on the tight rope of human existence in an unbalanced way, we will fall down into the lower species of life. Therefore we must be very careful to always maintain a good balance between our inner self and our outer self. The inner self is our eternal spiritual identify as a fully knowledgeable and blissful transcendental servant of God. Our external self, the material body, is not really us, although we tend to think that it is. The point is that while taking care of our bodily needs for maintaining good health we must not neglect the spiritual upkeep of the true self within. We must therefore always maintain our connection with Krishna or God in all times, places, and circumstances in order to be truly balanced and attain the goal of human existence, deliverance from the cycle of birth and death. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Always Stay Connected With This Supremely Beautiful Person Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Conquer Mental Distractions? Please ...

The Absolute Bliss of Krishna Consciousness

Happiness in this material world is relative. It is not absolute. It always depends on one's being in a situation that meets certain criteria for making one happy. But because this a world of duality such favorable situations are only temporary. They never last for long. Thus one can never be completely happy for very long in this world. On the other hand, when one comes to the transcendental platform of basing his happiness upon having a loving relationship with Krishna, he is able to enjoy constant happiness. Love transcends all barriers. And love of the Supreme is the supreme love. Sankarshan Das Adhikari No One More Blissful than Srila Prabhupada Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Soul or Body Punished for Sin? I have started reading the Bhagavad-gita As it is, and I have some questions. Who creates karma, the body or the soul? In Prabhupada's books I have read the following: "After death those who are sinful are taken and Yama arranges different...

The Appearance Day of Lord Nrsimhadeva

Today in Texas is the appearance day of Lord Nrsimhadeva, who mercifully appeared to protect His devotee Prahlada from being tortured and killed by his demoniac father, Hiranyakasipu. Just as Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared to protect Prahlada, He will also protect us if we humbly take shelter of Him in the same mood of Prahlada. Since we are in gross ignorance of how to do this, Srila Prabhupada has mercifully taught us how to pray to Lord Nrsimhadeva as follows: bahir nṛsiṁho hṛdaye nṛsiṁhaḥ "Let Lord Nrsimhadeva sit in the core of my heart, killing all my bad propensities. Let my mind become clean so that I may peacefully worship the Lord and bring peace to the entire world." This is a most beautiful and wonderful way of praying because not only is the devotee praying for his own purification. He is also simultaneously praying that all the suffering souls of this world can be relieved from their misery. He wants that Krishna consciousness should flood his own heart and that i...

Our Mission is to Deliver the World

Srila Prabhupada has entrusted us, his followers, with the mission of delivering the entire world from its present day condition of ignorance and misinformation. It is a world of blind leading the blind. Because today's world leaders are spiritually blind they are for all practical purposes useless, and the world situation is deteriorating more and more with each passing year. Therefore there must arise now a class of enlightened men and women who can teach by their example and their words what is the proper standard of human life. The Krishna consciousness movement has been established for this purpose, to create a new class of spiritual leaders for this most spiritually impoverished planet. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Our Savior, Srila Prabhupada, Arrives Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Do the Vedas Allow Meat Eating? Do the Vedic scriptures allow meat eating? I ask this because one of my academic teachers has read the Vedas but still eats meat and has an inten...

Most Sublime Srila Prabhupada Association

Those who were blessed with the personal association of Srila Prabhupada were indeed the most fortunate persons in the entire universe. Being in his association in the proper mood of bhakti was bathing in a veritable ocean of unlimited spiritual eternity, knowledge and bliss. Because he was fully connected with and surrendered to Lord Sri Krishna within his heart his every word, his every gesture, and his every action were rich with unlimited dimensions of deep spiritual meaning and significance. But there is nothing to lament for those who missed his personal association because they can get exactly the same benefit simply by reading his books, in which he is fully present. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Morning Walk With Disciples Golden Gate Park--San Francisco, USA--1966 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Is God Only Known Through Scriptures? According to Vedanta Sutra 2.1.27 : śrutes tu śabda-mūlatvāt : The Lord can be understood only through the scri...

A Blissful Evening of Bhakti

On the evening of 18 May 2013, ISKCON Austin member, Mahasundari Madhavi devi dasi, arranged a special program called "An Evening of Bhakti" at the Austin Center for Spiritual Living. I was invited as the guest speaker. It was a wonderful opportunity to share with many the glories of devoting one's life to Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna in a mood of pure devotion, i.e. not asking for anything from Him in return. After we arrived we had a deep, meditative kirtan, and I spoke for over an hour on the science of bhakti. Based on the authority of the Bhagavad-gita I answered the many wonderful questions that were asked. Several Bhagavad-gitas were purchased, and a healthy, delicious prasadam meal was served to everyone. All in all it was truly a wonderfully enlivening evening of bhakti, the ultimate science of perfection. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Evening of Bhakti--Austin--18 May 2013 Presenting Bhagavad-gita As It Is Revealing the Topmost Yoga System ...

Keep Up With the Real News

In this material world everyone likes to keep up with the news. They want to know what is currently going on all over the world. For this purpose newspapers and the internet are very popular. What these people don't realize is that this planet is just a tiny little speck within a much greater, more significant reality. If they really want to know what's happening, they should give up their provincialism and keep up with the real news by looking beyond the curtain of the material energy to the vast, unlimitedly amazing spiritual reality of which our puny, insignificant little universe is simply a mere miniscule particle. Sankarshan Das Adhikari The Unlimitedly Vast Spiritual Sky Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Why is Krishna So Specific? In Bhagavad-gita Chapter 7 Lord Krishna says that He is the heat in fire, taste of water, sunshine of the sun, etc. However Lord Krishna is actually the entire material energy. This means that He is not only the taste, but...

We Must Try to Save the World

It's a thankless task. But we must try to save the world. Without love of Krishna the entire world civilization is gradually disintegrating until one day it will reach the state of total anarchy. The difficulty is that when we try to save the people by giving them Krishna consciousness they are not interested. Sometimes they become angry and go so far as to torture or even kill the devotee who is trying to help them. We could just abandon them and allow them to be dragged down to the animal kingdom in their next birth. But how can we knowingly let our brothers and sisters drown when we have the knowledge and the formula to save them? Therefore we must make our best effort to save the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Brings Krishna Bhakti to England Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Preach To or Avoid Materialists? Namaste Gurudeva, Glad to hear that you have come back from your wonderful world tour. It was nice to read about your trip and all ot...

How to Escape Inevitable Death

There is no escaping death in this material world because everyone must die. However, one who surrenders to Krishna becomes deathless, free from the clutches of death. In this connection Srila Prabhupada has said: "Krish means 'repetition of birth;' and na means 'one who ends.' The one who ends our repetition of birth is called Krishna. Our repetition of birth can be ended only by God. Otherwise it is not possible. Harim vinā naiva srtim taranti: one cannot stop one's repetition of birth and death without having the causeless mercy of God. Therefore, Krishna is a scientific name of God." If we take these words of Srila Prabhupada very seriously and fully surrender ourselves unto Lord Sri Krishna, we will escape death. Otherwise there is no escape. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Introduces Deathlessness 9 October 1966-Tompkins Square Park, New York Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Too Much God Consciousness Causes Violence? ...

Averting Impending Global Meltdown

On our flight from London to Dallas on 14 May I had a very meaningful discussion with a British Airways flight attendant. I explained to her how the entire world is becoming increasingly more and more chaotic due to the increase of godlessness in the world. I pointed out to her the dogmatic, non-scientific nature of the popular atheistic argument that the universe comes out of absolutely nothing. There has never been in the history of science one scientific experiment performed in which something even small and insignificant was derived from nothing, what to speak of an entire universe coming out of nothing. On the other hand, we can scientifically prove that every machine requires an operator and that the universe also operates as a machine. In this way we have solid scientific evidence that there must a God. She was very impressed by my explanations and asked me if I am one of the higher-ups in our organization. I then gave her the information to sign up for our e-course. I hope she...

Heart Melting Experience in the Baltics

Our lecture tour in Latvia, Lithuania, and Kaliningrad, Russia was truly a heart melting experience. It was diving into an ocean of unlimited loving exchanges with Vaisnavas, the devotees of the Lord. This is the key how to make rapid spiritual advancement. The more we have loving exchanges with devotees, the more our hearts dance in the sweet ecstasy of love of Godhead. Therefore wherever we are in the world we should find out where are the devotees of Krishna and engage in loving relationships with them as much as possible. This will guarantee our rapid spiritual advancement back to home, back to Godhead. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Final Lecture at the Vilnius Airport 13 May 2013--Vilnius, Lithuania Farewell Kirtan at Airport as We Enter Security 13 May 2013--Vilnius, Lithuania Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How Can the Eternal Soul Ever Be Created? In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Sri Krishna says: "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all ...

There's Nothing Sweeter than Transcendental Bliss

There's nothing sweeter than transcendental bliss. And if you are looking for it, you've come to right place. By the combined mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu the Krishna consciousness movement is overflowing with unlimited oceans of transcendental bliss sufficient for everyone throughout the entire universe to become immeasurably happy. You simply have to dive into the ocean of Krishna's holy names with a little faith, and you will relish the sweetest transcendental nectar. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Sunday Feast Transcendental Bliss Lecture 12 May 2013--Kaunas, Lithuania Super Enlivened Audience Relishes the Lecture Many Purchased Srila Prabhupada's Books After the Lecture Super Ecstatic Farewell Kirtan as We Departed Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Am I Controlled or Free? I have a question to ask regarding the introduction to Bhagavad-gita. Srila Prabhupada mentions the five basic truths explained in Bhagavad-gita: Isva...

Every Soul is Most Dear to Krishna

Every person or soul in all of existence is most dear to Krishna because that soul is an eternal emanation from Krishna manifested specifically for the purpose of having a sweet, loving relationship with Krishna both for Krishna's satisfaction and for that soul's satisfaction. In other words by nature everyone is a lover of God. There's no such thing of anyone being a demon by nature. Those who are demoniac are temporarily manifesting an unnatural temperament, which will eventually be given up when they resume their original, natural consciousness, i.e. their Krishna consciousness Sankarshan Das Adhikari Some of the Dear Souls Who Attended Our Program 11 May 2013--Kelme, Lithuania Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: What Happens When We Become Self-Realized? Gurudeva! Please accept my respectful obeisances. My question is: What happens to us when we attain self-realization? Where does the prakriti stand at that time? I find it difficult to understand. K...

When Suffering's So Bad That You Just Can't Stand It

When suffering's so bad That you just cannot stand it, Remember this clue To quell the bliss bandit. That body's not you. Just a transient covering. Chant Hare Krishna. Pure bliss now discovering. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing the Innermost Meaning of Life 10 May 2013--Sakiai, Lithuania Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Can There Be a Gay Devotee? What are your thoughts on gays and same sex marriage? In Krishna consciousness is there a rule against gays? And can there be a gay devotee? A. Answer: Gays Become Happy Devotees A spiritually enlightened person loves everyone equally seeing everyone as part and parcel of Krishna. Therefore he welcomes everyone regardless of their sexual orientation. He does not discriminate against anyone because of their being gay or straight. This spiritually awakened person realizes that he is not his body and that therefore his real happiness is on the transcendental platform in a loving relationship with Lord ...

Conquer Over Envy for Freedom from Anxiety

It is not easy to conquer over envy because in this material existence envy is deeply ingrained in our psyches. We must therefore purify ourselves by chanting the holy names and disciplining our minds with our intelligence to prevent envious thoughts from overtaking our consciousness. In other words we must exert strenuous mental discipline to conquer envy. This hard work is well worth it because the pay off is phenomenal. We will become completely free from all anxieties. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Introducing the Science of Krishna Bhakti 9 May 2013--Vilnius, Lithuania Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Soul's Identity When Merged into Brahman? In Bhagavad-gita 2.12 Lord Krishna says clearly that every soul has an ever present and independent identity: "Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be." How does this statement reconcile with those souls that merge into impersonal...

Don't Be Duped by Crackbrained Atheistic Hogwash

The atheists do not have a philosophical leg to stand on. Their views are based on blind faith and dogma, not on logical, scientific thinking. The foundation of their faith is based on the premise that everything comes out of nothing. But there has never been in the history of science even one experiment performed where something was derived from nothing. But yet these simpletons naively expect us to buy their valueless viewpoint. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. If others want to be duped by crackbrained atheistic hogwash, that is their business. But as far as we are concerned, we prefer to use our brains rather than stagnate them. Sankarshan Das Adhikari "Meaning of Life" Lecture at Samosa Restaurant 8 May 2013--Kaunas, Lithuania Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: Different Levels of Realization? What are the differences of the experiences of someone who has realized the Absolute Truth as Krishna versus those who have realized the Paramatma an...

Another Day Jam Packed with Nectar

Tuesday 7 May 2013 was another Krishna conscious day jam packed with nectar. I rose at 230am to bathe and chant Hare Krishna japa. After attending mangala arati (morning worship) and worshipping the sacred tulasi tree (tulasi puja) I composed, formatted, and uploaded "Thought for the Day" for 8 May. Then at 715am it was time for greeting of the deities and guru puja (worshipping the spiritual master). After that I gave a Srimad Bhagavatam lecture, which was followed by breakfast. The rest of the morning I was interviewed by a wonderful woman named Ingrida Stankeviciene. The interview was recorded for being aired on Ziniu Radio. Following the interview was lunch. Then after lunch I took rest for one hour, took bath, and did some worship of our Radha Krishna deities (Sri Sri Radha Damodar). At this time we drove for one hour from Kaunas to Vilnius where I gave a Bhagavad-gita lecture at the Hare Krishna center. We got back to Kaunas by 930pm and took prasadam and got to rest b...

Nature's Beauty and Krishna's Smiling Face

As we were leaving Russia early in the morning on 6 May to return to Lithuania we drove for over an hour through a beautiful forest just as the sun was rising. Appreciating that beauty as the smile of Krishna I am drawn to Krishna's original smile as described by Srila Prabhupada in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 1.11.26 as follows: "And those who are artists, overtaken by the beautiful creation, should better see to the beautiful face of the Lord for complete satisfaction. The face of the Lord is the embodiment of beauty. What they call beautiful nature is but His smile, and what they call the sweet songs of the birds are but specimens of the whispering voice of the Lord." While we can derive some temporary satisfaction by seeing the beauty of nature, if we want permanent satisfaction we must look to the beautiful smiling face of Krishna, which surpasses the beauty of nature by millions and billions of times. Since that amazing face is the source of the beauty of al...

Super Ecstatic Visit to Russia

5 May 2013--We have been coming regularly to Kaliningrad, Russia now for many years. I've been told that it's been for seven years. With each visit the loving feelings between us and these wonderful devotees becomes stronger and stronger. The devotees receive us with so much love that they will always remain with us in a very special place in our hearts. The kirtans were overflowing with nectar and the devotees were very eager to hear the lectures and ask many intelligent questions. Our accommodation hosts, Sriman Gopinatha Prabhu and his wife, Nadia Mataji, were sweeter than the sweetest honey. Lila Avatar Prabhu and his wife Sasa made wonderful arrangements for our preaching. And Lila Avatar Prabhu's parting words of thanks announced at the last lecture were so full of love that they would melt anyone's heart. As we are preparing now to leave, we are eagerly anticipating our return visit next year. Who could imagine that in the midst of Russia the Hare Krishna devot...

Simple Formula for World Peace

In a public hall program in Kaliningrad, Russia on 4 May 2013 I explained to the audience how simply through Krishna consciousness all the problems of the world will be solved. It's a fact that the Krishna consciousness movement can immediately bring total, complete peace and happiness to the entire human society. Simply the people must agree to chant the Hare Krishna mantra and taste Krishna prasadam, vegetarian foods offered to Lord Sri Krishna with love and devotion. If they agree, the world will experience the full blossoming of the most revolutionary epoch in world history, the Caitanya Era. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Teaching the Science of Krishna Bhakti Kaliningrad, Russia--4 May 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to React When Cheated? Dear Guru Maharaja How a Krishna conscious person should behave when he gives some money to others and is finally cheated? How the mind should be controlled without agitation, angry, disappointment and sadnes...

Spreading Krishna Bhakti Globally or Locally

There is nothing sweeter than spreading the glories of Lord Sri Krishna all over the world or in your own neighborhood because in either case this service makes one very dear to Krishna and thus a recipient of His special mercy. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing the Secret of Eternal Happiness Kaliningrad, Russia--3 May 2013 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version: Question: How to Attain Supernatural Powers? Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I would also like to ask the following questions: How to become perfected being, to acquire spiritual wisdom, dispassion, renunciation and get endowed with great purity, holiness and enlightenment possessing all siddhis or supernatural powers like Kapila Muni? Is it possible in this life? Janardan Mali Answer: Only Desire to Attain Pure Bhakti The desire for supernatural powers is a material desire that will stand in the way of one's attaining spiritual perfection. Kapila Muni is an incarnation of God. It is not possible for living bei...

Life of Unlimited Bliss Beyond the Clouds

There is no reason for you to continue being miserable. Just as you will see that the sun is shining even on a cloudy day if you are elevated beyond the clouds by taking off in an airplane, in a similar way if you will elevate your consciousness beyond the clouds of the three modes of material nature, you will experience constant, uninterrupted spiritual bliss. In case you are wondering where is that airplane that will take you beyond the clouds of maya, the material nature, you do not have to look very far. Simply chant these names with love, and you will immediately be elevated to the sweet, ecstatic, transcendental dimension: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare Sankarshan Das Adhikari Catching Up On Emails--2 May 2013 On the Road to Klaipeda, Lithuania Arrival Kirtan in Klaipeda--2May 2013 Expounding the Bhakti Science Klaipeda, Lithuania--2 May 2013 Eager Listeners in Klaipeda--2 May 2013 Answers by Citing t...