Sweeter than the Sweetest Nectar

On Srila Prabhupada's disappearance day in Vrindavan the assembled ocean of devotees were privileged to hear so many disciples of Srila Prabhupada speak their offerings of love. The master of ceremonies, Dina Bandhu Prabhu, explained that because there were 85 Prabhupada disciples present that not everyone would get a chance to speak. So I sat peacefully for several hours relishing all the wonderful expressions of love from my Godbrothers and Godsistere thinking that I would not be speaking. Then when I was called to speak, although I was somewhat surprised, I took it as wonderful opportunity to glorify my spiritual master to a highly receptive audience. The sweetest nectar is to glorify Lord Sri Krishna, but sweeter still is to glorify ur beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. At Vrindavan's Prabhupada Disappearance Festival 30 October 2011: The Pandal Was Packed With Devotees Blessed With a Chance to Glorify Srila Prabhupada Bathing Ceremony fo...