Thanking Srila Prabhupada
This has been a very short but sweet visit to Melbourne, Australia, a mere two-and-a-half days of preaching. But Krishna has kept me pretty busy with five lectures and a fair amount of one-on-one preaching for my aspiring disciples. Plus there is my normal routine of morning sadhana, writing Thought for the Day, and trying to keep up with my voluminous correspondence. There is nothing within the entire existence which is sweeter and more enlivening than to be fully engaged 24/7 in practicing and teaching the science of Krishna consciousness. Bowing down at the lotus feet of my beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, and constantly begging for his mercy I, his lowly servant Sankarshan Das, am thanking him again and again for this wonderful life that he has given me. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Ecstatic Melbourne Home Program 29 December 2008 Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Will the Animals Eat Us? Prabhu I have been cons...