You Have a Choice

You have a choice. Do you want to taste the sweet flavor of existence at every minute by fully entering into your eternal identity beyond your temporary material body? Or would you rather continue focusing your energies on trying to squeeze out some temporary flickering pleasure from a lump of flesh, blood, muscle, mucus, urine, and stool, which is destined to get sick, get old, and die? The choice yours.

I do not want to pressure you into choosing spiritual life over material life. This is a decision you will have to make on your own. I simply want to give you sufficient information so that you can make a fully educated decision.

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: Does God Exist?...

How one can believe in the existence of God ?


Answer: A Scientific Proof...

We have no interest in believing in God. Belief can be changed just as easily as the wind changes directions. We want to KNOW whether God exists or not. Once we know this, our position will be very solid. While beliefs can be whimsically changed at any moment, knowledge is unshakable. Because modern day science is constantly being changed, we can understand that the scientists have not yet arrived at the point of knowledge.

"God" simply means "the source of all that exists." From practical experience we can see that everything comes from something, that nothing comes from nothing. Therefore the universe must come from a source. Just as we have a name for this thing and that thing, we also have a name for the original source of existence. We call that source by the word "God." Therefore just as certainly as the universe exists, as confirmed by our perception of it, we can know positively that God exists.

To say that the universe simply exists on its own without having a source is not scientific because that is not the pattern we observe within nature. Everywhere we can observe that one thing comes from another thing, which comes from another thing, which comes from another thing. If we trace all back to the original source of all that exists we have found God.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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