Expounding the Science of Bhakti in the Kingdom of Bahrain

It is now 6:25 am on 26 November 2006. We arrived yesterday in the Kingdom of Bahrain, a small oil rich Islamic country on a desert island in the Persian Gulf. Our arrival was accompanied by unusual rainfall for this time of year and a beautiful rainbow, a very auspicious omen. Even though this is an Islamic country, there is a large of community of Krishna devotees here consisting of resident workers from India. Last night I spoke to a gathering of over 100 devotees at one of their two temples. It was a very relishable experience to describe the glorious process of Krishna consciousness to an audience which was so eager to hear it.

Sankarshan Das Lecture at Kingdom of Bahrain

Why is Krishna consciousness so relishable? Because it connects us with who we really are. It brings us back to our original, eternal identities as the servants of Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: Consciousness of the Soul...

When a person who is not a devotee dies, what is the consciousness of the soul after death? Is it pure consciousness? Or does the soul use the subtle body to find new ways to enjoy?


Answer: Pure or Impure...

Whatever our minds are attracted to at the moment of death determines what our next birth will be. If we are attracted to Krishna, we will attain Krishna. If we are attracted to something else besides Krishna, we will attain that instead.

Pure consciousness means 100% absorption in Krishna. If our mind is absorbed in something other than Krishna, this means that we are still trapped within the subtle body composed of mind, intelligence, and false ego. That subtle body will carry us to another gross body, in which we can make another foolish attempt to try to enjoy this material world.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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