The Reservoir of Beauty and Wonderfulness

Krishna is unparalleled in His beauty and wonderfulness. Indeed all beautiful and wonderful things possess these qualities only because of the empowerment of Lord Sri Krishna. In other words Sri Krishna is the very source, the very reservoir of all beauty and wonderfulness.

Consequently if we allow ourselves to be attracted to anything other than Sri Krishna, we are simply cheating ourselves out of the supreme enjoyment. Why should we settle for that which is second class, third class, or even tenth or hundredth class when we can have that which is first class?

Human life is meant to be intelligently executed, not foolishly squandered. We have our choice.

Now what will you do?

Answers According to the Vedic Version

Question: Not Allotted As Our Quota...

In your e-mal of 11 November, there is a phrase I did not understand. You stated, "We cannot take meat, fish, and eggs because these have not been allotted to us as our quota." Please explain to me how the maxim "not allotted to us as our quota" is related to our eating habits.

Thanks in advance for your kindness to answer to me.

Many regards, your student,


Answer: Krishna's Prescription...

"Not allotted to us as our quota" means that God has prescribed different kinds of foods for different kinds of species. For example, the tiger is allowed to eat flesh. If we study the body of a tiger we will see that his body is designed for flesh eating. It we study in comparison the body of a human being, we will see that his body is not designed by God for flesh eating. The human being is meant to subsist on a diet of fruits, grains, vegetables, and dairy products.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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