It's Time to Get Serious About Krishna Consciousness

After transmigrating through the 8,000,000 subhuman species and having been blessed with the attainment of this rare human form of life we have now have the most auspicious opportunity to become spiritually awakened and thus regain our original eternally liberated identities in the all-blissful spiritual world. Unfortunately instead of doing this 99.99% of the human population is totally engrossed in material sense gratification and thus qualifying themselves to return to the lower species in their next lives. Those rare souls who have awakened their intelligence and have thus become serious to regain their original constitutional identities as servants of the Supreme Person are the most fortunate persons in the entire universe. If you are blessed by finding yourself in this category, take full advantage of your unlimited good fortune and fully surrender yourself unto Lord Sri Krishna under the guidance of the bona spiritual master. This will insure your deliverance from this hellish ...