Prayer for World Deliverance

Our dearmost Lord Sri Krishna, we are greatly disturbed to see a world around us which has so totally lost its connection with you. The world population has been grossly misguided and dragged down to the level of animals in their consciousness and in their behavior. This means that in their next life these poor souls will take birth as animals. We know that it is our duty to somehow or other save them by bringing them to Krishna consciousness. But due to our own lack of Krishna consciousness we find ourselves quite unfit to do so. Therefore we humbly beg for your mercy that we can become fully pure in devotion to you and that we may become empowered to attract the entire world population to join this Krishna consciousness movement. When that glorious day comes the entire world population will be peaceful, happy, and prosperous. This will be the full blown manifestation of the golden era of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. His most soothing moon-like mercy bestowing the greatest benediction of ...