This Material World is a Royal Rip-Off

Although we perpetually try to get a good deal from this material world, we will never be able to do so because in the final analysis it is nothing but a royal rip off. Try as we may and try as we might we will always be defeated by the stringent laws of the material nature. We try to always be healthy, but yet we are forced to get sick. We try to remain young, but yet we are forced to get old. We try to live forever, but yet we are forced to die. So it's time we learn our lesson and realize that this is not a fit place for our residence and get out of here as soon as possible. But due to our conditioning we think, "Home sweet home" and we continue to have hope against hope that someday we will be able to make all the suitable arrangements for being happy here.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Are We Guilty of Killing Vegetables?

My son tells me that I am killing vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, etc whenever I eat them. How literally do we take the law, "Thou shalt not kill?"


Answer: Yes, If They're Not Offered to Krishna

It's a fact that just as meat eaters are guilty of killing, vegetarians are also guilty of killing because many vegetables are killed when we eat them. This is why Krishna instructs that before eating our vegetarian foods we must first offer them to Him so that we become free from the karmic reaction of killing. While Krishna offers this facility for the eating of vegetables, He does not offer this concession for the eating of meat.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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