What Could Be Sweeter?

What could be sweeter than taking the holy names into a downtown park on the pleasant summer afternoon and broadcasting an ecstatic kirtan to attract the hearts of the fallen, conditioned souls back to Lord Sri Krishna, their eternal lord and master? That's what we did last Wednesday on Sofia, Bulgaria. To behold the souls who have been merged in forgetfulness of God for thousands and millions of lifetimes becoming attracted and uplifted by Lord Sri Krishna in the the form of His holy names has got to be the greatest feeling that you could ever have! If you want to taste the sweetest nectar join your local Hare Krishna chanting party as soon as possible.Check out the kirtan now through the following link:


Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: Difficulty with Vedic History

Your Grace,

I am currently in the US military and a part time college student, with a major in world history. I am doing my best to continue growing into Krishna Consciousness, but I have been having difficulty. I have been reading about Vedic history and how the ages are divided up. I am having difficulty maintaining continuous devotion when I have a hard time accepting the Vedic timeline. While the Vedic timeline goes back billions of years, the fossil record dates humanity at only about 10,000 years old, and the Earth itself at only about 4.4billion years. I tried to ask devotees about this, but most were shocked that I even had this concern and were unable to provide a reason as to why this may occur (the fossil record being considerably younger than the Vedic timeline).

So, Your Grace, could you possibly clarify this issue? Thank you very much for your assistance,

Your servant


Answer: Difficulty With the Scientists

I understand your concern and appreciate very much that you have approached me for clarification. You have mentioned that the fossil records date the human race as being only 10,000 years old. But there are archeological findings that substantiate the existence of humans on this planet as far back as 33 million years ago. It uncanny that the modern day scientific community is so much locked into their theories about the history of the human race that they stubbornly refuse to acknowledge a wealth of documented archeological findings to the contrary. You can check this out yourself at:


The modern day scientists are so much locked into academic stereotypes that they refuse to accept any evidence which does not agree with their theories. In other words, even though they advertise themselves as scientists, they are not being at all scientific. A true scientist does not bend or ignore the facts to suit his theories. The true scientist formulates his theories after open-mindedly analyzing all of the data which is available to him. And he is always willing to revise his theories when new data becomes available. We are seeing now that the modern day scientists are so close minded in this regard that we wonder if they are worthy of still being designated as scientists. Someone suggested they should be called dogmatists instead of scientists. I do not think they would be happy with this new designation.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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