Relief from Hell on Wilson Street

My last two evenings Lima before departing for Los Angeles were spent giving in two parts a seminar on pure devotional service at our ISKCON Wilson Street Temple in Lima, Peru. After enduring the hell of downtown Lima and Wilson Street at the height of rush hour and finally arriving at the temple, I had no idea how many people would be willing to go through that same hell for attending a seminar on pure devotional service. Much to my pleasant surprise the hall was packed and buzzing with excitement. As soon as the kirtan began the Kali Yuga chaos which encircled us became conspicuous by its absence. And as we dove deeper and deeper into the topic of pure devotional service it became clearer and clearer how we can always live a happy, fulfilled life by taking complete shelter of Lord Sri Krishna's lotus feet.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Going Through Hell on Wilson Street

Going Through Hell on Wilson Street

Endless Stream of Buses Emitting Toxic Fumes on Wilson Street

Endless Stream of Buses Emitting Toxic Fumes on Wilson Street

Relief from All Distress on Wilson Street

Relief from All Distress on Wilson Street-Sankarshan Das lecture

Answers According to the Vedic Version:

Question: What Am I?

What am I? Am I the soul only or the subtle body and the soul? Please enlighten me.

Your servant,


Answer: Soul Covered by Gross and Subtle Bodies

You are the soul, but you are presently covered by two types of bodies: the gross body and the subtle body. The gross body is composed of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. And the subtle body is composed of mind, intelligence, and false ego. Beneath these two coverings is the actual self, the soul. The gross body is given up at the time of death when you accept another gross material body according to the state of your consciousness at the time of death. The subtle body goes with you birth after birth until you become completely free from its clutches and go back to the spiritual sky for reviving your original spiritual form. The gross body is given up at the end of each lifetime in exchange for a new gross body either as a human being, a plant, or an animal. And the subtle body travels with you through your millions of births until it is finally given up at the time of your spiritual emancipation.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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