More Tolerant than a Tree
Lord Caitanya says that in order to be able to constantly relish the Lord's holy names we have to be more tolerant than a tree. So let us consider just how tolerant a tree is. No matter what people may do to a tree the tree will not protest. Someone may carve their initials in its bark. Someone may cut off some of its branches. Someone may even come to kill the tree by cutting it down. But in all conditions the tree will simply stand there and take it. And through all of this the tree goes on rendering service without any discrimination regarding who is worthy of being served and who is not worthy of being served. In the summer the tree tolerates the intense heat of the sun to be able to provide cooling shade to persons who take shelter under his branches. And in the winter his wood is used to keep people warm. If we can develop qualities like the tree, we will be able dive unlimitedly into the sweet nectarean ocean of Lord Sri Krishna's transcendental names.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

Your student
A Gnostic is a jnani, one who knows the truth. So if you were a real Gnostic, you would not feel lonely. But that's all right. I can train you how to become a real Gnostic.
Being asexual is very good. In fact asexuality is the ideal type of sexuality to have because the other types of sexuality drag one's mind to the carnal material platform on which one cannot advance spiritually.
You don't have to worry anymore about finding perfect friendship because you will not find a better friend than Krishna. He's with you at every minute. Krishna confirms in the Bhagavad-gita that He is the best friend of every living being.
Also in the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna gives you your mission, which is to fully surrender yourself unto Him. This and only this will make you happy. You will be completely fulfilled and always joyful. So now you should learn from our course how to fully surrender yourself to Krishna.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu The Most Munificent Incarnation of God

Answers According to the Vedic Version:
Question: What is My Mission?
I am a star child. I am a Gnostic, and I am asexual. I often feel bad because the material world hurts me. I feel like a lonely, unappreciated stranger. I don't want children and family. All as I need is friendship in a perfect spiritual relationship, but I don't find it. Why I am a star child? What is my mission?Your student
Answer: Surrender to Krishna
Although within this material world we are under the influence of the demigods, the controlling deities of the stars, our actual identity is that we are the children of Krishna or God. So even though under astrological influence it appears that we are star children, the fact is that we are children of God.A Gnostic is a jnani, one who knows the truth. So if you were a real Gnostic, you would not feel lonely. But that's all right. I can train you how to become a real Gnostic.
Being asexual is very good. In fact asexuality is the ideal type of sexuality to have because the other types of sexuality drag one's mind to the carnal material platform on which one cannot advance spiritually.
You don't have to worry anymore about finding perfect friendship because you will not find a better friend than Krishna. He's with you at every minute. Krishna confirms in the Bhagavad-gita that He is the best friend of every living being.
Also in the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna gives you your mission, which is to fully surrender yourself unto Him. This and only this will make you happy. You will be completely fulfilled and always joyful. So now you should learn from our course how to fully surrender yourself to Krishna.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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