
Showing posts from 2024

New Madhuvan is off-the-grid._2 Oct 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." New Madhuvan is Off-the-Grid I am writing this on 1 October 2024 from New Madhuvan, Bulgaria. I am very impressed that New Madhuvan is sel-sufficient. It is off-the-grid. The government of Bulgaria can completely collapse but New Madhuvan can continue with no interruption. The devotees here are getting their water from their own well. And they are getting their electricity from their own solar power. They have sufficient cows to provide them with ample milk and wonderful milk products. And they are growing many varieties of foods. The foundation is their regular daily worship of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai beginning with Mangala arati every morning at 5am. Their project is named after the Madhuvan forest, which is part of Krishna's pastimes as described in this Srimad Bhagavatam verse: "My dear boy, I therefore wish all good for...

My suffering amazes me.--29 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." My Suffering Amazes Me In the past I've always very much relished traveling and preaching all over the world for pushing forward the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Even though I am in physical pain when I give a lecture, preaching is still unlimitedly ecstatic. But now due to my pinched nerve the traveling is now a hellish nightmare. It's like being in a torture chamber. I spent a sleepless miserable night in great pain flying from the US to London. However, this suffering is actually quite amazing. How could an eternal spiritual being who is qualitatively one with the Supreme Lord ever find himself in a suffering condition? This is similar to the amazing pastimes of the hogs who think that there is nothing more delicious than the taste of fresh stool. This is all due to a misuse of our free will. Sankarshan Das Adhika...

Today we are arriving in Bulgaria.--28 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Today We Are Arriving in Bulgaria Today we are arriving at New Madhuvan, the farm of my disciples, Nitai Candra and Gaura Candra. It is very wonderful indeed that they are engaged in one of the important aspects of Vedic culture, cow protection. Regarding cow protection Srila Prabhupada has emphasized it again and again and again in his writings. Here is one the many things he has written as follows in this regard in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Fourth Canto, Chapter 21, Text 44: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped with the prayer namo brahmaṇya-devāya go-brāhmaṇa-hitāya ca. Thus it is clear that the Supreme Personality of Godhead respects and protects the brāhmaṇas and brahminical culture, as well as the cows; in other words, wherever there are brāhmaṇas and brahminical culture, there are cows and cow protect...

What to do when things become very difficult?--27 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." What to Do When Things Become Very Difficult? In extreme cases of suffering a devotee may sometimes think that it is better to die than to go through this. In such situations here is some advice from Srila Prabhupada that can give us great solace: Tamāla Kṛṣṇa confided to Śrīla Prabhupāda, "I am so disturbed by these dealings that I can't chant my rounds properly." "That is natural," Prabhupāda replied. "Sometimes when I am disturbed, I also." "But I can see that I am making spiritual advancement, even so," Tamāla Kṛṣṇa admitted. Prabhupāda nodded. "I used to think how to avoid difficult situations," Tamāla Kṛṣṇa said. "But now I think I should not run away from them." "Yes," said Prabhupāda, "we should welcome these. They give us an opportunity to advanc...

Why do we chant on 108 beads?--26 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Why Do We Chant on 108 Beads? If you have wondered why, here is Srila Prabhupada's explanation given in a lecture on February 18, 1967 in San Francisco: Sometimes the explanation is given that "Why we have got 108 beads?" "Because there are 108 Upaniṣads." So chanting of Hare Kṛṣṇa with 108 beads means that we are surpassing the study of 108 Upaniṣads. Another meaning is that there are 108 damsels who served Kṛṣṇa with all respect at Vṛndāvana. So that is also another explanation, 108. Let us all take advantage of the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krishna japa mala every day. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Chanting Japa Directly Connects Us with Krishna Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers What are the 26 qualiti...

We're starting circle-the-globe lecture tour Friday.--25 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Around-the-World Lecture Tour Gurumataji and I are heading out this Friday 27 September on an around-the-world lecture tour. Our schedule is given at the bottom of this email. We will also be traveling and preaching in India after initially staying in India to observe the sacred month of Kartik (the month of Damodar). That schedule is not listed because we have not planned it ye. If you live in one of the destinations listed below please do come and attend our lectures as much as possible. We want to share you with the sublime process of Krishna consciousness to empower you to become fixed in Krishna consciousness and thus become qualified to go back to your original home in the spiritual world upon quitting your present material body. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Back to the Spiritual World Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krish...

Never give up hope.--23 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Never Give Up Hope The devotee of Lord Krishna never gives up hope of his attaining the supreme perfection of complete, total freedom from all suffering because he understands the unlimited mercy of Lord Sri Krishna. We may foolishly forget Krishna. But as our loving father He never forgets us. And thus He has been inducing us since time immemorial to return to our original home in the Spiritual Sky. Thus it is now time that we start listening to Him instead of our rascal minds. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Krishna Wants Us Back Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Hare Krishna Prabhuji Please accept my humble obeisances. The soul is sat, cit, ananda (eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss). If the soul is full of knowledge why did we as souls choose to fall do...

If it wasn't for Krishna we would not exist..--22 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." If It Wasn't for Krishna We Would Not Exist As confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (Chapter 10, Verse 8) Krishna is the foundation of all existence. ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate iti matvā bhajante māṁ budhā bhāva-samanvitāḥ "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts." So don't take your existence for granted. Show Krishna how much you appreciate your existence by giving Him your loving service. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Dear Srila Gurudeva Please accept my humble obeisances My humble obeisances to Gurumata All glories to Srila Prabhupada Hope you are rec...

If I were you I would....--21 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." If I Were You I Would... ...make sure that this is my last lifetime here in the material world of suffering by fully surrendering to Krishna. The process is not difficult. If you want to learn anything you take guidance from someone who is expert. This is why you need a bona fide spiritual master. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Here is My Spiritual Master: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Hare Krsna Prabhu, Prabhu, why did Krishna create us? Did He create us to make us serve Him or to exchange loving relations with us? Vaibhav Answer From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Vaibhav, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Loving exchange is the reason. Love means service. Without service...

Do not kill cows.--20 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Do Not Kill Cows Do you know anyone who is so demoniac that they would kill their mother and eat her flesh? Only the most inconceivably wicked monster would ever dream of doing such a thing. Welcome to the modern day society where such a horribly sinful thing is a regular daily affair. The cow is our mother because she gives us her milk after first mother no longer can. So how we kill and eat our own mother? This inspired me to write a song called "Do Not Kill Cows" and to get a website (which has not been developed yet." Here are the lyrics to the song. It has not been recorded yet: The cow's our mother giving us milk After first mother no longer can. So how we can kill and eat her? This I do not understand. If your compassion I can somehow arouse, I'll convince you that we should not kill ...

How not to be consumed by blazing Kali Yuga fire..--19 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." How Not to Be Consumed by the Blazing Kali Yuga Fire Forest fires are very difficult to extinguish. They can consume hundreds and thousands of acres, killing people, millions of plants and animals, destroying towns, ruining ecosystems, etc. Similarly this Kali yuga is a blazing forest fire wreaking havoc on the entire planet earth, destroying the entire human civilization. Do you want to keep yourself fireproof, free from the blazing fire of Kali yuga? If so, take very seriously to this process of Krishna consciousness and the blazing fire of Kali Yuga will not consume you. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Blazing All-Devouring Forest Fire Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Why are we suffering so much here in this material world? Answer Because we made the foolish ch...

Now you can dive into an ocean of unlimited bliss..--18 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Dive Into the Ocean of Unlimited Bliss Chant Hare Krishna and experience the magic of the Holy Names. Krishna is personally present in them. Thus, now you can directly experience God! Sankarshan Das Adhikari Relishing the Nectar of Krishna's Names Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Please accept my humble obeisance Gurudev and Gurumataji, All glories to Prabhupada, For many weeks now I have been chanting 16 rounds, I have faith in the Holy Names but I am scared everything should be auspicious in my life, nothing inauspicious. Yours obediently Shivani Shah Saxena India. Answer From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Shivani, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. When are fully Krishna conscious even the so-called inauspicious thin...

Why suffer when you can always be blissful?--17 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Why Suffer When You Can Always Be Blissful? All you have to do to happy is chant Hare Krishna as much as possible every day in all times, places, and circumstances. chant on your beads, off the beads, in kirtan, in the shower, when walking down the street, at home, at your job, etc. etc. etc. etc. Fill your lips with the sweet holy names of Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Super Ecstatic Sankirtan Party in Laguna Beach, California Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Hare Krsna Prabhu, Prabhu, I recently visited ISKCON East of Kailash in New Delhi where I saw books named: Perfection of Life, Know Who You Are and Be Who You Are, and Truth Works. These books had your name written on it. Are there books written by you? Vaibhav Kumararya Answer From: ISKCON Austi...

Do not torture your spiritual master.--16 Sept 2024

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Do Not Torture Your Spiritual Master Since the spiritual master suffers for the sins of his disciples they should be very careful to follow their initiations vows. If they do not do so they are torturing their spiritual master. I have just now been informed that of one my married initiated disciples is having an illicit love affair outside of marriage. I am requesting this disciple and anyone else who is breaking their initiation vows to kindly stop this because the pain I am presently going through is it making it very difficult for me to execute the duty given to me by Srila Prabhupada to push forward this Krishna consciousness movement all over the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada is Kind Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Hare Krishna! D...

I want to make the whole world Krishna conscious.--15 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." I Want to Make the Whole World Krishna Conscious On 17 December in 1973 Srila Prabhupada told his disciples: "Become perfect in the understanding of this science and become guru and deliver the whole world." I have taken this order as my very life and soul that now I must deliver the world, even if it takes me many lifetimes to do so. So now I am requesting all of you who are reading this to please dedicate your lives fully to assisting me in my world deliverance mission. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Our Global Aspiration Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Dear Srila Gurudev, dear Srimati Guru Mataji, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to You! Today on the most auspicious day on appirience day of Srimati R...

Here's how to be free from Maya's attack.👍--14 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." Here's How to Be Free From Maya's Attack Here's Srila Prabhupada's simple formula how to be free from Maya's attack: "Therefore Rupa Goswami has introduced this system of regulative principles which I have taught to you also. These regulative principles, such as rising before 4 am for mangala-arati, chanting sixteen rounds minimum on beads daily, reading books, going for the street sankirtana, preaching to anyone and everyone, offering the prasada, like that, these principles of devotional service are there to safeguard us from maya's attack by keeping us always enthusiastic. If we strictly observe these principles, we shall remain always enthusiastic. These are the sources and the maintainers of our enthusiasm to serve Krsna. As soon as someone is not following them regularly, it maybe certain that his...

Why read the news when you be the news?--13 Sept 2024 (C.E. 538)

Thought For the Day The Ultimate Self Realization Course "Godhead is light. Nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience."  Why Read the News When You Can Be the News? Would you rather be a blind follower of a material society, which is dragging everyone down to the animal kingdom in their next births? Or you would rather someone who makes a difference by pushing forward a spiritual revolution for liberating the fallen souls of this world from their entanglement in their cycle of birth and death? The choice is up to you. I hope you make the intelligent choice. Sankarshan Das Adhikari P.S. Human life means using your intelligence. Is This You Want to Be? Urgent! Please Help Us Make the World Krishna Conscious. Donate Now By Clicking Here Questions and Answers Were you on a podcast on 12 September? Answer Yes, here are the links: Apple: Spotify...