
Showing posts from February, 2021

Great Reformers are Like Waterfalls

In Srila Prabhupada's book "Light of the Bhagavat" especially relishable is verse #33 as follows: "There are waterfalls flowing from the hills of the forest, but sometimes water does not flow from them. So the waterfalls are not like ordinary rainfall. They are compared to great reformers, who speak or do not speak, as the time requires." So let us all now become like this in our Krishna conscious preaching activities, intelligently judging when to speak and not to speak. In this way we can be successful in our preaching as Srila Prabhupada wrote to Jagadisa Das in letter from Sydney, Australia dated 27 March 1972: "If we simply repeat this philosophy exactly as it is, without any misrepresentation or adulteration, then this movement will never be checked, and we will conquer the world." So now, my dear students and disciples, we truly have our work cut out for us. We must all become great reformers by intelligently and purely preaching Krishna cons...

Always Live in the Present

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur has very wisely advised us: Forget the past that sleeps and ne'er The future dream at all, But act in times that are with thee And progress thee shall call. So let us take his advice very seriously and always be fully absorbed in loving and serving Krishna will all of our thoughts, words, and deeds in all times, places, and circumstances. By doing so we will be blessed with the ultimate reward, the awakening of pure love of God within our hearts. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Can You Tell Me About Prabhupada? All Glories to Krishna. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Spiritual Master Please accept my obeisances. I have problems to write english. My writings are very simply. Spiritual Master, thank you very much. You are teaching from Krishna/God. You have big and important mission in this world. Sometimes I have missed Srila Prabhupada with my heart. I have not seen him in my ...

Easy Journey to Other Planets

With great difficulty and great expense the USA has landed a space ship on the Mars planet where the laws of the material nature, namely birth, death, old age, and disease, still act. So what is their great accomplishment? There is no reason to suffer these miseries here in this material world repeatedly going through birth, death, old age, and disease rotating again and again and yet again through the 8,400,000 different species. Simply by taking complete shelter of Lord Sri Krishna's holy names (Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) you will be carried back to your original eternally youthful identity in the Spiritual Sky as illustrated in the painting displayed below the Mars photo. Sankarshan Das Adhikari With Great Endeavor and Expense the USA Has Landed on Mars Chant Hare Krishna for Easy Journey to the Spiritual Sky Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: How Did Your Life Change? How did your life ...

How Much Happiness is There in This Material World?

Srila Prabhupada very nicely describes in Chapter 20 of the Krishna Book how much happiness there is in this material world quoting from the poet Vidyāpati that it is no more than a drop of water in the desert: "During the rainy season, many small ponds, lakes and rivulets become filled with water; otherwise, the rest of the year they remain dry. Similarly, materialistic persons are dry, but sometimes, when they are in a so-called opulent position, with a home or children or a little bank balance, they appear to be flourishing, but immediately afterwards they become dry again, like the small rivulets and ponds. The poet Vidyāpati said that in the society of friends, family, children, wife, etc., there is certainly some pleasure, but that pleasure is compared to a drop of water in the desert. Everyone is hankering after happiness, just as in the desert everyone is hankering after water. If in the desert there is a drop of water, it may of course be said that water is there, but the...

The Appearance Day of Lord Nityananda

Today is the most auspicious appearance day of Lord Nityananda. Regarding Lord Nityananda Srila Prabhupada writes: "The Personality of Godhead known as Śrī Balarāma in Kṛṣṇaloka is the original Saṅkarṣaṇa (attracting Deity)... Lord Baladeva in Kṛṣṇaloka is Nityānanda Prabhu. Therefore Nityānanda Prabhu is the original Saṅkarṣaṇa." Lord Nityananda is famous for being even more merciful than Lord Caitanya due to the special mercy he gave to the rascals Jagai and Madhai. Srila Prabhupada describes that pastime as follows: Once Nityānanda Prabhu and Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura were walking down a main road, and on the way they saw a roaring crowd assembled. Upon inquiring from passers-by, they understood that two brothers, named Jagāi and Mādhāi, were creating a public disturbance in a drunken state. They also heard that these two brothers were born in a respectable brāhmaṇa family, but because of low association they had turned into debauchees of the worst type. They were not only dr...

Cow Protection Program in Bulgaria is Most Pleasing to Lord Krishna

I just received the most wonderful correspondence from my disciple, Nitai Candra Das, who manages along with his brother, Gaura Candra Das, a wonderful cow protection project in Bulgaria. On 19 February 2021 he has written me as follows: Dear Srila Gurudev, Dear Srimati Gurumataji, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank You very much for the email. I feel very happy that the small service which we render makes you happy! In the winter time we have 20-25 liters of milk. Summer time 30-40, sometimes 50 liters Gaura Candra Prabhu prepares all kinds milk products. Sometimes we give milk to the local devotees also. Yes, I will make a plan to repair the building on the farm. There are many things which need to be done. Here in Bulgaria the Covid situation is not so bad. If you agree we can start the programs in Burgas preaching center after Gaura Purnima. Thank you very much for the invitation to attend the online classes at . I always...

The Most Exhilarating Sunday Love Feast Program

After experiencing a total shut down of Austin for many days, on 21 February 2021 we had the most ecstatic Sunday feast program that I can ever remember. Due to snow and ice combined with no electricity and no water for many days it was very difficult for everyone. Last week's Sunday program was cancelled. One of our couples had no heat, almost no food, and no water for four days in subfreezing weather down to 7 degrees Fahrenheit, which is minus 14 degrees Celsius. All of our members, and Gurumataji and I was well, suffered through periods of no water and no electricity. By Krishna's grace it is now warm. The electricity and water are up and running, but the tap water has be boiled before drinking because the city is currently not able to properly purify it. Today's program was such a super ecstatic occasion that I just had to share some pictures with you. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Super Ecstatic Sunday Love Feast Program at ISKCON Austin (Photos from the Lecture given by Gu...

Beat Your Mind with Shoes

An uncontrolled mind is our worst enemy because it will keep us entangled eternally in the cycle of repeated birth and death. On the other hand a controlled mind is our best friend because it will enable us to regain our original eternal identities in the spiritual world. Therefore Srila Prabhupada very strongly instructs us to keep our minds under control. In his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam, Fifth Canto, Chapter 6, Text 4 Srila Prabhupada explains as follows: "Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura used to say that in the morning our first business should be to beat the mind with shoes a hundred times. and, before going to bed, to beat the mind a hundred times with a broomstick. In this way one's mind can be kept under control. An uncontrolled mind and an unchaste wife are the same. An unchaste wife can kill her husband at any time, and an uncontrolled mind, followed by lust, anger, greed, madness, envy and illusion, can certainly kill the yogī. When the yogī is controlled ...

Sex is Only for Procreation, Not Recreation

There is huge misconception in this material world that sex is a recreational sport. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sex is only to be engaged in in marriage and even in marriage only for procreation. Even in our ISKCON devotees mistakenly think that within marriage sex can be engaged in for having fun. To clarify what is proper in this connection Srila Prabhupada gave a wonderful Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture given in Los Angeles, USA on September 22, 1972. In that lecture he states: "So the fact is that our householder life is not a platform of being attracted by woman or by wife. No. Wife is not accepted for sex satisfaction, being attracted by her. No. Therefore wife is called dharma-patnī. Dharma-patnī. Dharma-patnī means a religious wife, or husband and wife should execute religious life, spiritual cultivation. That is the purpose of becoming householder. Gṛhastha-āśrama. Not that I become attracted by wife and I become absorbed in simply sex relation and forget my real...

Are You Cheating Yourself?

If you are basing your life on the satisfaction of your temporary material senses, you are relegating yourself to death. You are grossly cheating yourself because your actual identity is that you are an eternal spiritual being qualitatively one with God Himself. You are not that temporary body, which is full of ignorance and misery. You are the eternal spirit soul with spiritual form and who is full of knowledge and full of bliss. You are on the associates of the Supreme Lord in His transcendental pastimes in the spiritual world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Why Settle for This? When You Can Have This? Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Science an Spirituality? Dear Srila Gurudeva, All Glories to His Divine Srila Prabhupada and Yourself! My humble question to you is, "How is science different from spirituality?". Awaiting your conscious thoughts on this. Thanking you, Hare Krishna Your Servant, Debobrata Answer: Pseudo Science and Real Science My Dear Debobrata, P...

We Can Only Please Krishna When We Are the Devotees of His Devotees

If we want to be Krishna's devotees, we can only achieve this most exalted position in all the three worlds by becoming the devotees of Krishna's devotees. This is confirmed by Sri Caitanya when he quoted this verse from the Ādi Purāṇa: ye me bhakta-janāḥ pārtha na me bhaktāś ca te janāḥ mad-bhaktānāṁ ca ye bhaktās te me bhakta-tamā matāḥ “[Lord Kṛṣṇa told Arjuna:] ‘Those who are My direct devotees are actually not My devotees, but those who are the devotees of My servant are factually My devotees.’" So we must now become very seriously dedicated to Krishna's devotees if we want to revive our dormant Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Love Krishna's Devotees Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: After the Caitanya Era? It is given that the sankirtan movement will last for only 10000 years. So then what will happen in the remaining rest 417,000 years. Devesh Sahu Answer: Everyone Will Become Cannibal My Dear Devesh, Please accept my blessings....

The Golden Era of Lord Caitanya

We are most fortunate to be living in the Caitanya Era, the 10,000 year period that began with the appearance of Lord Caitanya in 1486 during which the entire world will eventually become Krishna conscious. It is described as follows in the (Brahma-vaivarta Purana 4.129.59) "kaler dasa-sahasrāni madbhaktāh samti bhu-tale ekavarnā bhavisyamti madbhakteṣu gatesu ca" "For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will fill the whole planet. After the departure of My devotees there will be only one varna [outcaste]." Srila Prabhupada has said many things about this amazing time in history. In his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam Eighth Canto, Chapter 5, Text 23 he has written, "When Kṛṣṇa appeared, He gave His orders, and when Kṛṣṇa Himself appeared as a devotee, as Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, He showed us the path by which to cross the ocean of Kali-yuga. That is the path of the Hare Kṛṣṇa movement. When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu appeared, He ushered in the era for the sa...

Not Disturbed by External Circumstances

Because Krishna's pure devotee sees the loving hand of Krishna behind every situation he is not disturbed by any situation. Thus those of us who are still disturbed by so many situations should focus on awakening our dormant Krishna consciousness as our main business. Otherwise, we are unnecessarily simply torturing ourselves. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Even the Most Chaotic Situation Does Not Disturb Krishna's Pure Devotee Answers According to the Vedic Wisdom Question: Should I Give Up this Path? My family doesn't support me for Krishna consciousness and also many times I feel depressed even after chanting 16-20 rounds daily. Is is that Krishna doesn't want to accept me?  Should I should give up this path?   S. Answer: Keep Chanting My Dear S,   Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Krishna wants you more than you can ever imagine. Your depression is due to impurities that are still sitting there within in your heart. So keep chanting steadily ev...

Material Happiness is a Curse and Material Misery is a Blessing

In this material world everyone is trying to get material happiness and avoid material distress. But the Lord's devotee has quite a different way of seeing things. He takes material happiness as a curse and material misery as blessing. He sees in this way because material happiness tends to make him forget Krishna and material distress forces him to remember Krishna. Queen Kunti found material distress to be so auspicious that she was praying for more and more material distress: vipadaḥ santu tāḥ śaśvat tatra tatra jagad-guro bhavato darśanaṁ yat syād apunar bhava-darśanam "I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths." (Srimad Bhagavatam, First Canto, Chapter 8, Text 25) So it's not that we have to pray for distress. But when it comes we should not be bewildered. We should instead accept it as the special mercy of Lord Sri Krishna to...