Great Reformers are Like Waterfalls

In Srila Prabhupada's book "Light of the Bhagavat" especially relishable is verse #33 as follows: "There are waterfalls flowing from the hills of the forest, but sometimes water does not flow from them. So the waterfalls are not like ordinary rainfall. They are compared to great reformers, who speak or do not speak, as the time requires." So let us all now become like this in our Krishna conscious preaching activities, intelligently judging when to speak and not to speak. In this way we can be successful in our preaching as Srila Prabhupada wrote to Jagadisa Das in letter from Sydney, Australia dated 27 March 1972: "If we simply repeat this philosophy exactly as it is, without any misrepresentation or adulteration, then this movement will never be checked, and we will conquer the world." So now, my dear students and disciples, we truly have our work cut out for us. We must all become great reformers by intelligently and purely preaching Krishna cons...