If You're Not Absolutely Ecstatic, You're Doing Something Wrong
If you are not absolutely ecstatic at every second, you are doing something wrong because the nature of the soul is to be constantly swimming in an ocean of unlimited transcendental bliss. In other words, to be unhappy or not fully joyful is an unnatural state of consciousness experienced only by those persons who are not fully connected with their original, pure spiritual natures as servants of Krishna or God.
The neophyte devotee although greatly awakened and enlivened still sometimes experiences the residue of his previous unhappy material existence. But as he faithfully follows the pathway of sadhana bhakti under the expert guidance of the bona fide spiritual master, the clouds of illusion gradually clear away and the pure unadulterated sun of Krishna consciousness becomes fully and splendorously manifested within his heart.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

1. If eating meat is not advisable by Krishna, then why He created all animals who eat others?
2. Why have we been given these senses, if they are not good for us?
3. Why is it that only Krishna's devotees are dear to Him and the non-devotees are not dear to Him?
4.How by doing an MBA can we elevate ourselves spiritually?
5. Is it that every person on this earth does what Krishna wants him to do? If this is true, why is there so much evil in the world with people not following the Bhagavad-gita?
6. We all know about the power of God, and we love Him. Then how was it that we became jealous of Him and had to be sent here? If love of God is the only real pleasure, why did we decide to try to enjoy material pleasures?
7. Are all Muslims making fools of themselves?
8. Gurudeva, how does a person make fool of himself by pretending or assuming that he is a devotee of the Lord?
Your humble servant,
1. If eating meat is not advisable by Krishna, then why He created all animals who eat others?
Answer: Taking birth in their next life as an animal is a concession for those persons who are attached to eating meat. In this way they have full facility for meat eating.
2. Why have we been given these senses, if they are not good for us?
Answers: A surgeon's scalpel is neither good or bad in itself but can we used for the good purpose of removing someone's cancer or the bad purpose of murdering someone by cutting their throat. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with our material senses if we engage them in Krishna's service, and they are our ticket to hell if we engage them in material sense gratification.
3. Why is it that only Krishna's devotees are dear to Him and the non-devotees are not dear to Him?
Answer: Everyone is dear to Krishna, both the devotees and the non-devotees, just as a father loves all of his children even those who disobey him. This is why Krishna comes again and again to this material world for the purpose of rescuing His lost children who have gone astray.
4. How by doing an MBA can we elevate ourselves spiritually?
Answer: By offering it in Krishna's service.
5. Is it that every person on this earth does what Krishna wants him to do? If this is true, why is there so much evil in the world with people not following the Bhagavad-gita?
Answer: This material world is a place designated by God for those people who are not doing what Krishna wants. That's why they are here. Therefore it is natural that there should so much evil happening everywhere all around us.
6. We all know about the power of God, and we love Him. Then how was it that we became jealous of Him and had to be sent here? If love of God is the only real pleasure, why did we decide to try to enjoy material pleasures?
Answer: Like a curious child who sticks his hand in the fire, we stuck our hands in the fire of independence from the Lord. We foolishly thought to try becoming Him to see if it was better than serving Him. Hopefully we have now learned our lesson.
7. Are all Muslims making fools of themselves?
Answer: Why only Muslims? All modern day religionists are making fools out of themselves by approaching God to fulfill their material desires. Does a child have to ask his parents to feed him? No, of course not. So why do we keep pestering God with our lists of material desires? This is utter foolishness. God will automatically take care of our material needs. We should be approaching Him instead to beg Him to engage us in His service. This is the real meaning of being a Muslim, Hindu, Jew, or Christian.
8. Gurudeva, how does a person make a fool of himself by pretending or assuming that he is a devotee of the Lord?
Answer: To be a devotee of God is not a cheap. To truly be a devotee one must become totally surrendered to carrying out the orders of the Lord like Hanuman or Arjuna, not that I approach God to fulfill my material desires and advertise myself as His devotee. Approaching God to fulfill my material desires means that I am devotee of my material desires, not a devotee of God.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
The neophyte devotee although greatly awakened and enlivened still sometimes experiences the residue of his previous unhappy material existence. But as he faithfully follows the pathway of sadhana bhakti under the expert guidance of the bona fide spiritual master, the clouds of illusion gradually clear away and the pure unadulterated sun of Krishna consciousness becomes fully and splendorously manifested within his heart.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
Sublime Vrindavana Forest Site of Krishna's Eternal Pastimes

Answers According to the Vedic Version:
Question: Why Krishna Created Meat Eating Animals?
Gurudeva, I am doing my management studies and there are many of my class mates who have shown interest in Krishna consciousness as they have many times seen me chanting and talking about Krishna's pastimes. They have asked me many questions of which I know the answers, but I am not that qualified to make them understand. I know you are in that position to answer them perfectly. The questions are:1. If eating meat is not advisable by Krishna, then why He created all animals who eat others?
2. Why have we been given these senses, if they are not good for us?
3. Why is it that only Krishna's devotees are dear to Him and the non-devotees are not dear to Him?
4.How by doing an MBA can we elevate ourselves spiritually?
5. Is it that every person on this earth does what Krishna wants him to do? If this is true, why is there so much evil in the world with people not following the Bhagavad-gita?
6. We all know about the power of God, and we love Him. Then how was it that we became jealous of Him and had to be sent here? If love of God is the only real pleasure, why did we decide to try to enjoy material pleasures?
7. Are all Muslims making fools of themselves?
8. Gurudeva, how does a person make fool of himself by pretending or assuming that he is a devotee of the Lord?
Your humble servant,
Answer: To Give the Meat Eaters Full Facility
Here are your questions with answers:1. If eating meat is not advisable by Krishna, then why He created all animals who eat others?
Answer: Taking birth in their next life as an animal is a concession for those persons who are attached to eating meat. In this way they have full facility for meat eating.
2. Why have we been given these senses, if they are not good for us?
Answers: A surgeon's scalpel is neither good or bad in itself but can we used for the good purpose of removing someone's cancer or the bad purpose of murdering someone by cutting their throat. Similarly, there is nothing wrong with our material senses if we engage them in Krishna's service, and they are our ticket to hell if we engage them in material sense gratification.
3. Why is it that only Krishna's devotees are dear to Him and the non-devotees are not dear to Him?
Answer: Everyone is dear to Krishna, both the devotees and the non-devotees, just as a father loves all of his children even those who disobey him. This is why Krishna comes again and again to this material world for the purpose of rescuing His lost children who have gone astray.
4. How by doing an MBA can we elevate ourselves spiritually?
Answer: By offering it in Krishna's service.
5. Is it that every person on this earth does what Krishna wants him to do? If this is true, why is there so much evil in the world with people not following the Bhagavad-gita?
Answer: This material world is a place designated by God for those people who are not doing what Krishna wants. That's why they are here. Therefore it is natural that there should so much evil happening everywhere all around us.
6. We all know about the power of God, and we love Him. Then how was it that we became jealous of Him and had to be sent here? If love of God is the only real pleasure, why did we decide to try to enjoy material pleasures?
Answer: Like a curious child who sticks his hand in the fire, we stuck our hands in the fire of independence from the Lord. We foolishly thought to try becoming Him to see if it was better than serving Him. Hopefully we have now learned our lesson.
7. Are all Muslims making fools of themselves?
Answer: Why only Muslims? All modern day religionists are making fools out of themselves by approaching God to fulfill their material desires. Does a child have to ask his parents to feed him? No, of course not. So why do we keep pestering God with our lists of material desires? This is utter foolishness. God will automatically take care of our material needs. We should be approaching Him instead to beg Him to engage us in His service. This is the real meaning of being a Muslim, Hindu, Jew, or Christian.
8. Gurudeva, how does a person make a fool of himself by pretending or assuming that he is a devotee of the Lord?
Answer: To be a devotee of God is not a cheap. To truly be a devotee one must become totally surrendered to carrying out the orders of the Lord like Hanuman or Arjuna, not that I approach God to fulfill my material desires and advertise myself as His devotee. Approaching God to fulfill my material desires means that I am devotee of my material desires, not a devotee of God.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
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