Reciprocation of Pure Love

When I realized how unlimitedly merciful Srila Prabhupada is in bestowing the unlimited bliss of Krishna consciousness upon those who take shelter of him, I naturally wanted to reciprocate with his inconceivably sublime mercy by becoming his disciple. In this connection I have composed the following verse: Srila Prabhupada, I pray for the mercy That I can please you unlimitedly. For I've got to try to repay the debt For the unlimited bliss you're giving me. In the material world every experience I had ever tasted of love was frustrating and incomplete. But when I experienced a reciprocation of love in relationship with Srila Prabhupada by offering myself to him as his eternal servant I experienced a love that was completely pure, devoid of the lust and greed which contaminates the so-called love of this world. There is truly nothing sweeter than this. You can taste it too. You simply to do the same thing that I did. You have to surrender yourself at the lotus feet of the bona ...