Transition to Pure Krishna-Centeredness

We can achieve unlimited energy, freedom, and bliss if we will stick tightly to this path of awakening our original divine nature. It is only due to our conditioned existence of misidentifying the body with the self that we are presently in a suffering condition. In other words, we do not have to suffer at all. Suffering is simply an artificial situation experienced by the soul when he dreams that he is the center of existence. Therefore all we have to do to get out of suffering condition is to master the art of being Krishna-centered instead of self-centered. Because we have been completely self-centered for millions of lifetimes it takes some time to overcome our self-centered natures. But if we will take shelter of a purely Krishna-centered spiritual master, by his grace we will gradually transition from gross self-centeredness to pure Krishna-centeredness and thus achieve the perfectional stage of spiritual enlightenment, 100% pure love of Krishna. Sankarshan Das Adhikari No One ...