Winning the War on Terrorism
As I write these words we are flying from Hong Kong to Delhi, India. This means that in a few hours we will be landing in that country which has just undergone a series of brutal terrorist attacks in which over 100 people were murdered. Such horrific tragedies are a stark reminder of how dangerous indeed this material world is. Once when my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, was asked about terrorism he said that in a world where everyone is like an animal it is natural that some of the "animals" will be ferocious. This profound statement from Srila Prabhupada indicates that the only tangible solution for the terrorism scourge is to elevate the entire society beyond the animal platform to the platform of pure love of God. As long as men remain like animals by engrossment in eating, sleeping, mating, and defending it is inevitable that some of them will come out as terrorists. So if we want true lasting peace we must popularize the Krishna consciousness movement all over the...