Accept Your Guru's Order as Your Very Life and Soul

The disciple accepts the order of his spiritual master as his very life and soul and always thinks, speaks, and acts in accordance with his spiritual master's instructions. This is confirmed in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila, Chapter 12, Text 10 as follows: ācāryera mata yei, sei mata sāra tāṅra ājñā laṅghi’ cale, sei ta’ asāra "The order of the spiritual master is the active principle in spiritual life. Anyone who disobeys the order of the spiritual master immediately becomes useless." In his purport to this verse Srila Prabhupada states: "Here is the opinion of Srila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami. Persons who strictly follow the orders of the spiritual master are useful in executing the will of the Supreme, whereas persons who deviate from the strict order of the spiritual master are useless." Therefore anyone who wants to be successful in spiritual life and attain the ultimate goal of going back home, back to Godhead must obey this principle. Discip...