
Showing posts from February, 2009

Do You Want to Be Free?

Are you tired of being a slave of samsara, the wheel of birth, death, old age, and disease? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get out of this wheel? If so, you are in the right place at the right time. My spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has blessed me with the sublime formula by which every living being in the entire universe (Yes, there is life on other planets.) can be delivered from the cycle of birth of death. And he ordered me to freely share it with you. All you have to do to revive your original state of divine consciousness in perfect loving harmony with the Supreme Person is to regularly chant His holy names: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Chant these sublime names every day as much as possible and you will feel the difference. You will gradually awaken more and more the unlimitedly blissful divine consciousness within you. Sankarshan Das Adhikari George Harris...

Understanding the Supreme Person

Some people argue that there is no Supreme Person. But their argument is baseless and illogical. To understand how there must be a Supreme Person kindly consider these points: Does everyone have the same amount of wealth? No. Everyone has a different amount of wealth. I may have $10. You may have $100. Someone may have $1,000,000. Somewhere within the vast expanse of existence there is a person who has more wealth than anyone else. Similarly everyone has different amounts of strength, beauty, knowledge, renunciation, and fame. When we can locate that person who exceeds all others in power, beauty, renunciation, knowledge, wealth, and fame we have found the Supreme Person. To argue that there is no Supreme Person is to say that everyone has the same quantity of power, beauty, renunciation, knowledge, wealth, and fame. Since this is obviously not true can logically, philosophically, scientifically understand that the Supreme Person MUST exist. The next step is to meet Him. Sankarshan Da...

Millions of Light Years Beyond Birth and Death

There is no reason to continue suffering for another minute in this material existence. Take the special mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and immediately come to the transcendental platform by taking complete shelter of the most sublime mahamantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.Call out these names in a mood of humble submission and your heart will be filled with transcendental bliss situated millions of light years beyond the cycle of birth and death. If you don't believe it, just try it, and you'll see what I mean. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Taking Off on the Mahamantra in Timisoara, Romania Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Conquering Sex Desire What should a devotee do when sex desires come to his body? Such a situation is quite difficult and dangerous. Do you have some emergency method when sex desires attack the body and mind? Is it that only males are prone to be sexually agitated up...

Grandeur Lost When Dreams Come True

In this world we are motivated to action by our dreams of what we would like to achieve. But the difficulty is that when our dreams come true we are still not satisfied. That thing which we considered would be such a glorious achievement, when we attain it we disappointedly discover that is has lost its grandeur. In this way we are defeated again and again by the material nature. However instead of admitting our defeat we simply expand the bubbles of our dreams a little further thinking that if I can attain just a little bit more in this material world, then I will be satisfied. Those who are highly thoughtful don't try to find shelter on the quicksand of this material existence. They instead find their shelter in that place where when dreams come true the results are millions and billions of times greater than what one could have ever imagined or expected. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing the Higher Truth of Krishna Consciousness in Russia Answers According to the Vedic Versi...

Make a World Revolution Now

Our goal is to pull off a world revolution, not with guns and bombs, but by giving the people in general enlightened education of the relationship between the individual self and the Supreme Self. An all-encompassing world-wide spiritual revolution is desperately needed now more than ever for this human society, which is drifting further and further away from the God-centered conception of existence. Because we have drifted so far off center we are experiencing ever-increasing turbulence, chaos, and misery on this planet. In spite of all of our technological advancement people are suffering more now than ever before because we are so much out of harmony with the laws of nature and God. The politicians promise to solve the problems but always end up failing to deliver on their promises because they do not have the slightest idea how to actually solve the world's problems. Therefore enlightened teachers are required in every town, city, and village who can properly educate the peopl...

Break Through to the Other Side of Reality

Those who put their full faith in the words of guru and Krishna and thus fully absorb themselves 24/7 in Krishna consciousness qualify themselves to break through the multi-layered coverings of the material universe and enter to the other side of reality, that amazingly sublime spiritual sky where life is eternal and all forms of misery and ignorance are conspicuous by their absence. The Dr. Frogs who scoff at the very idea that such a place exists are relegated by the laws of nature to remain here transmigrating endlessly in the 8,400,000 species constantly enduring the fourfold miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease. If this is what they want, they can have it. I would rather enjoy an eternal life of full freedom, bliss, and knowledge than to be a prisoner of the chains of material existence. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Goloka Vrindavan: The Topmost Planet in the Spiritual Sky Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: How to Become Self-Realized? I have a question ...

Baffled Dr. Frog

There is a type of logic known as kūpa-maṇḍūka-nyāya, the logic of the frog in the well. This refers to the mundane logicians who are compared to a Dr. Frog, who lived in a three feet wide well and proudly thought that his well was the biggest body of water in the entire world. When a friend frog who had seen the Atlantic Ocean excitedly hopped over to Dr. Frog's well to inform him that there was a body of water much bigger than his well, he could not believe it. "A body of water bigger than my well? That is preposterous!" When the other frog insisted that it was much bigger than his well Dr. Frog puffed his chest out and inquired, "Is it this much bigger than my well?" His friend replied, "No, Dr. Frog, it's much bigger than that." Amazed, Dr. Frog puffed his chest out even further and inquired, "Is it this much bigger than my well?" to which the other frog replied, "No, Dr. Frog, it is much, much bigger than that!" Baffle...

We Do Not Present Our Own Opinion

From time to time some of our readers will write in to inform us that we are wrong on different points. According to them they have a higher, more accurate understanding of what is true than what we are presenting. One reader wrote in to tell us that we are crazy if we believe that the spirit-souls in this material world transmigrate through the 8,400,000 species. They speak to us as if we are presenting our own opinion, and then they present their opinion, which they consider to be far more enlightened than ours. What they fail to understand is that we are not presenting our own opinions here. We are presenting the conclusion given in the authoritative Vedic literatures and confirmed by the great Vedic authorities who guided the world civilization for thousands of years. We are simply messengers for the explanations given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all existence. If they want to continue dreaming that they have a better understanding of reality than the pers...

Money, Money, Money

Nowadays people have become maddened by the pursuit of money, money, money. They think that they can purchase happiness by accumulating a large quantity of money. But of what value is this money? Practically it has no value. It is paper only. What has real value is food, water, clothing, and shelter. Can we eat, drink, wear, or make a house out of money? No. This is not possible. But yet we have a created an artificial economic system which is based on this valueless paper. What we are really dependent upon are the natural gifts given by God: fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, cotton, wool, silk, wood, gold, jewels, stones, etc. So we should not be so carried away by accumulation of money. We should focus on developing our Krishna consciousness more and more. Krishna will make sure that our material needs are met. And we should simply acquire whatever money is needed for taking care of our basic needs. Whatever money we may have beyond that should be utilized to spread the Kr...

Don't Be Carried Away by Sex Attraction

In this material world the number one attraction is sex desire. Everywhere fulfillment of sex desire is being promoted as the road to happiness. We are being literally bombarded with the propaganda that satisfaction of sex desire is necessary, most wonderful and most desirable. We find this in popular songs, movies, magazines, bill boards, and conversations. It's all over the internet, in novels, dramas, and fashions. Even in the schools we educate our children how to have sex. The difficulty with sex is that as soon as we consider it to be platform of happiness we are locked into the bodily conception of life, which is the very source of our misery. Therefore those who are wise do not look to sex for their happiness. They look rather to re-establishing their lost loving relationship with the Supreme Person, and thus find true and lasting happiness in His association. Sankarshan Das Adhikari You Can Help Save the World From Ever-Increasing Chaos 911 Terrorist Attack Answers Acc...

Guru As Good as God?

I was shocked in 1971 when I was a newcomer to the Krishna consciousness movement and His Holiness Visnujana Maharaja told me that I had accept Srila Prabhupada to be as good as God. I thought, "How can we accept a human being to be as good as God?" Although the spiritual master is God's representative, he certainly is not God. So can we take the representative to be as good as what he represents? Consider a very mundane example in this regard. Is a policeman the government? Or is he an ordinary citizen just like us? He is an ordinary citizen. But when he's on duty he is good as the government because he acts as the government. If we defy the order of the policeman, we are defying the government and the full weight of the government then comes upon us. So the policeman, although an ordinary citizen, is empowered by the government to act as the government. In the same way the spiritual master is empowered to act as good as God in blessing his disciples and lovingly di...

Don't Give Up Guru's Shelter

To receive the shelter of a bona fide spiritual master is indeed the rarest of all attainments. Therefore if one is somehow fortunate to receive this greatest of all blessings, one should very carefully guard this shelter as his most valuable possession. In this material world there are many envious persons who will try to convince the devotee to give up this shelter. They will sometimes criticize and harass the devotee in many ways trying to break his faith in his spiritual master. When this happens the devotee must within his heart cling very tightly for dear life to the lotus feet of his spiritual master begging for his mercy to help him emerge victorious from this attack of the material nature. In this regard it should be clearly understood that our greatest enemy is the uncontrolled mind. The uncontrolled mind is much worse of an enemy than even the most antagonistic of critics. It we can keep our minds under control no external influence will be able to shake our faith in guru a...

Go to the Proper Guru

If you want to know things as they are, you must go the proper guru. Do not waste your time with a bogus self-proclaimed guru. You must seek out and take shelter of the proper guru. Who is that proper guru? He is that saintly teacher who delivers to you purely the teachings of Lord Krishna exactly as they are spoken in the Bhagavad-gita without any addition or subtraction and who was ordered by his spiritual master to spread the Krishna consciousness movement all over the world. This is the Kali yuga, the age of cheating. Thus the world abounds with bogus gurus. Therefore you should be very careful to seek out the proper guru who can factually liberate you from the cycle of birth and death, not to one who is simply interested in liberating you from your wallet. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Meaning of Life What's the meaning of life, the universe and everything? Prateek's friend Answer: Pleasure Pastimes of the Supreme Person ...

Relishing the Real Nectar

In this material world everyone is looking for the nectar of unlimited peace and happiness. But unfortunately due to their being covered by ignorance they are looking in all the wrong the places. Therefore they become frustrated and confused. Instead of living in their actual identity as eternal, blissful, knowledgeable transcendental beings they are dragged through the muck of birth and death constantly suffering the variegated miseries of material existence. Just as a caterpillar that thinks of becoming a butterfly is transformed into a butterfly in the same life, if those souls who are currently caught in material existence will simply start thinking of their identities as the eternal servants of Krishna, they will awaken their dormant enlightened consciousness and thus be able to relish the sweetest nectar at every minute even in this very lifetime. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: How to Convince Non-Devotees There are people I am tryi...

Have a Great Eternity

The other day when our flight was landing in Dallas the stewardess made an announcement over the airplane's public address system wishing us all a great day. I appreciated her announcement and I certainly did have a great day. But I was thinking that in this Krishna consciousness movement we have something more than a great day to offer people. We are offering them a great eternity by teaching them how to fully engage themselves in loving service to Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Why should we be only trying to have a great day every day? If we focus our energies on having a great eternity our every day will automatically be not only a great day. It will be the greatest day. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Are the Scientists Fools? Today I was watching a television show related to birth and death of stars on the Discovery channel. It was stated that according to the scientists the stars were born because of the...

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's Appearance Day

Today is the most auspicious appearance day of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, the spiritual master of my beloved guru, Srila Prabhupada. I was here in Atlanta in 1975 with Srila Prabhupada on this day when we along with him worshipped his spiritual master. To stand there near Srila Prabhupada seeing how devotedly he offered arati to his Guru Maharaja made a deep and lasting impression upon me. It was awesome to witness his intense devotional mood. Srila Prabhupada, please bless me that as you are unflinchingly devoted to your spiritual masters that I can also be unflinchingly devoted to you. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: How to Be Humble and Strong? ̇Respected Sir, I touch your feet. Sir, should a chanter of mahamantra be humble? If yes, how to be humble and at the same time talk strongly with nondevotees? Warm regards, Sunil Answer: By Love If one is motivated by genu...

Make a Living or Make a Difference

You have a choice whether you would like to spend your life simply making a living or if you opt to make a powerful, positive difference in the history of this planet. Do you prefer to be someone who contributes to the ever-increasing degradation of the planetary society by your participation in its sense gratificatory culture? Or would you rather have a positive transformational effect on world history? The choice is yours. If you prefer the latter, all you have to is join with us here in the Krishna consciousness movement. By the mercy of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our most beloved Founder-Acharya, we have the formula and social vehicle for delivering the world from is descent into ever-increasing chaos. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Chanting or Spiritual Master? ̇Please accept my humble obeisances. What is the most important aspect in spiritual life, is it chanting or accepting a spiritual master? Thank you ...

Patience is Required

One of the most essential qualities which must be developed in the hearts of those who are serious about perfecting the science of bhakti is the quality of patience. We have to be patient in terms of our personal progress and in terms of other's acceptance of Krishna consciousness as well. Just as we cannot expect ourselves to become immediately fully realized in Krishna consciousness, we also cannot expect others to immediately accept the principles of Krishna consciousness. So we must be patient with ourselves and patient with others also. The process of Krishna consciousness is not a one day affair. It is rather a lifetime affair. We should expect to devote our entire lives for the purpose of the full revival of our dormant love of Godhead. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: How to Answer My Friend? ̇I have been talking to a friend of mine who simply refuses to believe in any religion. He says that Ramayana and Mahabharata are...

Bliss in Spite of Miseries

No matter how we analyze it this material world is a place of miseries. It has always been that way and it will always be that day. It's a world full of material forms which take birth, get sick, get old, and die. No amount of material scientific technological advancement can put a stop to the onslaught of these material miseries. So is there any way out of this quagmire? The answer is yes. We simply have to elevate our consciousness beyond it. There is a higher plane of existence known as the spiritual plane. On that plane life is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. We can live on that plane at every minute if we are willing to do what is required for elevating our consciousness. That process of elevating our consciousness is known as the science of self realization. And the perfection of self-realization is attained when we reach the stage known as Bhagavan realization or Krishna consciousness. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Quest...

Don't Miss this Rare Opportunity

Take advantage of this rare opportunity of this human form of life. There are 8,400,000 different species of life through which we are rotating lifetime after lifetime. So getting a human body is not an every day affair. This most auspicious opportunity only comes after many millions of lifetimes in the lower species. Anyone who does not utilize their human life for self-realization is making the greatest mistake. When this happens it is the greatest tragedy, and unfortunately today this neglect of the human form has become the standard behavior for the entire human society. What can be done? We must first ourselves become solidly situated in Krishna consciousness and then do the highest welfare activity of spreading to everyone else all over the world. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Plea: Help Me ̇Help me. I am lost in life. Shefali Answer: Understand Who You Are The reason you are lost is that you do not know who you are. Because you are miside...

Auspicious Initiation Ceremony

Yesterday on 7 February 2009 we held the most auspicious initiation ceremony here at Bhaktivedanta Ashram in Austin, Texas USA, bestowing 1st initiation upon Shanti, who is now Guruvani devi dasi, and giving 2nd initiation to Jagannatha das, who is now a duly qualified Vaisnava Brahman. Our first birth is from our mother and father, and our second birth at the time our initiation is from the Vedas and our spiritual master. Our first birth brings us to the animal platform of eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. And it is our second birth which brings us to the human platform by solidly situating us on the pathway back to home, back the spiritual world, our original home. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Initiation Ceremony--7 February 2009 Bhaktivedanta Ashram, Austin, Texas USA Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: How to Know Krishna's Direction? ̇How do I know the work I do is directed by Lord Krishna and not by my body? How do I differentiate between the two? With ...

Lord Nityananda's Appearance Day

Today is the most auspicious appearance day of Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda is Balarama, the brother of Lord Krishna who descended when Krishna appeared as Lord Caitanya to assist Lord Caitanya in His pastimes of delivering the fallen, conditioned souls of this world. He is most merciful upon those who are sinful, and bestows transcendental bliss upon those who sincerely beg Him for it. A great Vaisnava Acharya, Vrindavan Das Thakur has written eight beautiful prayers describing the glories of Lord Nityananda. To meditate on these prayers bestows the highest benefit, especially on this most auspicious appearance day of Lord Nityananda. For your enlightenment and enlivenment those verses are given below. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Eight Beautiful Verses Glorifying Lord Nityananda By Vrindavan Das Thakur I worship Lord Nityananda, the unlimited root of the tree of devotional service. He appears like an autumn moon, very splendid and free from any taint. Maddened with pure love for Lo...

Don't Cheat Yourself

You are an eternal spiritual being, full of bliss and full of knowledge. Therefore you should not cheat yourself by foolishly considering yourself to be your material body. If you misidentify yourself with matter, you relegate yourself to rotate endlessly in the cycle of birth of death, sometimes as human being, sometimes as a plant, and sometimes as an animal. If however, you will fully revive your dormant state of enlightened consciousness, your Krishna consciousness, upon leaving your present material body you will immediately be transferred to your original home in the spiritual sky where you will enjoy an eternal youthful existence in the association of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and His eternal associates. The choice is up to you which path you will take: the path of spiritual emancipation or the path of bondage. I hope you make the right choice. If you do, I am prepared to help you every step of the way. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Quest...

Blessed by a Pure Devotee

In this world of dualities sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. A pure devotee is not carried away by victory or defeat. In all circumstances he fully takes shelter of Lord Sri Krishna completely trusting in Him. In this way he remains always blissful no matter is going on around him in this material world. He is happy when he is victorious, and he is also happy even when he is defeated. Therefore there is no person more happy in this world than the pure devotee. He has perfectly connected himself with the spiritual world within and is always relishing that sweet transcendental atmosphere like anything. Just by the presence of such a pure devotee on this planet the entire world is benefited. If somehow or other we become so fortunate as to come into contact with such a pure devotee, we should bow down at his lotus feet and beg him to accept us as his disciples. This will be the perfection of our existence. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question:...

Perfect Peace and Harmony

The world is hankering for peace and harmony. But the difficulty is that we are hankering for a peace and harmony in each one of us is the center of enjoyment. As soon as I try to be the center of enjoyment I am in conflict with your agenda of being the center of enjoyment. In this way long lasting peace and harmony can never become a reality. We are doomed to a never ending history of conflict and wars. In fact I remember from my student life when we were studying American history. The entire study was organized around the wars: the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, etc. We were taught that history is a series of wars. So if we want peace at all, a new attitude we must call. There is one supreme enjoyer, that amazing wonderful supreme person who is the source of all existence. Each of us will experience the topmost happiness, indeed an unending, ever-increasing ocean of happiness, when we agree to devote ourselves full to giving happiness to that supreme enjoyer. ...

Tasting the Sweetest Nectar at Every Minute

Why drink poison when you can be tasting nectar at every minute? I've been blessed with a nectar so sweet and plentiful that there's enough of it for everyone throughout the entire universe to drink unlimited quantities of it at every moment constantly relishing the most sublime taste. Seeing a world around me in which practically everyone is miserable, I have therefore fully dedicated my life to making everyone happy. And I am happy to say it is working. Every day more and more people are signing for my free e-course from all over the world. I am inviting everyone that why should you prolong your suffering in this material world for even one day longer? Immediately take up the pathway of Krishna consciousness as chalked by the greatest spiritual masters in the history of the universe. You'll have a great life! Sankarshan Das Adhikari George Harrison Finds Solace In Krishna Consciousness after the Beatles Break Up Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Cent...

Dissolving the Fog of Illusion

At the present moment we are blinded by the fog of illusion. We don't know where we've come from. We don't know who we are or what is the origin of or purpose of our existence. We don't know what is our destination nor how to reach it. In short, we're a mess. We're in bad shape philosophically and psychologically. But the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna, Who is the origin of our existence. is very merciful upon us. He appears to us in the form of His brilliant sun-like holy names so that by chanting them we can dissolve the fog of illusion and fully situated in our original glory. This is the great blessing of Lord Caitanya's appearance in this world some 500 years ago. He came to deliver to us the sweet, pure holy names so that we can burn away the fog of illusion. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Srila Prabhupada Enlightens His Disciples Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Purpose of the Universe? ̇Thanks for your daily mails. I...

For the Dissipation of Doubts

One who doubts the authority of Lord Sri Krishna cannot become self-realized. Therefore for the dissipation of all doubts one is advised to study the Bhagavad-gita under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, with submissive inquiries and service. The bona fide spiritual master purely represents the previous acharyas in a line of disciplic succession from time eternal. He does not deviate from the teachings that Lord Krishna, which were presented to the sun god millions of years ago. Under the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master one should carefully follow the path of the Bhagavad-gita and avoid hearing the commentaries of those who twist the words of Krishna to suit their own purposes. The devotee's only purpose is to serve the purpose of the Lord. There is no doubt that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that His pastimes are completely transcendental. Anyone who understands this is a already a liberated person even though he may be just beginning hi...