It's a Bright New World
Krishna Consciousness is the one switch that turns on the entire world. For anyone who takes seriously to the pathway of Krishna Consciousness, the entire world becomes completely transformed. Such an enlightened soul no longer lives in this material world, even though he externally appears to be doing so and even though he can deal with the material world in the most expert manner. Krishna Consciousness is so extraordinarily wonderful that the only reason someone would not want to wholeheartedly adopt this pathway is sheer ignorance. Therefore those who become enlightened in Krishna Consciousness dedicate their lives fully to enlightening the entire world in this sublime and most perfect of all sciences. Answers According to the Vedic Version Question: Real Hindu Name for ISKCON... May I know the real Hindu name for the ISKCON sect that is known among Bharatias (followers of India's traditional Vedic culture) in India? I am sorry to disturb your kind grace, Ramchandra A...