What Can Be Done?
One gentleman named, Fabrice Tchernomoff, has recently written to tell me that only blind faith idiotic morons believe in God in the 21st Century. He states that science has proven that everything has come out of nothing. But actually neither he nor any scientist has any valid proof at all to support this outrageous theory. He has simply on blind faith accepted the theories of those who arrogantly defy God. And he has the most foolish audacity to label those who can scientifically prove God's existence as blind fools. Such persons as Fabrice are headed for the animal kingdom or lower in their next birth. We would like to save them, but they are not willing to be saved. What can be done?

Question: What Convinced You God is Real?
What have you experienced in your life that convinced you that God is real?
Phil Smith
Fabrice Tchernomoff

Question: What Convinced You God is Real?
What have you experienced in your life that convinced you that God is real?
Phil Smith
Answer: Tasting His Name and His Form
Phil, it was through His name and His form in Denver, Colorado in the fall of 1968 that I directly experienced God's reality. By chanting Hare Krishna and meditating on this painting of Lord Sri Krishna (holding the flute) with Radharani (the topmost of all His devotees) I had a mystical experience of directly contacting Him and my life was completely transformed. And now for the last 51 years I am simply going deeper into that experience. It is so powerful that it can transform the entire world! To share this most amazing of all experiences with everyone I have started a free e-course, which currently has 32,000 subscribers. My goal is to get the whole world enrolled in this course for the ultimate welfare of all.

Phil, it was through His name and His form in Denver, Colorado in the fall of 1968 that I directly experienced God's reality. By chanting Hare Krishna and meditating on this painting of Lord Sri Krishna (holding the flute) with Radharani (the topmost of all His devotees) I had a mystical experience of directly contacting Him and my life was completely transformed. And now for the last 51 years I am simply going deeper into that experience. It is so powerful that it can transform the entire world! To share this most amazing of all experiences with everyone I have started a free e-course, which currently has 32,000 subscribers. My goal is to get the whole world enrolled in this course for the ultimate welfare of all.

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