Doing Our Little Bit to Save the World

ISKCON Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada gave us, his followers, the most awesome assignment. He gave us the mission of saving the entire world from illusion, suffering, and fear. We know that we, who are still struggling to control our senses, are totally unqualified for accomplishing such a herculean task. But what can we do? We cannot refuse the order of our spiritual master. Fully depending on his mercy and Krishna's mercy we must endeavor to the fullest extent of our capabilities to execute his order even though we know that are completely incompetent. What will be the result of our endeavor? That is up to Krishna. But we know one thing for sure. It has been predicted by Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami that one day the entire world will become fully Krishna consciousness. So at least we can fully dedicate our lives for doing whatever little bit we can for helping to make it happen. We know that if we sincerely endeavor in this way that our...