
Showing posts from November, 2011

Doing Our Little Bit to Save the World

ISKCON Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada gave us, his followers, the most awesome assignment. He gave us the mission of saving the entire world from illusion, suffering, and fear. We know that we, who are still struggling to control our senses, are totally unqualified for accomplishing such a herculean task. But what can we do? We cannot refuse the order of our spiritual master. Fully depending on his mercy and Krishna's mercy we must endeavor to the fullest extent of our capabilities to execute his order even though we know that are completely incompetent. What will be the result of our endeavor? That is up to Krishna. But we know one thing for sure. It has been predicted by Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami that one day the entire world will become fully Krishna consciousness. So at least we can fully dedicate our lives for doing whatever little bit we can for helping to make it happen. We know that if we sincerely endeavor in this way that our...

Same Sex Marriage: Legitimate or Illegitimate?

Last Sunday night I was interviewed by a college student who asked me what is our position on same sex marriage. I explained to him that since in the Krishna consciousness movement our principle is that sex is only for procreation and not for recreation, same sex marriage does not have any legitimacy in Krishna consciousness. I told him that if a man could make his boyfriend pregnant or a lady could make her girlfriend pregnant, same sex marriage would be acceptable in Krishna consciousness. If in the Krishna consciousness movement we were to adjust our principle that recreational sex is allowable between husband and wife, then in all fairness we would then also have to legitimatize same sex marriage. In other words, if the heterosexuals are allowed to have recreational sex, why the homosexuals should not be allowed? Therefore to maintain the purity our movement we must faithfully adhere to Srila Prabhupada's principle that sex is only for procreation, not for recreation. Som...

Captured and Tortured by Terrorists

At the present moment we are captured and being tortured by four terrorists known as birth, death, old age, and disease. They are terrorizing us again and again, birth after birth. Even though it hopelessly seems impossible to ever escape their grip, if we simply take shelter of Lord Sri Krishna we can easily escape them. This is confirmed as follows in the Bhagavad-gita: daivī hy eṣā guṇa-mayī mama māyā duratyayā mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te "This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it."--Bhagavad-gita 7.14 It is not difficult to surrender to Krishna. All you have to do is chant His names with love, and He will bless you to become His surrendered devotee. Srila Prabhupada Frees Us from Material Miseries (photo taken in Mauritius, the next stop on our lecture tour) Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: I Cannot ...

Always Be Devoted to Krishna's Devotees

Krishna says to Arjuna in the Adi Purana that unless we are the devotees of His devotees that cannot be His devotees. Therefore to please Him we must always be devoted to His devotees. We should never disrespect or be offensive to any of His devotees. To do so is known as Vaisnava-aparadha. Even if there is some disagreement with a devotee, this must always remains a respectful disagreement. If we are offensive to Krishna's devotees, this Vaisnava aparadha is called hati mata, a mad elephant, because this will completely destroy our devotional creepers, just as an elephant will destroy a small plant if he steps on it. Therefore we must always carefully guard ourselves from this offense by always being devoted to Krishna's devotees in all circumstances. Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: If an Advanced Devotee Heavily Suffers? My questions is: If an advanced devotee suffers heavily in his life, can it be said that he has not truly and fully surrendered to Krishna...

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going

There is a saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." This is especially relevant in Krishna consciousness. This material world is a tough place, an abode full of suffering of three types: suffering of the body and mind, suffering caused by other living entities, and suffering caused by natural disasters. Srila Prabhupada explains that the great devotee Vidura was addressed as a hero because no one is stronger in self-control than a devotee of the Lord. From this we can understand the toughness of a fixed up devotee of the Lord. Such tough devotees are not deterred from Krishna consciousness by devastating situations. Rather they become even stronger and more resolute in their Krishna consciousness when they face tough situations. So this a good lesson for us. When the going gets tough, when should get tough for determinedly fighting the battle with the material energy. We should never become cowards and give up the fight. Answers by Citing the Vedic Version...

Don't Mix Sand in the Sweet Rice

One of the most delicious, tantalizing foodstuffs relished by devotees is sweet rice. But if sand is mixed in the sweet rice, it is ruined. In the same way, if you want to experience the unlimited bliss of Krishna consciousness at every moment, you have to keep it pure. You have to keep it as it is. Don't mix any kind of sense gratification or mental speculation into your Krishna consciousness. Krishna consciousness is pure. We are not. But when you absorb yourself in Krishna consciousness, your consciousness becomes purified and you will gradually regain your original, natural, ever-increasingly nectarean consciousness. On the other side of the curtain of reality is an eternal, all blissful, all-luminous world, in which the all-beautiful, all-powerful, all knowing, all-renounced, all-wealthy, all-famous Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna is simply waiting for your return. He is your best friend. Do not disappoint Him. The Unlimitedly Sweet Lord Krishna Answers b...

Krishna's Most Amazing Mystical Presence

It's 23 November 2011 at 3:41am London time. We are currently on a British Airways flight from Mumbai to London. As I write these words I am listening through headphones to Srila Prabhupada singing with great devotion the prayers to six Goswamis of Vrindavan. I am reflecting on the most amazing month of chanting and hearing that I have just experienced in India. There are no words to fully describe how wonderful is Krishna or Krishna consciousness or how merciful is Srila Prabhupada for making Krishna and Krishna consciousness so easily available to us. But we must dutifully try our best to describe the indescribable. Such descriptions are a good starting point for awakening transcendental understanding. But the most amazing thing is that Krishna is fully mystically present in His descriptions which are strictly in accordance with the teachings of the six Goswamis. In other words you, the reader, are fully getting Krishna right now in these our humble words which are delivered to ...

Super Ecstatic Departure Kirtan

On 21 November 2011 when we were getting ready to depart from ISKCON's Pune temple the devotees were singing a send-off kirtan for us. Seeing a wonderful opportunity to dive into the unlimitedly sweet ocean of Lord Sri Krishna's names, I got out of the soon-to-depart van, asked a devotee for the mridanga drum he was playing, and took the lead of the kirtan. It turned out to be another one of those super-sweet unforgettable kirtans that goes deep into the soul connecting the sincere chanter with the Lord within. Such kirtans transport us beyond this material world into that amazingly wondrous Spiritual Sky. Diving into the Ocean of Unlimited Kirtan Bliss Pune, India--21 November 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why 18 Chapters of Gita for Arjuna? Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I would like to humbly ask the following questions: Both Sri Krishna and Arjuna are mentioned by various names in Bhagavad-gita. What is the main purpose? What is the purpose...

Material Opulence Can Never Satisfy the Self

No amount of material opulence can ever satisfy the self because the self has nothing to do with the material body. The material body is simply a covering of the self. It is not the actual self. Sense gratification is necessary to keep the external body strong and healthy. But if one thinks that he can be happy simply by polishing the cage of the bird without feeding the bird within, he is living in a grand illusion. It is useless to simply take care of the body while neglecting the self within. This misplacement of priorities is the great tragedy of the modern so-called civilization. Exposing the World Leaders As Dogs, Hogs, Camels, and Asses and Giving the Solution Pune, India--20 November 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Does Maya Test Us All the Time? Dear Spiritual Master, Please accept my humble obeisances. Does Maya test us all the time in order to fix our faith in Krishna? Krishna says that He will deliver us from all sinful reactions?...

Solution for a Doomed European Union

At the present moment due to economic woes the European Union is struggling to continue its existence. There is ever-increasing pressure for it to be at least partially, if not completely, dismantled. If we study its founding principles, we can easily understand why it is going through such a struggle. There is no mention of God anywhere in its founding principles. The fact is that any nation or institution which does not place God at the center will sooner or later completely collapse. The European Union is no exception to this principle. If the leaders of the European Union genuinely want to make it a grand success, all they have to do is consult us and we can enlighten them how to do it. Teaching the Principles of Universal Unity and Peace Pune, India--19 November 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Proper Gaura Nitai Worship In what mood should we worship Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Ram Prabhu? Jeevan Answer: Be an Instrument for World Unity and Pea...

Crossing Over to the Side of Light

There are two sides to reality. One side is the conditioned side where life is temporary, full of ignorance, and full of misery. The other side is the liberated side where life is eternal, full of knowledge, and full of bliss. The devotee always desires to cross over the Causal Ocean to enter that other side, which is known as the paravyoma, the Spiritual Sky. In Sanskrit there is the word pāragam, which literally means crossing over. It is a very significant word. It refers to one who can take the disciple to the other side of reality. The spiritual master takes the disciple to the other side by opening his eyes with the shining torchlight of knowledge. We are presently suffering like anything due to ignorance. By the merciful guidance of the spiritual master, the darkness of ignorance is removed, and thus the disciple is enabled to cross over to the side of freedom. The Bhagavad-gita explains that after many, many births one surrenders to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Similarl...

Ignorance Causes Sin or Sin Causes Ignorance?

Is ignorance the cause of sin? Or is sin the cause of ignorance? The answer is that both are true. The more you are ignorant of the distinction between right and wrong, the more you will naturally be sinful. And the more you are sinful, the more you will become buried deeper and deeper upon layers of ignorance. So what is the solution? You must be fortunate to come into contact with Krishna's pure devotee who plants the seed of pure devotion within your heart. If you take advantage of his merciful, enlightening words, you will be saved from ignorance and sin. Relishing the Sublime Srimad Bhagavatam Wisdom Pune, India--18 November 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Is Initiation Required to Follow Teachings? 1. Is spiritual initiation necessary for a person? I mean if the person is following all the four regulative principles and reading Srila Prabhupada's books and following the instructions given in the books, does he still need initiation? 2. If ...

Solution for a World in Chaos

At the present moment, due to an ever-increasingly burdensome accumulation of sinful karma, the world situation on all levels is becoming more and more dangerous and uncertain. The self-serving politicians cannot even begin to understand the root cause of all the difficulties and are therefore completely powerless to do anything to solve the problems. This is why there must now arise a class of enlightened souls realized in the Absolute Truth who fully understand the secret of how to dovetail the individual consciousness with the Superconsciousness for bringing perfect peace and happiness, both individually and collectively, to the entire human society. Devotees Greeted Us With Kirtan When We Arrived 17 November 2011--Pune, India Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Does the Soul Have Size, Shape, and Form? Dear Gurudeva, Bless me. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. My question: Does the atma (the soul) have size, shape and form? Kowsthub Answer: Body Has Form Be...

The Home of Unlimited Sweetness

16 November 2011--Tomorrow we are heading out for my lecture series in Pune, India. Spending time in Sri Vrindavan Dhama is always nectarean because Sri Vrindavan Dhama, being Krishna's eternal home, is non-different from Him and is thus is eternally manifested as an abode of unlimited sweetness. Just being in this most sacred of all places for even a few minutes can awaken feelings of love of God within one's heart. It is so nice. Relishing Srila Prabhupada's Divine Association in His Vrindavan Quarters--30 October 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Identity a Pure Devotee? Who is pure devotee? How can we identify him? Geetha Answer: He is Totally Addicted to Krishna A pure devotee is someone who is free from all material desires, even the subtle ones, such as profit, adoration, and distinction. He is recognizable as that person who is totally addicted to Krishna and fully absorbed 24 hours daily in spreading Krishna's glories all over...

Vaidhi Bhakti Required to Attain Raga Bhakti

In the beginning one engages in vaidhi bhakti, devotional service according to rules and regulations, under the direction of his initiating spiritual master. In this way he gradually becomes purified and eventually realizes his svarupa, his eternal identity in the spiritual world. Then after realizing his svarupa, he engages in raga bhakti, devotional service in spontaneous love. If one tries to jump to his svarupa without fully undergoing the purifying process of vaidhi bhakti, as elaborately described by Srila Rupa Goswami, he will fall down from the path of pure bhakti and become a sense gratifier. In this regard, recently we saw the example of a sannyasi who was teaching raga bhakti without vaidhi bhakti. After being sentenced to 14 years in prison for sexually molesting two girls he went into hiding to avoid his prison sentence. Therefore, while it is important to aspire for raga bhakti, one should always remember to faithfully serve the orders of his initiating spiritual master ...

Krishna Consciousness is Simply Wonderful

Krishna consciousness is simply wonderful because Krishna is simply wonderful. How can He not be simply wonderful when He is God? As the Supreme Personality of Godhead He must be simply wonderful because He is source of all wonderfulness. Therefore He cannot be anything but simply wonderful. And if you will fully surrender unto Him, you will become simply wonderful and live a simply wonderful existence in His simply wonderful association for all of eternity. Simply Wonderful Mangala Arati--New Delhi, India ISKCON Radha-Parthsarathi Temple--14 Nov 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Challenge: Criticism of ISKCON Refuted ISKCON is like a ship without a captain. Try and be more broad minded and don't be in illusion, by thinking that you are on the best path. R.R Answer: Prabhupada is Guiding Us to Success Whatever problems ISKCON has faced have been due to forgetting Srila Prabhupada's instructions. But in spite of this, there is great hope now for the powerf...

Keep the Teachings Pure

Transcendental knowledge originates with Krishna, the original spiritual master, and has been carefully passed down throughout the ages from the spiritual master to his disciple, who then becomes a spiritual master and passes the knowledge on to his disciples, etc, etc. If anyone along the chain does not transmit the knowledge purely, the chain of disciplic succession is broken, and the knowledge is lost to that line of succession. Therefore it is the duty of all those who receive transcendental knowledge from a bona fide spiritual master to purely pass it on to those who are willing and eager to hear it. Maintaining the pure teachings as they have descended without blemish from Krishna through the disciplic succession is the greatest welfare work that one can render for the deliverance of the human society from all varieties of suffering conditions. Srimad Bhagavatam Class--Punjabi Bagh, India 13 November 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why is Death L...

If You Are Not Twice-Born, You Are An Animal

Our first birth is from our mother and father. Every animal gets such a birth. So if we only get first birth, we are in the category of the animals. What makes one a human being as distinguished from the animals is when he takes to the self-realization pathway seriously by accepting second birth from the bona fide spiritual master. This second-birth, which is called diksha or initiation, occurs when one surrenders to the bona fide spiritual master to learn from him the transcendental self-realization science. At the time of initiation the spiritual master gives the disciple a new name such as Krishna Das (servant of Krishna) to remind him of his new transcendental identity. Initiation Ceremony--New Delhi, India 12 November 2011  Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: How to Judge Sadhana Progress? Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I would like to ask the following questions: What happens at the physical, mental and intellectual levels when one does rounds of japa mala and ...

How Zero Becomes Extremely Valuable

Zero has no value. Even if you have an entire row of zeros, it still has no value. But if you put a one in front of the row of zeros, it becomes a very big number. This material world is like a big row of zeros. It has no value. But if you put Krishna in front of it, it becomes extremely valuable. Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: What is Real and What is a Dream? Dear Gurudeva, Please accept my humble obeisances. I apologize if what I am going to ask is a bit offensive but I am simply confused and I want an answer. You often state that the material world is like a dream and we falsely believe everything in it is reality. But then, how can we know if Vedic knowledge/Krishna Consciousness is not just part of the dream or just another dream we wake up to? I have experiences of realizing that I was dreaming when I was still in a dream, then I thought I had the control and managed to wake up from it, only later I came to know that I had merely woken up from a dream within ...

Unflinching Faith in the Spiritual Master

The Vedic injunction is that one should have unflinching faith in the words of one's spiritual master. This is stated as follows in the Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.23: yasya deve parā bhaktir yathā deve tathā gurau tasyaite kathitā hy arthāḥ prakāśante mahātmanaḥ "If one has unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord and the spiritual master, the essence of all Vedic knowledge is revealed to him." This faith means that we trust the correctness of his teachings and instructions. Why do we put such faith in him? Because he purely presents the teachings of Krishna without any adulteration. Worshipping Srila Prabhupada in Vrindavan 4:12 am--10 November 2011 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Does God Exist? Please accept my humble obeisances and attempt to understand the truth. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Lord Caitanya! I'd sincerely like to understand how is it possible to believe in something other than matter. My conviction is that: ...

Is the Spiritual Master God?

The other day when I was asked for the Vedic equivalent of the holy trinity I replied that Krishna is God the father, the spiritual master is God the son, and that the Paramatma is the holy ghost. When it is said that the spiritual master is God the son, this does not mean that he is God, the source of all existence. No. That cannot be. What this does mean is that the spiritual master has been granted power of attorney by Lord Krishna to act with His potency for spreading Krishna consciousness throughout the world. This is confirmed as follows in the Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Antya 7.11: kṛṣṇa-śakti vinā nahe tāra pravartana "Without being empowered by Lord Sri Krishna one cannot spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world." In this connection Srila Prabhupada states: "Persons who do so are empowered. Therefore they are sometimes called āveśa-avatāras, or empowered incarnations, for they are endowed with the power of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu." Govardha...

Regain Your Natural Blissful Consciousness

All you have to do to be happy is to be yourself. Nothing artificial is required. The reason that we are unhappy is that we have been trained to see everything in an artificial, highly distorted, false way. In other words, we don't know who we are. This is why we are suffering. We think that we are these temporary material bodies instead of eternal spiritual beings. The body is just a temporary covering of the actual eternal self. To become free from this bodily concept we need to hear submissively from the bona fide spiritual master. He will teach us to see things clearly so that we can regain our original, natural, all-blissful state of consciousness known as Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada Teaches Krishna Consciousness In Tompkins Square Park--New York City--1966 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Comment on Mother Theresa's Words What is your comment on these words of Mother Theresa?: "If you can't love the person whom you see, then how...

Open the Flood Gates of Nectar

The pure devotee of the Lord has an ocean of unlimited nectar within his heart. When we humbly approach him to inquire and hear submissively he will mercifully open the flood gates and drown us in an unlimited flood of that sweet nectar. We had that experience with our beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. When he would speak the entire spiritual world would be opened to us. Srila Prabhupada Opens the Flood Gates of Mercy Tompkins Square Park--New York City--1966 Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Holy Trinity in Vedic Terms A student in our Bhagavad-gita class asked if Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan are the Holy Trinity as described in the Holy Bible. If not, is there any equivalent in Vedic science to the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost? Noah Answer: Krishna, Spiritual Master, and Paramatma The Christian holy trinity is God the father, God the son, and God the holy spirit. In Vedic terms these can be understood in ...

The Ultimate Darshan Experience

Early in the 18th century the three main deities of Vrindavan (Madana Mohana, Govinda, and Gopinatha) were taken to Jaipur to protect them from the Muslim tyrant Aurangzeb who was destroying the temples and deities of Vrindavan in an envious rampage. They were rescued by the pious Vaisnava king, Maharaja Jai Singh II. Madana Mohan was later transferred to a Rajastani village called Karoli. Maharaja Jai Singh was so devoted to Lord Govinda that when he built a new city, which he named Jaipur (city of victory), he dedicated it to his beloved Lord Govinda. The Maharaja established Govindaji's temple on the grounds of his palace so that he could take darshan from his quarters. For three centuries Radha Govinda's worship has been attracting great devotion from the residents of Jaipur. It is very auspicious to take the darshan of all three of these deities in one day. At 5am on 6 November 2011 twelve of us set out for the ultimate darshan experience. We reached the temple in Karoli...

Pushing Forward a Spiritual Revolution

The Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most revolutionary literature in world history. By it's influence this entire planet and indeed this entire universe will be transformed. The truth of the Srimad Bhagavatam is so dazzlingly brilliant that it can only be temporarily covered by ignorance. Therefore that day is coming when the entire human society will recognize and follow the principles of the Srimad Bhagavatam. This is why there is no welfare work more important than the wide scale distribution of the Bhagavatam's teachings to every corner of the world. Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture--5 November 2011 Krishna Balarama Temple--Vrindavan Dhama, India Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Where are the Gurus to Guide the World? Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. I would like to humbly ask the following questions. In the absence of a true guru, is it true that pseudo, inconsistent and defective devotion due to insufficient knowledge or deviation from the Vedic injunctions rende...

We Can See Krishna

On 4 November 2011 we headed out from Vrindavan town to Nandagram and Barshana, the respective childhood homes of Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani. To actually be in the places of Lord Krishna's pastimes on this planet is a greatly rewarding experience. Krishna is not a myth. He is a real person who displayed the most amazing transcendental pastimes 5,000 years ago when He appeared on Earth. And if we qualify ourselves through pure love for Him we can see Him face-to-face, eye-to-eye even today. Nandagram--the Home of Lord Krishna Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Why Spiritual Name is Important? Dear Gurudeva! Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! This is my question: Why is the spiritual name given so much importance? Your humble servant Asta-sakhi devi dasi Answer: It Saves the Disciple from Greatest Danger Srila Prabhupada has very nicely explained in his purport to Srimad Bhagavatam 6.2.32 why spiri...

Solving the Existential Enigma

What is the purpose of life? Sometimes it is said that the purpose of life is to ask questions like "What is the purpose of life?" But unless there is a meaningful answer to this question, life is a pointless quagmire, an existential enigma. The good news is that there is a substantial answer to this question because there is an Absolute Truth, and the purpose of human life is to realize it. The Absolute Truth is the source of all existence. When we know that Absolute Truth and we live in perfect harmony with it, our lives become sweet and perfect in every conceivable and inconceivable way. In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Sri Krishna reveals that He is that Absolute Truth. And we can personally verify His claim through the sublime self realization system known as Krishna consciousness or bhakti yoga. Try it today. You'll be glad you did. Worshipping the Cow on Gopastami Day--3 Nov 2011 ISKCON Goshalla--Sri Vrindavan Dhama, India (Gopastami is the day that Krishna was ...

Bliss on the Yamuna River

On 2 November 2011 we experienced the wonderful mercy of having class and a kirtan on the Yamuna River. Yamuna is the holiest of all holy rivers, the site of many of Lord Sri Krishna's transcendental pastimes. Just to be there at the Yamuna is a wonderfully enlivening and purifying experience. I gave a class on the bank, and it attracted the attention of a local holy men as pictured below. After class we cruised the Yamuna in one of the local hand-rowed boats. We purified our hearts by singing bhajans and Hare Krishna kirtan as we were refreshed by the pleasing gentle breeze blowing over the Yamuna. There is a video of that kirtan below. 2 November 2011--Sri Vrindavan Dhama, India: Bhagavatam Class on the Yamuna River Bank Ecstatic Kirtan on a Yamuna River Cruise Answers by Citing the Vedic Version Question: Qualification for Becoming a Disciple? I was just wondering what qualifications I should have in order to be able to accept a spiritual master? Thank you, Your serva...