
Showing posts from February, 2019

If You Are Not Part of the Solution, You Are Part of the Problem

The whole human population is at present suffering from the disease known as bodily consciousness, thus being forced to take birth after birth in this difficult material world, repeatedly suffering the miseries of birth, death, old age, and disease, while perpetually rotating through the 8,400,00 differing varieties of species. The solution for this is to awaken their Krishna consciousness, which will liberate them from their material existence and restore them to their original deathless, eternally youthful identities in the spiritual world. Thus out of compassion those who are Krishna conscious are actively engaged in bringing this spiritual enlightenment to everyone, thus solving the world's problem. And those who are not Krishna conscious are part of the problem. Srila Prabhupada Trains the Hippies Video for the Day Don't You Be a Fool! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: How to Get Connected with the Hare Krishna Mantra? How do I build a connection wi...

Too Ambitious?

I was criticized last night by a materialist that my writing is too ambitious. Indirectly I accept this as a great compliment because in our Krishna consciousness movement our ambition is to lead this entire planet out of chaos. From my perspective, if I have any fault regarding ambition, it is that I am not ambitious enough. Srila Prabhupada instructed his American disciples that since America is the world's leading nation, his American disciples should become the world's leaders. What could be more ambitious that this, to aspire to become a world leader? We surely have our work cut out for us! Srila Prabhupada Trains His Disciples Video for the Day Don't Try to Be What You Are Not Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Enlightened? How is being enlightened -accepting everything that is as it is- compatible with being critical about the horrors of the modern world? Answer: Intolerant of Suffering    Those who are actually enlightened fully dedicate...

Turning the World into a Paradise

In a conversation in Detroit, Michigan USA on 15 June 1976 my beloved spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, taught us that if we master the art of engaging our mind, words, anger, tongue, belly, and genitals fully in the service of the Lord that we can then make the whole world our disciples. So this is our mission. We want to attract the whole world to becoming awakened to the eternal identities as pure spiritual beings qualitatively one with God. If this can be accomplished this entire planet will be transformed into a paradise. Srila Prabhupada Gives Expert Guidance Video for the Day Where Does Beauty Come From? Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Worship Shiva or Krishna? Dear Srila Gurudeva, One question that always disturbs me a lot is that my heart adores Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna both.  But I have heard that if one wants moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death) one should only worship Lord Krishna. Pl...

Are You Tired of Suffering?

Are you tired of suffering? If so, you should do yourself the ultimate favor and kick out all of your suffering right now, once and for all by fully surrendering yourself unto Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, under the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master. This is the secret of ultimate success, the success which dwarfs, outshines all other so-called successes, which are nothing but various cleverly disguised versions of defeat, relegating them into total, complete insignificance. Don't Be Miserable. Be Happy Right Now! Video for the Day Tune Into Your Source Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question:  Infinite Enlightenment? What is infinite enlightenment? Alex Gabor Answer: One Remains Entangled in Samsara Dear Alex, Please accept my blessings. Infinite enlightenment is to become the completely sold out servant of Lord Sri Krishna under the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master. Hoping this meets you well, Sankarshan D...

Don't Be Carried Away by Maya

The material energy is always there and can be a big distraction for our Krishna consciousness. So we have to always be very careful not to be carried away by material desires. This has been the downfall of many of a devotee, and if we are not careful, the same thing can happen to us. This is why we must always remain the completely sold out servants of our spiritual master. This will keep us safe under all circumstances. Those who fail to follow this principle fall by the wayside and and in due course of time lose their Krishna consciousness. Intelligent Disciples Stick to Their Guru Video for the Day Undisturbed Like the Ocean Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Comment: I Am the Kalki Avatar Dear Krishna Devotee, My name is Nilay Shah and I am 37 residing at Rajkot, (Gujarat) India. Hereby, I would kindly like to inform you that according to the indications that I have received from various sources around me in the past ten years, I have come to know that I am an inca...

The Dr. Frog Scientists Have Got It Wrong

The scientists tell us that life has arisen from dead matter, but they are dead wrong. The actual fact is that life comes from life and that matter is a by-product of life. These foolish so-called scientists are like a frog in the well who tries to estimate the size of the ocean by comparing it with his well. He keeps expanding his chest asking if the ocean is this much better than his well. In this way he expands his chest further and further until it bursts and he dies. This is the position of the material scientists. Dr. Frog PhD Tries to Understand the Size of the Ocean Video for the Day Listen and Learn Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Comment: I Am My Own Guru I am my own guru. All I owe my spiritual advisers is my eternal gratitude! Angel Answer: One Remains Entangled in Samsara From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Angel, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. When a conditioned soul who is caught up in the cycle of birth and deat...

Have the Best Day of Your Life Every Day

Anyone who begins his day by feelingly chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra (Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare) with full absorption will have the best day of his life every day. This means that every day will be better than the previous day. This is what is really means to be Krishna consdious Chanting is Enchanting Video for the Day Give Your Love to Krishna Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: The Stages to Perfection Hare Krishna, Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupad. My Dear Gurudev, Thank you for your kind offer to send the stages the devotee may go through before reaching the highest. Your humble servant, Suzanne Answer: Steps from Sraddha to Prema From: ISKCON Austin, Texas USA My Dear Suzanne, Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The stages of devotional service are mentioned in the Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhya Lila, Chapter 2...

Fools Rush In Where Angels Dare Not Tread

These who are foolish take this material body to be the all in all. According to them when their present body is finished they will cease to exist. They fail to note that they have remained the same person through so many changes of body. Our material bodies are like flowing rivers in which the molecules are changing at every minute. Therefore in spite of hundreds and millions of bodily changes we have always remained the same persons. According to the law of momentum the same thing will happen at the time of death, the body will change, but the self will remain. And this is confirmed in the revealed scriptures. At the time of death the self simply accepts another body. A simple person can understood this basic truth which is incomprehensible to our so called big, big scientists. The real scientist is the one knows things as they are. He has realize the non-material nature of the self. Learn from the Real Scientist Video for the Day The Secret of Ultimate Success Answers A...

Turning the Hippies into Happies

Srila Prabhupada wrote a letter to his disciple, Damodar Das, 3 December 1971 in which he said that this Krishna consciousness movement was turning the hippies into happies. I have first hand experience of this since I was one those hippies who became a happy. This was the great kindness of Srila Prabhupada that by his unflinching loving mercy thousands of hippies became his disciples. In this regard Srila Prabhupada wrote to his disciple, Sridama Das on 8 July 1970, "It is a fact that the hippies are our best clients. I had very good response in San Francisco during Rathayatra festival. I saw that they were taking up the chanting of Hare Krishna maha mantra very feelingly even without the presence of any devotee to lead them. They appreciated my lecture and I appreciated their attitude. They joined in Rathayatra very enthusiastically. So try your best to convince them by very nice preaching and in particular very nice Sankirtana party and distribution of our literatures."...

Intelligent People Reject Dogma

These who are intelligent do not buy in the dogmatic, non-scientific creation myth that first there was nothing, which then transformed itself into a singularity, which then expanded itself into the world as we know it today. Those who accept this myth as science are living in fool's paradise cutting off the very branch on which they are sitting. Those who are sane use their common sense to understand that nothing comes out of nothing. Modern Day Scientists Video for the Day It's a Spiritual Revolution Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Does God Love Atheists? Does God love people who don't believe He exists? Phil Smith Answer: Yes In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna or God says, “Inasmuch as they surrender unto Me I reward them accordingly.” Because He loves everyone equally this principle applies equally to both to His devotees and the atheists. Those who are intelligent understand the great benefit of giving Him their love and they do so sincerely ...

What Can Be Done?

One gentleman named, Fabrice Tchernomoff, has recently written to tell me that only blind faith idiotic morons believe in God in the 21st Century. He states that science has proven that everything has come out of nothing. But actually neither he nor any scientist has any valid proof at all to support this outrageous theory. He has simply on blind faith accepted the theories of those who arrogantly defy God. And he has the most foolish audacity to label those who can scientifically prove God's existence as blind fools. Such persons as Fabrice are headed for the animal kingdom or lower in their next birth. We would like to save them, but they are not willing to be saved. What can be done? Fabrice Tchernomoff Video for the Day Why Be Cruel to Yourself? Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: What Convinced You God is Real? What have you experienced in your life that convinced you that God is real? Phil Smith Answer: Tasting His Name and His Form Phil, it w...

The Appearance Day of Lord Nityananda

Here in Austin, 17 February is this year the appearance day of Lord Nityananda. In a letter dated 21 January 1070 Srila Prabhupada very nicely describes a most wonderful pastime of Lord Nityananda in which can see how merciful he is: "Lord Nityananda, when passing on the street, saw a crowd of people howling at some incident, and on inquiry it was found that there were two rascals of the then name Jagai and Madhai. They were always disturbing people in drunken condition. Nityananda Prabhu thought it wise that these two brothers may be delivered so that Lord Chaitanya's mercy could be well known all over the world. When Lord Nityananda approached them He was immediately hurt by violent attack. On this incident Lord Chaitanya became very angry and He called for His Sudarsan cakra to kill these debauchees. Lord Nityananda then implored Lord Chaitanya not to kill Jagai and Madhai but to save them. By this time Jagai and Madhai came to their senses and immediately they surrendere...

There Are No Real Atheists

We talk about atheists and there are truly millions of them. But in a higher sense there are no real atheists because everyone, even the most stubborn atheist, will sooner or later bow down to God. How is that? Krishna, who is God Himself, declares in the Bhagavad-gita that He is death. So show me one atheist who is not going to die. All of them will accept God in the form of death. They will all bow down to Him. But we devotees have a nicer form of God with whom we associate. Everyone Bows Down to God Video for the Day Our Atheist Friends Are All Dogmatists Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Is God Ignoring Us? How could a just and righteous God look at our world and sit by and do nothing? Terry Bell Answer: We Are Ignoring God He is doing everything to rectify the situation, but we are so stubborn and foolish that we refuse to listen to Him or accept the solution that He is giving us. It’s like someone has a health emergency and the medics and the am...

Does the Universe Come From Nothing?

Dr. Stephen Hawking (see the video below) presents the theory that the universe came out of nothing. And he is supposed to be on the world's leading scientists. But where is the evidence that even one thing can be created out nothing. Can the scientists produce even one grain of rice out nothing? No, they cannot. But now we are expected to have blind faith in the words of Dr. Hawking that everything has come from nothing. We are supposed to think that he has discovered the secret of the origin of the universe. This reminds me of the saying, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." If the people in general want to be fools, that there is business. I prefer to use some common sense and be at least a little intelligent. Is this Person a True Authority? Video for the Day Did the Universe Come Out of Absolutely Nothing? Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Happier at Work? What is one thing that if it were changed would make you happier at work? ...

Attracting All Living Entities

From the very beginning of my spiritual path in 1968 I have always had the desire to attract the whole world to the spiritual platform. So when I discovered in my reading the Srimad Bhagavatam in the summary study of the 25th chapter of its 5th Canto Srila Prabhupada's explanation that "Sankarshan" is a name of God which means "one who attracts all living entities" I was very, very happy. Of course I am not Sankarshan. I am Sankarshan Das, the servant of Sankarshan. But still that the particular Lord who I am named after has this specific quality of attracting all living entities is very encouraging to me. So now I am praying to my beloved Lord Sankarshan that He kindly bless me that I can now attract the whole world to His most glorious and auspicious Krishna consciousness movement. May the Whole World Now Become Krishna Conscious Video for the Day Don't Cheat Yourself Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Why Wasn't I Chosen By Go...

The Whole World is Waiting

The whole world is simply waiting to be awakened from the sleep of maya or illusion into pure love of God, Krishna consciousness, because this is the only thing that will truly satisfy the self. Everything else is simply a state of mental agitation. Therefore those who take up the service of awakening the sleeping souls will experience the greatest joy and happiness as they compassionately engage themselves as messengers of the Supreme Lord. Such dedicated souls are especially recognized by the Lord as heroes and are given all protection and benediction as they engage in the topmost welfare activity of awakening the dormant Krishna consciousness, which is currently sleeping in the hearts of all beings. So if you want to live the most satisfying, adventurous, exciting, heroic, and fulfilling life possible dedicate your life fully for awakening your Krishna consciousness and the Krishna consciousness of all. You will be riding at the every minute the crest of Lord Caitanya's mer...

There Are No Atheists

God is defined as the Supreme Being. And in this material world everyone, even the dog, considers himself to be the Supreme Being. Therefore atheists do not actually exist. Simply people have the wrong conception of who is God. That is the difficulty. But if one is honest, not in a cheating mentality, it is not difficult to know who is God. According the great Vedic authority, Parasara Muni, God is that person who excels all in possessing these six opulences: power, beauty, renunciation, knowledge, wealth, and fame. Anyone who claims to be God must demonstrate that He surpasses all others in the possession of these six opulences. This is the specific qualification of Lord Sri Krishna and the reason that we accept Him as God. We do not blindly accept Him as the Supreme Being. We only accept Him as the Supreme Being because He far surpasses all others in the possession of these opulences. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 Krishna, the Supreme Bein...

Atheists Have Got It All Wrong

The atheists would have us believe that everything comes from nothing or from hydrogen, which comes out of nothing. But this is complete rubbish. Everything comes from something. Nothing comes from nothing. And that original something is Krishna or God. When the global population wakes up and understands this simple, basic truth the entire earth planet will experience the greatest era of peace and happiness that has been experienced on this planet in many thousands of years. Therefore our lives are fully dedicated to waking up the world until our last dying breath and even beyond that. If Krishna wants we are willing to take birth after birth until the whole world becomes Krishna conscious. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 Unfortunate Misguided Young Girl Video for the Day Don't Be a Fool Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Personal Service to Guru How would you correct a common misconception in the world? Correction me...

Turn On Your Real Self

In this material world we are programmed from the minute we come out of the womb with a false conception of the self. The first thing we hear when coming out is, "It's a boy," or "It's a girl." We are immediately being programmed into a false bodily conception of what is the actual self. But when one is fortunate enough to come into contact with a bona fide spiritual master, he gets the knowledge that he is not his body, that he is instead the eternal spiritual being who just happens according to his karma to have taken a particular type of body here in this material world. The bona fide guru then teaches you how to live your life in such a way that you will never take birth again here in this material world. He teaches you how to regain your original form and identity you once had in the spiritual world before you fell into this problematic material existence. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 Newborn Baby Recognized a...

Atheism Solidly Defeated

Just as Sir Issac Newton scientifically deduced the law of gravity by seeing an apple falling from the apple tree, we can also scientifically deduce by seeing thousands and millions of machines that have operators that every machine therefore must have an operator. Thus it is logical and indeed scientific to deduce that the gigantic cosmic machine, the whole in which we currently live, also requires an operator. To conclude that it does not is descending into sheer dogmatism. It is not at all being logical and scientific. Thus atheism is solidly defeated. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 Sir Isaac Newton Deduces the Law of Gravity Video for the Day Tune In, Turn On, and Bliss Out! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Appreciation: Thanks For Being Such a Wonderful Example Please accept my humble obeisances. Thank you very much for kindly and compassionately answering my question, taking out time from your busy schedule. I am very gratef...

You Are What You Eat

If you kill a cow or pay someone to kill a cow by purchasing meat in the marketplace, your karmic reaction will be to become a cow and be eaten for every single cow who provided you with their meat during your lifetime. Even eating a carrot is killing and will give a karmic reaction. However if you will offer all of your food to Krishna before eating (no meat, fish, eggs, onion, or garlic allowed), by such eating you will not incur karma and you will become free from karma and make solid, steady advancement towards the perfection of spiritual realization, which will liberate you from the cycle of repeated birth and death. So now it's your choice what you will eat. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 Kill a Cow--Become a Cow Video for the Day Don't Be a Dogmatist Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Examples of Karma? What are real world examples of Hinduism’s “Law of Karma”? Navaneet Pandurangans Answer: Meat Eat...

Proof for the Existence of God

Every machine requires an operator. There is no such thing as machine that can turn itself on by itself. Therefore the gigantic cosmic machine also requires an operator. To acknowledge that all machines require an operator with the exception of gigantic cosmic machine is an illogical leap of faith. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 This Knowledge Frees Us from All Anxieties Video for the Day Tune In, Turn On, and Bliss Out! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Proof of God's Existence? Is there any unbiased proof foe existence of God that does not rely on what a few thousand year old books say? Phil Smith Answer: Here It Is! Absolutely! The proof is that nothing comes from nothing, everything comes from something. This fact can be scientifically, empirically verified. Every something comes from something, which comes from something, which comes from something, etc, etc. So when you trace the line of causality back to...

32,000 Subscribers

We now have over 32,000 subscribers enrolled in our e-course. I am always very to see that more and more people are taking advantage of this liberating knowledge. My desire is that some day the entire human population on this planet will take advantage of this knowledge by awakening their dormant Krishna consciousness. When that day comes this entire planet will be like a paradise in which everyone is peaceful and happy. So may that day come soon. May that day come soon. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 This Knowledge Frees Us from All Anxieties Video for the Day Why Settle for Anything Less? Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Science and Religion? What do science and religion have in common? Anonymous Answer: 100% Compatible Pseudo religion and pseudo science are completely incompatible. However genuine religion and genuine science fit together like the hand and a glove. Real science means to know things as they...

Don't Be Misled

The whole world is full of materialistic propaganda mongers who consider gratifying the material senses to be the sole purpose of our existence. Kindly do not allow yourself to be misled by these fools and rascals. Following them will take you to animal kingdom in your next birth. Take your guidance instead from those who are enlightened with transcendental knowledge. Such illuminated souls are your most genuine friends and well-wishers. Their compassionate guidance will liberate you back to original identity you once had in the spiritual world before you made the most foolish mistake of trying to enjoy separately from Krishna or God. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 Take Your Guidance from a Bona Fide Spiritual Master Video for the Day It's Time to Wise Up! Answers According to Vedic Wisdom Question: Enlightened While In Busy Lifestyle? Can someone reach the enlightenment while living a busy lifestyle inside the society? Mar...

Realizing the Highest Truth

I was recently asked, "How do you plan to attain spiritual enlightenment this lifetime?" When answering I remembered a conversation that my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, had with a lady reporter on 5 March 1975 in New York. She asked him "Swami, is there a chance that all your followers can realize the highest truth?" Srila Prabhupada replied, "They have already done. Otherwise, I am Indian, I am poor man. Why they are after me? You Americans, you are rich men. So I have not bribed them. These young boys, they are educated, qualified. Why they are after me unless they have realized?" So I told this person that by the grace of my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, I have already attained spiritual enlightenment 48 years ago. Click Here for Sunday Feast Lecture at ISKCON Austin--20 January 2019 Srila Prabhupada Blesses His Followers With Spritual Enlightenment Video for the Day Transcendental Bliss in A...