Take Full Shelter of Sri Guru
Krishna states in the Adi Purana that unless we are the devotee of His devotee He will not accept us as His devotee. So who is this devotee that we should become a devotee of? This devotee is the spiritual master. We should seek out the association of a bona fide spiritual master and fully take shelter of him as Krishna's pure representative. This is how we our devotional service becomes fully accepted by Krishna and how we will able to gain admittance to the spiritual world at the time our passing out of our present body. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Moment of Enlightenment is Fixed? Please accept my sincere pranam. I have a little curiosity in continuation to the Question/Answer of 18 August 2009. The question was: "All scriptures state that God is omniscient and that He knows everything - past, present and future. Scriptures also state that humans have a certain element of free will. If God knows everything about our future...