Sense Gratification is Not Worth It
Why lust after the cheap thrills of material existence such, as sex, money, and power, when one can relish the unlimitedly satisfying pleasure of Krishna consciousness instead? Sex pleasure lasts for few minutes only. So why should I become a slave of it? Money and power come and go. So way should I absorb my life fully in obtaining them? This is not very intelligent. In this connection the Srimad Bhagavatam states: tasyaiva hetoh prayateta kovido na labhyate yad bhramatam upary adhah tal labhyate duhkhavad anyatah sukham kalena sarvatra gabhira-ramhasa "Persons who are actually intelligent and philosophically inclined should endeavor only for that purposeful end which is not obtainable even by wandering from the topmost planet [Brahmaloka] down to the lowest planet [Patala]. As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them." ...