
Showing posts from July, 2006

Sense Gratification is Not Worth It

Why lust after the cheap thrills of material existence such, as sex, money, and power, when one can relish the unlimitedly satisfying pleasure of Krishna consciousness instead? Sex pleasure lasts for few minutes only. So why should I become a slave of it? Money and power come and go. So way should I absorb my life fully in obtaining them? This is not very intelligent. In this connection the Srimad Bhagavatam states: tasyaiva hetoh prayateta kovido na labhyate yad bhramatam upary adhah tal labhyate duhkhavad anyatah sukham kalena sarvatra gabhira-ramhasa "Persons who are actually intelligent and philosophically inclined should endeavor only for that purposeful end which is not obtainable even by wandering from the topmost planet [Brahmaloka] down to the lowest planet [Patala]. As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them." ...

Who Would Not Want to Become Krishna Conscious?

Krishna consciousness is so unlimitedly fulfilling and satisfying that is cannot be compared to any system of spiritual perfection that exists anywhere throughout the vast span of the total existence. It is truly and absolutely wonderful in all respects. Anybody who would not want to become Krishna conscious is either crazy or grossly misinformed. If someone is on a sinking ship and is informed where to go to get a safe position on a lifeboat, he would be a total complete idiot not to take advantage of this most important information. This is the position of the modern so-called civilization. They are headed on a destruction course towards a total breakdown of the social order. We are giving them everything they need to know to completely reverse the situation and create a heaven-on-earth atmosphere throughout the world. But they are so stubborn in their false pride and egotism that they do not listen to us. I ardently hope that someday soon they will wake up and realize that the...

Transforming this World into a Paradise

Last Thursday I visited the shop of a mobile phone merchant from Lebanon with whom I had previously done business. I asked him how his friends and family were doing in Lebanon, if they were safe. He explained to me that they lived in a small mountainous village of 4,000 people in the north of Lebanon and that although the bridges surrounding the village had all been destroyed by bombing raids, the people had not been injured or killed. I expressed my relief. Then I introduced the topic of why we have conflicts in this world. I explained it is due to a false sense of proprietorship that we needlessly fight with one another. He immediately agreed and told the story of many years ago when he was standing one day on the family farm in Lebanon with his father he said, "This is our land." His father immediately corrected him, "Did you ever hear me talk like that?" The father pointed out to his young son that we come into this world with nothing and we leave with no...

Make the Entire World Happy

How much inconceivable happiness I have been blessed with by the mercy of my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada! He has blessed me to be able to savor the sweet flavor of Krishna consciousness, devotion to Lord Krishna, at every minute. But this is not for me alone. He wants me to share it with the entire world. What a daunting challenge! How can I possibly convince everyone throughout the entire world to try tasting the ultimate nectar, Krishna consciousness? It seems completely overwhelming and impossible. But I am not alone. There are at least a million followers of Krishna consciousness all over the world. We are working together as a team to bring about a complete respiritualization of the planet earth. If you are not already on our team, we invite you to join us today. We gaurantee that you will taste the sweetest nectar at every minute. If you would like to find out what you can do to help contact your nearest ISKCON center or send us an email: Qu...

Krishna Consciousness is the Real Nectar

Don't waste your time trying to enjoy this material existence. It is nothing more than a mirage. There is no real enjoyment here. All you will end up with is frustration and disappointment. If you want actual enjoyment all you to have to do is become Krishna conscious. Krishna consciousness is the real nectar because you get tuned into the actual blissful, eternal reality far, far beyond the temporary, miserable nightmare known as material existence. Questions and Answers Why Are We Imperfect and So Egotistical?... Since Krishna is perfect, we being part and parcel of Him are also perfect by nature. So how did we become imperfect? Why are people so egotistical? I notice that wherever I go, people so egotistical. Why is this? Bhakta Steve This Is Part of Lord Krishna's Perfect Arrangement... The perfection of Krishna's creation is that He gives the living beings free will to love Him or leave Him. Love cannot be forced. It must be voluntary. Therefore without ...

Realizations on the Road to Saltillo

What is the purpose of this human existence? Are we meant to simply gratify our senses until they stop functioning at the time of death? What kind of pointless existence would that be? Who wants to spend their entire life's energy simply serving the needs of a rotting lump of blood and flesh? The fact is that there an underlying spiritual existence beneath this desert of material existence. We have a choice. We can remain dying of thirst in the desert of delusion foolishly identifying ourselves with that which we are not, these material bodies. Or we can go deep within and connect with our actual nature and taste unlimited bliss at every minute. The choice is ours. Nobody can force us to become self-realized. On the road from Monterrey to Saltillo, Mexico we are seeing a small sample of a world in which everyone is asleep to the spiritual reality. It's a very sad and pathetic to see such a world where everyone is slaving for nothing. May the entire world now become ...